Colossus Fastball Bug?

I sent this email, duplicating it on the forum in case the community knows.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature.

My name in game is MiWill, on the forums I'm Darkwing Duck. In the last game I played before this emails timestamp, approx 7 minutes ago, I was fighting someone with a lvl 100 Loki, Patch (3*Wolverine), 3*Daken and a Colossus - Fastball Special TeamUp.

With only Patch remaining the AI used Fastball special. This put patch out of reach for 3 turns. I made a move knowing it was just to gather AP but patch came down the next turn and was able to attack.

Just like 3* Iron Man Mark 40's recharge stunning him for 3 turns is part of the cost of his power, so if Fastball Special taking a character out for 3 turns. I still won the match (cause I'm awesome) but those 3 turns would of provided me time to freely gain AP or use a defensive power. I'm not sure if only one hero remains untargetable (such as Invisible Woman as well) when their the only one left standing is supposed to return them or not, but this definitely seemed like a bug.

Thank you,


  • D3P responded and said this was normal, when the only target is untargetable it immediately ends.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    D3P responded and said this was normal, when the only target is untargetable it immediately ends.
    Interesting. Seems a bit wrong, but I guess there's a question of "where does damage go?"
  • DayvBang wrote:
    D3P responded and said this was normal, when the only target is untargetable it immediately ends.
    Interesting. Seems a bit wrong, but I guess there's a question of "where does damage go?"

    I think I need to reopen this problem. I just fought Xavier. He used Blind Spot and was invisible til his tile was destroyed. I would ask that either this end immediately when he is the only character left -or- that the full 3 turns of Fastball special get played out.
  • I agree. The "timeout" powers need to all respond the same way or it needs to be clear in the in game power description. D3 please reconsider.