My experience with shield cooldowns



  • Phantron wrote:
    Onimus brings a good point as to what is the sense of accomplishment? There probably isn't any.

    For the 99.9% of players who didn't buy their way to maxxed XForce/Thora there's still plenty of accomplishment for each new character they get to a useable state, and again when they get that character maxxed. (Of course, with roster prices d3p is fighting against THAT too so icon_question.gif )
  • gamar wrote:
    Phantron wrote:
    Onimus brings a good point as to what is the sense of accomplishment? There probably isn't any.

    For the 99.9% of players who didn't buy their way to maxxed XForce/Thora there's still plenty of accomplishment for each new character they get to a useable state, and again when they get that character maxxed. (Of course, with roster prices d3p is fighting against THAT too so icon_question.gif )

    I'm not really seeing how getting to 800 every event helps me accomplish whatever long term goal I have. I guess 100 HP goes into saving up 2500 for another Thor cover but I'd hate to play the game thinking like that, because it'd be pretty depressing. Doing better doesn't even matter unless the 1300 is the cover you need or the #1 prize, and it's not like these are even realistic options for the vast majority of players.
  • Konman wrote:
    mohio wrote:
    I'll toss in my hat with the "this is now less fun" crowd. Many many times yesterday I wanted to play more, make a big push and shield, do hops later throughout the day when I had a spare 15 minutes. Instead I'd look at my score, realize if I went much higher I'd just invite the zombie hordes to knock me down and just decide not to play. It boggles my mind to think that d3 really wants us to stop playing their game but that's what most people have been doing it seems. So...working as intended?
    As a member of the apparent "zombie horde" that you like to look down on, I am pretty sure you stepped in quite a few of us to get your high scores, only to find it not fun anymore when confronted with the prospect of a returned favor.
    No, that is not how the ladder system works. For him to get his high score, he has to "step on" people with HIGHER scores. In fact, most veterans spend hundreds to thousands of ISO every PvP skipping people like you, because like you said, winning < 25 just to get retaliated for 30+ is not fun.

    Re: Having to keep track of your own cooldown status - it's just like introducing team-ups without the delete option. Shows that either the devs don't play their own game, or that they are so entirely focused on squeezing money from beginners that they are out of touch with every other type of player. Because just like being able to delete team-ups, having a cooldown status is something that should have come up within the first five minutes of testing.