Life after MPQ. .....

IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
I'm the kind of person that always has a back up plan. Something in place for the "just in case" situation.

So, I think There really should be an off-line mode in place for players to install.

The reasoning behind this is that I'm thinking about long term playability. As the game is now, (if I'm understanding it correctly), then if, hypothetically, if, gods forbid, , something happened and D3 had to pull the plug tomorrow, then that's it. No more MPQ. icon_cry.gificon_eek.gificon_cry.gif

So what happens after that? icon_e_confused.gificon_e_sad.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_e_confused.gificon_cry.gif Am I just SOL? I don't ever get to play again after that? The game just goes away? icon_e_surprised.gificon_e_sad.gificon_e_confused.gificon_cry.gificon_e_surprised.gificon_cry.gif

Well, with a small off line battle mode, I would still get to keep the characters that I have spent, literally, months of time and thousands of dollars on. I would still be able to use them to enjoy the game that I love so much.

There would be no scores, alliances, placements, rewards or anything. No health packs, enter all matches at full health. No tournaments or new characters or story mode. The only thing there would be, would be like 50 iso rewards per win and the occasional cover drop. That way players can still finish leveling any un-maxed or un-covered characters. (iso/cover rewards will not be offered as long as the regular, on-line version is still running)

It would not be very much, of course, but it would be better than nothing.

Something I could install on my tablet and just play around with. Something like the Survival mode would be ideal. I really, really enjoyed the Survival mode. Or, maybe a mode like the simulator, where I pick my 3 characters and then I go against 3 random characters. Or both. Yeah, both modes are good. icon_lol.gif

The simulator mode could reward the iso, and the Survival mode could reward random covers. The more waves you complete determines the star.png value of the cover. Like beating 1 to 3 waves gets you a 1 star.png cover. 4 to 6 waves gets you a 2 star.png . Completing 7 to 9 waves gets you 3 star.png cover and 10 or more waves gets you a 4 star.png .

I truly love Marvel Puzzle Quest. I would like to still be playing this game many years from now. I hope that the game is still around, and still going strong years from now, but you never know what the future might hold. Also, this would be good for those times when players can't get a signal or get on-line.

They could offer it linked to, yet separately from the actual on-line game. Something to be installed from the app store for a one time payment of $15 or $20. For now though, D3 can offer an off-line mode, but with no rewards at all of any kind. No iso or covers or anything. That way it does not interfere with the actual game. Then, if that dreaded day ever comes where MPQ gets shut down, then the off-line mode could begin offering iso and covers like I suggested.

Anyway, as I said, I hope the day that MPQ gets shut down never comes. But if, it ever does, I would still like to have something . Even if it's nothing more than what I suggested. Offering to sell an "after MPQ off-line mode" just before pulling the plug and shutting down would also give D3 one last bit of income.

What does everyone else think?

Sgt. JJ


  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that an offline mode would be nice (even for right now, how much I would have loved to be playing while I was flying for the holidays!)

    Honestly I think that they could just dump every event into on offline mode, as you finish one event, it unlocks the next one. Use the existing player base to create tiers of PvP teams and set scores for the positions. If the player can reach score of X within the time limit of the event, they can earn the covers. The only real difference between this idea and what is currently in place are the retaliations.
  • It's difficult to go from an always-online game to not-always-online unless you can convince a very large portion of the population to threaten to quit. Always-online gives the game company considerably more leverage compared to not, and even if D3 doesn't care about these things, I really doubt they've the resources to work on this in the first place.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I think the offline mode would have to be very stingy with rewards - otherwise how do you reconcile someone playing with the same player account on multiple devices concurrently; but with wi-fi disabled on all but one? Could I then turn on wi-fi on one of the other devices and get the benefit of any ISO/covers that were won while it was in offline mode?

