First Level 100! Woot!

After playing for 79 days (that's a handy little counter on the main page, thanks devs!), I finally got my first character into the triple digits. GWBS just hit 100 (cap of 115). I'm sure that's probably slower than most peeps but I'm a very inefficient player and I also ignored the free ISO from LRs for the first month and a half or so (whoops).

It's purely a superficial milestone but it feels really nice to have those random little self-created goals to shoot for. My next goal is to push all my 1*'s off the first 2 pages of my roster (without selling them, obviously - need them for any back-to-basics tourneys). I just shoved Black Widow Modern to page 3 by capping my IW at 46 (won her during her release event and then pulled a lucky cover from a heroic). That just leaves a level 50 IM35 on page 2.


  • Congrats!

    I'm only half way there haha.
  • itstime1234
    itstime1234 Posts: 369 Mover and Shaker
    Thats awesome, I have been playing for at least 120 days and my GSBW is only at 51 with a cap of 77 so great job getting there with her. Second hardest one for me to get covers for after Magneto, just pulled my 7th cover last night with a heroic avengers so no easy feat getting her to 100.
  • Congratulations good sir/madam!!! I've got my hulk at 75 with a cap of 77. Waiting for, and excited to see the new nerfs/buffs before I decided where to focus my iso. Loving the game post rag nerf so far.
  • Congrats! icon_e_smile.gif

    I have yet to break that barrier. 90-something is my top guy (IM40).
    He might be my first triple digit guy, but I'm currently trying to get Ares to L85.
  • Yeah, I've been very easily distracted with my leveling. I have a total of 8 Hulk covers and given his recent tourneys + 9 day Hunt event I spent time leveling him up into the 50's (same with Punisher from before). I'm hoping to pull at least one Diabolical token this set of LR so I can put some ISO into my villains (none of them have more than 4 covers and Mags and Rag both have only 1 each). But until I decide for sure who I want to level next, I think I'm going to stick with dumping ISO into her.
  • I've been playing since day 1, and also just got my 1st lvl 100 character (Hulk). That's what happens when Thor and Wolvie are better than 3-stars and you hate Rags.
  • Yeah, once I started feeling competitive, I dropped all my ISO into an 85 Thor and Wolvie. Jokes on us, but I can't complain. During the Hulk event that just ended, 90%+ of the teams were 85 Thor/Wolvie + a Hulk b/w 30 and 80. That drove home just how ridiculous those 2 are paired together.
  • I do not know how true this is. But this is my suspicion.

    I intentionally keep my characters below 90. This is because I suspect that if I have a character whose level is too high, it will place me in the same MMR as all ther 141s and 115s.

    Not sure if that will actually happen. But just in case, I kept even my 3 stars below my Thor.

    I don't want to be sent into a group filled with 141 Magnetos and Spideys. I'll die. icon_e_sad.gif
  • mechgouki wrote:
    I do not know how true this is. But this is my suspicion.

    I intentionally keep my characters below 90. This is because I suspect that if I have a character whose level is too high, it will place me in the same MMR as all ther 141s and 115s.

    Not sure if that will actually happen. But just in case, I kept even my 3 stars below my Thor.

    I don't want to be sent into a group filled with 141 Magnetos and Spideys. I'll die. icon_e_sad.gif

    As of 1/15/14 this is completely untrue.
  • mechgouki wrote:
    I don't want to be sent into a group filled with 141 Magnetos and Spideys. I'll die. icon_e_sad.gif
    Every few tourneys I tank until I start seeing Battle_Angel and the other seed teams. I've never really seen my level as mattering much.

    I still see this as a purely superficial milestone, but unless/until they decide to add achievements, I create my own milestones to enhance my e-peen. icon_e_smile.gificon_lol.gif
  • mechgouki wrote:
    I do not know how true this is. But this is my suspicion.

    I intentionally keep my characters below 90. This is because I suspect that if I have a character whose level is too high, it will place me in the same MMR as all ther 141s and 115s.

    Not sure if that will actually happen. But just in case, I kept even my 3 stars below my Thor.

    I don't want to be sent into a group filled with 141 Magnetos and Spideys. I'll die. icon_e_sad.gif

    As of 1/15/14 this is completely untrue.

    I don't really understand. Please explain?
  • mechgouki wrote:
    mechgouki wrote:
    I do not know how true this is. But this is my suspicion.

    I intentionally keep my characters below 90. This is because I suspect that if I have a character whose level is too high, it will place me in the same MMR as all ther 141s and 115s.

    Not sure if that will actually happen. But just in case, I kept even my 3 stars below my Thor.

    I don't want to be sent into a group filled with 141 Magnetos and Spideys. I'll die. icon_e_sad.gif

    As of 1/15/14 this is completely untrue.

    I don't really understand. Please explain?

    No one knows the exact formula used to determine mmr but as of right now it's based on your overall wins and losses in pvp. It currently in no way takes in to account your roster.
  • Beezer, is there a patch note for this? All I saw was a very vague announcement here that doesn't explain much. Or anything,
  • mechgouki wrote:
    Beezer, is there a patch note for this? All I saw was a very vague announcement here that doesn't explain much. Or anything,

    No patch note because this is how it has always been (Phantron is better at explaining these things than I am).

    I say as of right now because changes are on the horizon:
    Matchmaking changes (first off, trying to help folks who are caught in matchmaking "islands" with either very few matches worth more than a couple points or very few matches that seem possible to win) and some other tweaks to PvP are on the way, yep.

    but currently your own roster has no influence on mmr.

    EDIT: In regard to the notes you linked to I haven't personally noticed any changes. Anyone else? But I can confirm your roster means nothing to mmr.
  • Heh, I've been playing since day one, and I've got no one higher than 85 lol. But, I spread the Iso around a lot. Tons of characters in the 50s.
  • darkmagearcanis
    Kyosokun wrote:
    Heh, I've been playing since day one, and I've got no one higher than 85 lol. But, I spread the Iso around a lot. Tons of characters in the 50s.

    I do the same I currently have the majority or my roster in the 50+ area.Only one character is at 85. I've been playing since the beginning of November.
  • I still haven't had a player break level 100. I have a few in the 90's (IM40, Spidey, Grey Widow) and another chunk of maxed 2 stars (Storm, Thor, Wolvy)

    I just never have a lot of ISO because I'm always buying boosts.
  • Like the peeps in the "overboosting" thread noted, I learned a few weeks back that I was definitely pouring way too much in to my boosts. I consistently use +3 B/G so I can drop a strike tile first turn, but unless the other team is all 80 or 90+, I won't bother with any other boosts. 100 every 3 fights is much better than 400 every 3 fights.

    With the exception of my 100 BWGS, I have Tholvie at 85 each, IM40 at 68 (caps at 128), and Hulk and Punisher in the 50's (both cap in the 80's). My spidey has a cap at 102 but he's still in the 40's b/c I don't feel like dumping ISO into a character that's about to be nerfed. If Rag is any indication, my Spidey will never see use ever again. With all that in mind, I'm not sure who I really want to channel ISO into next. I feel like Hulk has too far to go to get enough of his damage above my other characters to get him in front of everyone. So it'll either be IM40 (b/c of the high level cap) or Punisher and hope to pull more green covers.