How about a new boost?

For those who had been playing this game for a while, we can remenber those boos the inflict 50% more damage to the H.A.M.M.E.R enemies or something like that, which is now a retired boost, we also have the fantastic stockpiles and the not-as-useful but still wonderful X% of damage per match, lately we got the, at first misunderstood and undervalued Team-Ups which are actually great, but my idea goes a little beyond.
How about a crystal-level-modifider boost?
Like the big ones of a feature character event which rise the character level on a 50% or other ones like the one which rise like 30 levels?
Its just an idea, but it could be quite interesting


  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    That would be cool. Something that powerful will need to be really rare and really expensive to purchase though. But that's a great idea. icon_e_biggrin.gif A red iso8 boost would have come in handy when I was doing the Round 2 subs earlier. Facing a 395 Bagman is not too difficult. But if a 395 Juggy is standing on one side of him and a 395 Colossus is on the other,. icon_eek.gificon_e_surprised.gif ..... well, that's a whole different level of butt whooping. icon_cry.gif

    Here you go devs, a great idea for a new boost. Red iso boost. Only problem is that they said at one time they wanted to phase out the boosts. Or at least cut back on them or something. I doubt they will get rid of them completely, but I'm not so sure how they feel about adding new ones. If they did though, my vote would probably go for the Red iso boost.
  • I think it'd be more likely if boosts are changed to defensive instead of offensive. Instead of getting +3 AP you can have your opponent starts out with negative 3 AP, and instead of doing 100% more match damage you can take 50% less match damage.