Heroic Hate highlights the need for 2 PVE/subs at a time

People, that have their main characters locked out, hate heroic because they are handicapped too much.

I actually like the heroic concept, but there are going to be people that randomly get **** bad, especially in the 3* range. With a second concurrent PVE/sub, each with a different set of character
lockings, people are more likely to have their characters usable, and don't get stuck hating the game for 5 days. As the number of 3*s increase, this lottery is only going to get worse.

Two PVEs, two sets of cover rewards. Chase one.

Simulator is a great example of how to make health packs an actual constraint, by using a large range of easy and difficult nodes. People can be forced to go all out on one cover or the other.
Grinders can get an edge and play forever on the easy ones and will have more chances at beating the hard nodes with more health packs. Casuals can compete if they're skilled enough to beat the hard nodes.
Grinders and casuals can co-exist, through node difficulty and health pack balance.

The hardcore players are going bananas for that new character? Well, the casuals can actually top150 or 50 for the colossus, that's been languishing with 3 covers.
People will actually use a wider variety of PVP teams, if covers were more accessible and each 3* wasn't a 6 month "average" wait. Think of the people on wrong end of RNG. ISO will still be a constraint,
so nobody is going to have every character. The promised land of roster variety in PVP will not only be a dream. Shorter cover reward cycles will also be balance out 3* dilution.

Simulator has a great two sub framework, please apply it to Heroic through 2 PVEs or at least subs with different character locks! edit: meant to say heroic and also a permanent 2 concurrent pve system.