in China

Jim_MatriX_cz Posts: 90
Guys, can you help me anyone?

Just arrived in China when D3 issued new update, which request download of the new client.
Problem is, that Google and also google play is not working in China... so I can not update and can not play the game.
As I am here for longer time, I am really unhappy...

My only idea is - Can anyone download the game including install file and share via some hosting web such
Or do you have any other idea?


Jiri aka Jim Matrix


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have you tried via a wi-fi network, cellular, or both?

    If both failed, you could look into a VPN service to run your connection through another country, but that might be blocked as well.
  • hello,

    pages such facebook, youtube or google doesn't work in China, doesn't matter if you connect to internet via PC, cable, wifi, cellphone or tablet. Its still the same internet, going through China's firewall. So only way is VPN, I know.
    Problem is, that even VPN is not working right now (I have my own due to my work). This should be my only hope.
    I tryed some proxy changers such freegate.exe (I don't have administrator's rights to install SW to my laptop, so I can not use any more sofisticated software), which is working well i.e. for facebook, I can't connect to google play as I can't login because google thinks someone is breaking into my account and don't let me in without safety code sent by sms, which is i-dont-know-tinykitty-why arriving to my cellphone. So, I am knocking at the door but nobody want to let me in.
    EDIT: I read the instruction completely and got the code from my cellphone google settings. So this is solved. Now working on getting to google play when connected via freegate.exe

    I can not try to use any VPN/different proxy via cellphone or tablet, as I don't have a way how to install such software, because I can not connect to google play, which has such software... its a circle...

    So... I think I know only 2 ways how to solve this - make my VPN working and hope google will not consider that as breaking to account or someone will download the game and upload somewhere where I can download it.

    Question is, what is easier and quicker...
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Can you see this link or is it blocked?

    Moderator edit: this thread is attracting spambots. Removing URLs from all posts, including those of legitimate users. -DayvBang

    There is also software programs called Freegate, Ultrasurf, and Psiphon. Although I don't know how they will work for you.

    Also another option, that is thinking outside the box, is to mail your device to a friend to update and have them mail it back.
  • Hi,

    thanks for your effort to help me.
    The problem seems to be elswhere - my connection is incretibly slow in any place of China - I tried 3 hotels and few free wifis in a few cities and transfer speed is incretible. Even skype is not working.
    I suspected my laptop to be slow or damaged, but also my cellphone and chinesse tablet has the same problems.

    I need to find the solution by will be obviously more complicated.

    thank you anyway... I will let you know the solution soon (I hope, otherwise I will jump out of the window, speeds such 950 B/s are CRAAAZYY!)
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Large file transfers from US or even European servers to China are always going to be slower, even if bandwidth isn't an issue, due to the bandwidth delay product. Increased overhead and processing of a VPN can compound this. There are ways to improve this, but they're beyond the scope of this forum and you may not have enough access to these settings in your device or VPN application. Perhaps you can let it download while you sleep?
  • DayvBang wrote:
    Large file transfers from US or even European servers to China are always going to be slower, even if bandwidth isn't an issue, due to the bandwidth delay product. Increased overhead and processing of a VPN can compound this. There are ways to improve this, but they're beyond the scope of this forum and you may not have enough access to these settings in your device or VPN application. Perhaps you can let it download while you sleep?

    Yes, slower, understand your meaning... but I was at the same places year ago and have no difficulties, so I suspect Great Firewall of China, that improved a lot their efforts and managed to make communication with world out of China even harder...
    Yes, you are right, I don't have administrators rights - employer doesn't allow this...
    Yesterday I managed to download the APK file, but from different site. During the night connection improved a little.
    Today, my brother helped me and uploaded the gamefiles to, but I am still at the places where my internet is extremely slow and its obviously the fault of that places, mostly hotels (even 4stars). Today, I was in one company and everything gone smoothly, even VPN... but very unstable, so I did not managed to download it yet. Anyway, I will try again tomorrow at the same place, hope I will be successfull.

    Such a tinikitty difficulties with such simple thing... and even worse, only **** game:-))
  • Hi guys...

    so, this story has a good ending.
    Finally I made it, but it needed a few things.
    1) my brother downloaded last version of game for me, found the apk and sent it by
    2) I installed the game, updated all events, was able to play from point zero - this was the easier part.
    3) then occured another problem - how to get back synchronized game progress back to the game, a year of play is worth it. Google and facebook are blocked here in China. So I needed VPN.
    As my mobile is not rooted, I can not use any app (also I would not be able to download it as google play is not available in China, right... lost in circle).
    Lucky for me, I use VPN on my laptop for work. So, I had to create wifi hotspot and share the laptop's VPN also for mobile.
    Unfortunately, you can not do this without admin rights ... and admin rights are usualy not given to regular worker's laptop. Lucky for me, I pursueaded the IT to change admin settings for me.
    Back to VPN sharing - Virtual Router failed (shared only standard web connection with forbidden fcb and google), manual setting with "netsh wlan hosted network" via command prompt was not working neither.
    4) Finally, Connectify hotspot was the programm which helped. (maybe in combination with some manual settings of VPN sharing). And good five star hotel with amazing speed of connection icon_e_smile.gif

    It took me about 4 days till I tried out all ways...but I succeed.
    So, if anyone of you go to China - set a VPN, get admin rights, root your mobiles and have a friends at home at all cases...
    Or just forget about MPQ:-)

    regards from China, Jim

    PS: without regular using of connectify with vpn, i dont have my game synchronized now, so I hope it won't crash or DEVs won't issue new update...
    PPS: common updates of the game content doesn't make any trouble. Those are only if game is progressing from i.e. R67 to R68 and need to be reinstalled
  • Jim_MatriX_cz
    Jim_MatriX_cz Posts: 90
    edited January 2015
    Damned, another update, I am out of game again... twice per 2 weeks... crazy!

    This time solved within 12 hours - comrades from alliance uploaded for me the gamedate from android/obb/com.d3p.mpq directory, and instaling the game immidiately. Thanks to already setuped VPN and working Connectify, synchronization of my roster and gamedata took about a minute.
    Thank you all! icon_rolleyes.gif

    regards, Jiri
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm glad you got things sorted faster this time around! icon_e_biggrin.gif

    However, in the future, please refrain from linking to unofficial Marvel Puzzle Quest releases or APKs. This is merely a measure to prevent potential malicious traffic outside of the developers hands by either outside websites or by the uploaders of those website. Thank you for understanding. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I also had this internet restrictions back then. I discovered SPAM , all my internet access problems got solved right away. It really helped me.
  • Devs, are you kiddin me? Third update this month!!!??
    Damned China!
    /yes, I am still there...
  • One of the most common problem who is travelling for china. . I faced the same issue few months back but a friend of mine suggest me to use vpn tool to access all kind of Google stuff i just changed my IP address with usa Ip. That time i choose Ipvanish which was working cool now there are some more tools available here including Ipvanish so its all up to you which one you choose..Source SPAM
  • Hey LauraChavez,

    Please look at here. This may solve your issue. I have had same problem. But got the solution SPAM

    Hope this will help you best.
  • Hey Jim, Recently when I visited china I was also heading to the same problem so someone suggested me to use this reference SPAM you can also check this one, hope this will solve your problem and other too who are facing the same issue.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's enough VPN spam now.
This discussion has been closed.