    For as comically persistent as the connection seems to need to be they have done a bad job of allowing a 'resume' feature for a match that was interrupted while in progress... It definitely feels like there are aspects that require the game to be more persistently online than others (but I am having a hard time discerning if the difference is based on greed or lazy coding).
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    The game would seem pretty empty with no more new content and no more events as we know them now. I would either switch to a different match-3 game, or maybe just get my life back.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    D3 makes great puzzle games, so I will play their next puzzle game. I even enjoyed galactrix. I would play a sequel to it or to puzzle quest (proper). To add: the best thing about PQII was the larger board and hearthstone-style player weapon/armor combos. I would love a larger board in MPQ.

    When I am not playing this, I play puzzle craft, hearthstone, battle heart, and infinity blade.

    On android (phone / tablet), I do card dungeon, and Guardians of The Galaxy.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hopefully, if they do end up closing up shop, online wise, they release all the stories, and events, so that you can play thru the story, just like you can the prologue. Likely that you wouldn't be able to get more characters or ISO, so if it did happen, they'd allow unlimited ISO and HP so you can get all the characters and covers you want before they go down.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the offline mode would have to be very stingy with rewards - otherwise how do you reconcile someone playing with the same player account on multiple devices concurrently; but with wi-fi disabled on all but one? Could I then turn on wi-fi on one of the other devices and get the benefit of any ISO/covers that were won while it was in offline mode?

    For as comically persistent as the connection seems to need to be they have done a bad job of allowing a 'resume' feature for a match that was interrupted while in progress... It definitely feels like there are aspects that require the game to be more persistently online than others (but I am having a hard time discerning if the difference is based on greed or lazy coding).

    I don't think they could offer rewards at all with off line and on line together. That would open up way too many ways to cheat. Someone could log out, alter their account a tiny bit, (like adding 1,000 iso or 500 Hp or an extra cover they needed or a few heroic tokens) then log back in. No one would be able to prove they didn't just play a lot while off line.

    What I meant was the devs can go ahead and have it in place for those times when players can't get a wi-fi connection or cell signal. At least they would still be able to play around a bit. It would also let players try out new and different character combos without having to use a bunch of health packs. Let players get a good feel for their characters outside of actual game play. Like a practice mode. This will also let new players get a better understanding of the game.

    Then after they pull the plug and close up shop, the only rewards you get are iso and covers. That would allow players to level and cover max all their characters. But they would only be able to offer rewards in an offline mode until after there was no longer an on line mode.
    lukewin wrote:
    Hopefully, if they do end up closing up shop, online wise, they release all the stories, and events, so that you can play thru the story, just like you can the prologue. Likely that you wouldn't be able to get more characters or ISO, so if it did happen, they'd allow unlimited ISO and HP so you can get all the characters and covers you want before they go down.

    That's actually better than what I suggested. Something like Shield Simulator and Survival mode would be great, but having access to all the story modes would be great too. Being able to go back and play through them whenever I wanted to would be awesome. Especially if we could have all 3, Shield Simulator, Survival mode, and Story mode.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    All this talk about the eventual "lights out" of the MPQ server, and a perpetual offline mode got me thinking about the intermittent network problems we currently face and if there is a way around that too...

    It would be hard to secure (and probably all to quickly cracked) but a way they could move in a direction that would allow for offline play would be to allow for a "single device mode" where your player account is downloaded to the client and locally managed for short stretches of time. As long as your account is not in 'single device' you are able to move between devices and play. 'Cloud' mode requires a persistent connection. Entering 'single device mode' would be something you electively do before "getting on an airplane", "going camping", or anything else we do in our day-to-day existence where we know that the network connection is garbage.

    While in 'single device mode' the App could periodically check for a network connection... (possibly with a 'snooze' feature on the check... just because I wandered close to a cell tower doesn't mean I will stay close long enough to see a benefit at highway speed..) if it found one that was of adequate quality it could give you the option to sync progress to the server, and then either resume 'cloud mode' or stay in 'single device'.

