A lot of rich people playing this game, it seems.

I don't know whether to congratulate D3 for the huge success of Marvel Puzzle Quest among the members of the Saudi royal family, or berate them for keeping all the information client side and allowing things like this to happen:


Name edited in case it IS a member of the Saudi royal Family. I'll probably send a ticket after I have a few of this.


  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    I know if I won the lottery, the first thing I'd do is plunk thousands of dollars into MPQ.
  • Crassus wrote:
    I don't know whether to congratulate D3 for the huge success of Marvel Puzzle Quest among the members of the Saudi royal family, or berate them for keeping all the information client side and allowing things like this to happen:


    Name edited in case it IS a member of the Saudi royal Family. I'll probably send a ticket after I have a few of this.

    Not use if I'm understanding correctly but his max potential level is 230 but I have no idea how much ISO that would take? I've clicked on that "Purchase 25000 ISO-8" for $49.99 a few times but I've always backed out. Soon though even though I'm definitely not royalty or even rich. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Too bad X-Force Wolverine's skillset isn't that great. He has good stats though. Can't even imagine how much Iso it would take to level him that high. It would probably take months to get him that high if you didn't purchase Iso.
  • and that right there shows whats wrong with the game / arena points system. Pay to win and you only get 8 points for beating that team!??!? icon_e_confused.gificon_lol.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    If you haven't already, toss in a feedback form with the username of the player so we can research it if you have an intimation that the player may be cheating. We have algorithms that tend to take anyone like this out of the player pool pretty quickly, but people can and will always find a way.

    As for pay to win, that's definitely not the case so far. We've got quite a few non payers that have been doing very well for themselves in each tournament. And you can always skip the opponent if you don't want to battle them.
  • A spiderman and venom team would clear that right up icon_e_geek.gif
  • Zenaku wrote:
    A spiderman and venom team would clear that right up icon_e_geek.gif

    And that's one of the great things about this game, there are lots of great combinations of characters and where one is strong, the other is weak, etc.
  • sms4002 wrote:
    and that right there shows whats wrong with the game / arena points system. Pay to win and you only get 8 points for beating that team!??!? icon_e_confused.gificon_lol.gif
    I posted a suggestion that team lvl be included as a factor in determining points awarded in a thread here :-

  • hogunner wrote:
    Zenaku wrote:
    A spiderman and venom team would clear that right up icon_e_geek.gif

    And that's one of the great things about this game, there are lots of great combinations of characters and where one is strong, the other is weak, etc.

    The one and only otk team XD
  • Devour is my friend. Though i was upset that when the new system rolled out that they upgraded my snare to level 5 when i wanted to keep mine at level 4. I honestly don't need venom to stun the whole team for 7 purple when for eight i can stun one serious threat twice. icon_evil.gif