Max Level Changes with Build?

I did a brief forum search but couldn't find this. I'll be happy to take my answer in the form of a link.

I noticed yesterday that some of my characters max level seem dependent on how many of a single color they have, or their build order.

3* With 3 covers and max lvl

Storm 0/1/2 max lvl 53
Luke Cage 1/2/0 max lvl 53
Punisher 1/1/1 max lvl 45
Gamora 0/3/0 max lvl 63
3 other 0/1/2 examples max lvl 53

3* With 4 covers max lvl
GRocket 0/2/2 max lvl 63
Ms Marvel 2/0/2 max lvl 63
Blade 2/2/0 max lvl 63
Daredevil 1/2/1 max lvl 55
Falcon 2/1/1 max lvl 55
Psylocke 1/3/0 max lvl 66

So.... what gives? Why they do it is less important to me then how it works


  • Lidolas
    Lidolas Posts: 500
    Someone put together a calculator that, given the # of covers for each color, would show you the max level for each star level. A quick search didn't find it, but I'll keep looking.
  • I believe the first cover in a color gives fewer levels than the second, and the second gives fewer than the 3rd, 4th, or 5th

    There's a calculator for it in Polarity's thread
  • From my experience the first cover in a color gives a low level boost, usually about 3.

    Multiple covers of a single color increase the level boost fr each extra cover.

    Adding a 4th black cover to my Blade gave me quite a jump, whereas when i added the first Purple when he was already 4/0/3 only bumped him about 3 levels.

    I think that maybe its a percieved/possibly real perception of power increase. First covers are typically low in powerlevel and therefore not seem like muchof a boost, but multiple covers increase the powerlevel of that ability quite a bit typically. So the level max is set to go in line with that.

    However, the OCD in me wishes that it was a flat increase across the board for each cover, lol
  • Thanks for all the answers