    My thoughts on single device would look like this:
    * In-App purchase could be optionally disabled... (The client is managing ISO and HP levels in this mode)
    * alliance button would have to be grayed out.
    * PVP would need to be grayed out. Only story mode would work. Only the active event + prologue are available.
    * banding would not be available. You would only have base node values and the cooldown timers.
    * placement rewards and leaderboard is tricky here, might be best to disable the leaderboard tabs when you are in 'single-device' mode.. similar to the reward preview you can see before entering an event.
    * write to a local log file each fight/node that was completed. The fight log would have to include: time completed, boosts used, and character health levels for those involved, and the prize awarded
    * the log should include information for any in-app purchases made if it is not disabled during 'single-device' (offline) mode
    * the log should include events like covers being trained or ISO spent adding levels to characters
    * the log should include boost purchases
    * tokens could still be awarded, but they should be locked until you re-enter 'cloud' mode.

    When the lights go out on MPQ forever the following changes could be enacted to go into permanent 'single device mode'
    * In-App purchasing would be completely removed in this mode (right?)
    * alliance button would be dropped
    * disable the polling logic to look for the server (won't find one, don't bother looking)
    * stop recording the fight log information in a persistent cache since it won't be uploaded
    * checked out accounts would still be able to earn tokens, but they could not be opened. (reduce risk)
    * leaderboard tabs would be completely removed from events... progression awards may be dropped as every PVE is now just a chapter in "story mode"
    * unlock tokens and let a client-based RNG take over.
    * PVE events would need to be converted to 'story' chapters. I will discuss this below
    * PVP events could be re-enabled. I'll discuss a possible avenue for this below as well

    The sync from the 'single-device' client back to the cloud becomes the avenue to pollute game information. If we lock tokens, disable in-app purchasing, and keep a log of nodes being completed this should diminish the potential avenues for polluting data. I wouldn't be able to revise my ISO, HP, or token totals in ways that weren't supported by allowing the cloud server to replay the fight log. So I would be limited to corrupting data in ways that adjust the outcomes of fights completed:
    * - optimize node complete times for maximum points
    * - erase losses
    * - inject additional clears of nodes
    * - reduce damage taken
    * - adjust rewards so I am always getting the 250-ISO prize

    The sync would replay the fight log on the server, so that the HP, ISO, boost, and token counts as well as character health levels were made current - and then redownloaded to the client if you elect to stay in 'single device' after the sync. The replay would reduce the ability to overly inflate your totals since everything would have to "smell" right to the validation logic running during the replay. (For example the replay should prevent me from "going negative" in my ISO total if I pollute the log to suggest I had levelled a character by spending ISO I hadn't yet won.)

    If I am in single-device mode and haven't recently synced when a PVE sub ends, my alliance would not have the benefit of any accrued points that had not been synced.

    Permanent Offline for PVE:
    There are 2 options:
    1 - static. Each story becomes a chapter with 4 rewards. Play it and unlock it in order. When its done its done. Give us the ability to "reset" prizes for an event... or automatically reset them when every available prize is won. 'Points' are gone, as are progression awards. (placement is gone forever.)

    2- dynamic. Each PVE story would become a 'chapter-button' on the event list. You would click on one to activate it. When it activated the game could give you the option to select what end time of day you want for the whole event as well as the desired duration for each sub in the story. So there would still be the timer and points. So progression prizes could be dynamically assigned. Progression prizes would be based on the length of the subs, but rules for these could be established. This would allow events to be repeatable. A 'cooldown' timer for the event could be added, so that I have to wait a week between runs of gauntlet (maybe?).

    Permanent Offline for PVP:
    Offline PVP would be a strange animal. There would be no other players; you would need more seeds.
    * a fleet of new seed teams to be introduced
    * a segmentation strategy would be needed so that the seeds, based on their roster strength, could have different starting point values
    * Can seed teams initiate attacks? That could be interesting.. but the pool of players is so small it would get weird. And how would a seed team resolve its offense?
    * Shields are probably long gone? Depends on the mechanic.
    * If we/they can't devise a strategy for you to take reasonable defensive challenges then progression prizes seem unreasonable... or the prize tiers need to be adjusted - with no enemies taking chunks out of you it boils down to a question of how long you have to play. I would like to come up with a way for something like PVP to exist after the lights go out, but its tricky.

