shields in general

If the intent of shields were to give players a chance to preserve their score while they took a break/dump/slept etc. Why not just give each player in a pvp event 3 shields to use? No timers, no duration, no cooldowns, just 3 shields to use as you please. That should cover the length of the event. or maybe 1 freebie and you have to buy the other 2...but since shield hopping is frowned upon just cap it at 3 or 4 or whatever arbitrary number makes sense. Or maybe i have to buy all three, but I just think these 3 hour 8 hour day shields and cooldowns are just...dumb, its a money grab that is contradictory to the stated intent. If i have to buy all a shield just make it last forever instead of me needing to keep track of when my shield will end, wouldnt it be of more value to the customer to let him decide when to break it or not?


  • it is all about $

    Personally, i don't think shields should exist. It's fight to top....there are no TIME-OUTS in war. lol. but then like i said, it's another ploy for money. Those who pvp and place top all the time, have plenty of earned HP for it, while everyone else buys it.