    There are also other modes that could be added now, while the lights are still on, that could transition and remain functional/available after the lights go out:

    A local 'head-to-head' versus mode could be a *SUPER AWESOME* idea for a third tab across the top. This option could remove the AI player and allow 2 people to directly control each side of the battle. These battles could be single- or multiple- match fights. Your roster starts completely healed when the duel begins, and is restored to full health when its over... but damage would roll over between fights if you are doing multiple matches. Prizes for this could be anything from 'bragging rights' to team-ups... where the victor gets one and the loser doesn't...

    The rules of engagement should be set prior to the match starting, probably prior to the challenger accepting the fight. Rules would include:
    * - how many matches the fight would include
    * - roster restrictions (1* only, 3* or lower, 6* total, villains, unlimited)
    * - buffed character classes, if any: (villains, avengers, 2*s)
    Available rule sets could include any existing PVP format as a start, but could allow for customization... (For example, something like Combined Arms, but where you can have 6* total, rather than the forced 1 each 1*, 2*, 3*)
    * - Fights could optionally allow for overloads and imbalances... (a 4* cap match could allow one player to run Fury, and the other team could match up with OBW+Ares, or Ares+Venom+Juggs)

    One player sets themselves up as the 'host'. They can define the fight parameters and open it up for challenges. Other players search for 'hosts' on the LAN and they pick from the available set of hosts based on their desired match difficulty.

    This play mode could remain intact and running after the lights go out on the main servers.

    There should be a tab at the top that lets me initiate an on-demand survival node matchup. The dynamic element of this single-node tab would be awesome.

    When I start a survival match I can pick:
    - from a preset number of enemy difficulty bands
    - the number of waves of enemies I want to face
    - the number of enemies per wave
    - If the waves can include 'active' opponents rather than goons (and if so - how many)
    - from a 'category' of enemies (SHIELD, HAMMER, MAGGIA, HAND, or free-for-all)
    prizes would have to be restricted to ISO.. they would have to be pretty crummy low since I can fire this off on-demand... but they should be benchmarked against the total number of enemies fought and their average difficulty rating.

    Since this is a single node simulator initiated on-demand by the user it should also be able to remain running after 'lights out'.

    While the "lights stay on"; the Survival tab could include "challenge" prizes that rotate every day or every week. Things like:
    * Win a 3-wave match using only 1*s
    * Win 5 'Maggia' survival nodes
    * Win a survival node without using an active ability
    * Win a match without making a critical tile
    * Win using a 'Black Widow' character

    Each 'challenge' completed could award a trivial (100ISO) prize.

    Come to think of it.. I should peel a few of these off to be separate suggestions.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    FaustianDeal, could you go into a little more detail? ;)
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    MPQ shutting down means it's not profitable anymore - so take a guess how much engineering time will be spent on the game after the decision to shut down.

    Hint: It won't be much.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    DayvBang wrote:
    FaustianDeal, could you go into a little more detail? icon_e_wink.gif

    Absolutely! to expand further on my earlier points...

    sorry - got a little 'into it' and let it get away from me.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    FaustianDeal, could you go into a little more detail? icon_e_wink.gif

    Absolutely! to expand further on my earlier points...

    sorry - got a little 'into it' and let it get away from me.

    Those are some really interesting ideas. I kind of wish we had some of those now. icon_e_biggrin.gif Like I said before, I hope the final days are a long, looooong way off. And the whole thing about shutting down is mostly me being paranoid.
  • iLL619
    iLL619 Posts: 170
    I think consoles could extend the life if they wanted to keep it going longer term. Make a offline and online mode on consoles. Hoping you could import the covers you have now icon_e_smile.gif