Token Odds be Damned

So I'm 43 tokens with nothing but 2*s. I'm a transitioning 2-3* player and have been buying HP to speed my transition, so 43 tokens with nothing but 2*s means I'm giving up.

I understand there are odds, but regardless of the odds when I get long runs of 2* covers I don't need, and I have spent $$ on HP indicates that the odds are not right.

Who says the odds need to be fair anyway?

My suggestion, track the number of tokens used since a 3-4* reward and gradually increase the odds for 3 and 4* covers until one is rewarded. This should ensure that long runs with bad rewards don't happen.


  • Hi

    I can understand your frustration but i suggested something which could completely change our regard about economy of the game. Just need support to be heared with the most people posible.

    Just check the link in my signature and if you like the idea doesn't hesitate to give your advice and thumb up ; ).
  • Yeah, token odds have fallen to levels of unbelievable lousiness. There used to be guaranteed covers once, and back then I bought some cover packs, which greatly helped me build my 3* roster, but at this point odds are so absurdly bad that it's just not worth it. I mean, 6 %, seriously? Why bother?
  • Rico Dredd wrote:
    Yeah, token odds have fallen to levels of unbelievable lousiness. There used to be guaranteed covers once, and back then I bought some cover packs, which greatly helped me build my 3* roster, but at this point odds are so absurdly bad that it's just not worth it. I mean, 6 %, seriously? Why bother?

    You WISH it was 6%.

    If we're talking about the chance of getting a specific 3 or 4 star character in Heroics, it is .6%
  • I cant complain, my invis woman is max covered, and i think all but 2 were token pulls. Ive gotten 4-5 xforce covers...4 of which were black and came, only after buying 4 black covers with my alliance spot refund. That kind of stung. Ive also pulled an elektra and 2 fury's, god knows i sure as hell didnt win them. Ive also gotten tons of 3 stars as well, all in all most of my covers were token pulls. Ive been playing 255? days or so.

    I just go into it with the expectation that it will be garbage, i have never bought a pack, over time, you will get more covers then you realize. If you want instant gratification, then expect disappointment.

    I once saved up 120+ tokens, 70 of which were standard, i think i ended up with like 7-8 3 stars. Got nothing from the 70 standard though.
  • Getting an occasional nice cover from a random token is just a nice, and very rare, bonus. Don't ever expect to get good prizes from random tokens and you sure as hell shouldn't be buying tokens. You might as well just burn your money. Don't ever spend HP on cover packs. Save it all for cover slots and someday, when you're ready, for shields. The only sure way to get the covers you want is to fight for them in events.
  • I completely understand that the random nature of tokens is part of increasing the psychological "enjoyment" of the game. I still feel though that you should never have a dry spell of > 10 tokens without a 3*.
    I've been thinking of how something like that could work. There are 20 3*s available in heroic tokens with a 0.7% chance each, meaning that overall you should have a 14% chance of getting a 3*. In theory that means in every 10 pulls you should get at least 1 3*, however it's not guaranteed.
    My thought is to increase the odds based on number of tokens used without a 3* or better only on the 3*s, so say the odds increase an additional 10% over all the 3*s as your count goes over 10 tokens without a 3*. So at 11 tokens without a 3* your overall 3* odds would be 24% and at 12 it would be 34%, of course maxed at 100% at 20 tokens. That would mean that on your 20th token, if you haven't received a 3* or better your odds are 100% that you will. This would of course mean decreasing the odds on 2*s.
  • Never buy tokens, never buy 10-packs, absolutely never buy 42-packs. Never. Never, never, never, never. There is no reason to, ever. Under any circumstance. Even the anniversary tokens I bought never paid out: the only non-2* I got was my 11th Purple Devil Dinosaur.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Never buy tokens, never buy 10-packs, absolutely never buy 42-packs. Never. Never, never, never, never. There is no reason to, ever. Under any circumstance. Even the anniversary tokens I bought never paid out: the only non-2* I got was my 11th Purple Devil Dinosaur.
    The only time buying tokens is acceptable is when you're transitioning to 2* and have a ton of HP. Then, and only then, should you buy the daily deal token as you're likely to get a cover that you need at less than the cost of buying it.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    Never buy tokens, never buy 10-packs, absolutely never buy 42-packs. Never. Never, never, never, never. There is no reason to, ever. Under any circumstance. Even the anniversary tokens I bought never paid out: the only non-2* I got was my 11th Purple Devil Dinosaur.
    The only time buying tokens is acceptable is when you're transitioning to 2* and have a ton of HP. Then, and only then, should you buy the daily deal token
    Anniversary tokens being the major exception. Those things were awesome. So next September, you can buy more packs.
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    Riggy wrote:
    Anniversary tokens being the major exception. Those things were awesome. So next September, you can buy more packs.

    I know you're "just a mod," but feed that back up the chain, because you're right. I know they were more expensive at 5000 HP for a pack, but they provided a good boost. Not much use if you were already fully 3*, but as a mid 2-3* transitioner, that could use almost any 3* cover, they really helped. That, plus DD fills a gap my 3* roster had.
  • Never buy tokens...
    I believe buying HP is what keeps the lights on for the developer.
    Your sentiment however is correct, that with the current odds and my need for 3* covers, spending $$ on HP and then tokens is a losing proposition. Hence I will not be doing that in the foreseeable future, unless a change like the one I have suggested or one of the other ideas on the forum is put into place.
  • Clyve
    Clyve Posts: 91
    Does anyone think the listed drop odds they provide for heroic tokens is accurate? I know random is random, but I've gone on too many streaks of 10 to 20 tokens of no 3* or better. If you add up the percentages, it comes to roughly 1/6 (actually better than this for 10-packs and event tokens). This means you have greater than 98% chance of getting at least one 3* in 20 tokens, but I'm pretty sure I've had streaks that long of getting none too many times for those odds to be believable...

    Just so frustrating
  • Just bringing it back up.

    What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger icon_e_ugeek.gif
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    If you have hp, invest it in shields and boosts for a PVP event you want covers from. It's a way better investment than tokens.
  • If you have hp, invest it in shields and boosts for a PVP event you want covers from. It's a way better investment than tokens.

    I do not believe that is still true for those in the 2-3* transition. Since the shield update I have in every PvP worked until I hit the 166 wall and end between 68 and 84th place before shielding within the last 3 hrs. Every single time I have dropped 100+, once 101 which was in some ways humorous. I have not gotten a single 3* cover from PvP since the update.

    The current shield game mechanic is causing people to grind excessively in the last few hours of PvP, meaning if you aren't doing the same you run the risk of falling below the top 100.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    firestrand wrote:
    If you have hp, invest it in shields and boosts for a PVP event you want covers from. It's a way better investment than tokens.

    I do not believe that is still true for those in the 2-3* transition. Since the shield update I have in every PvP worked until I hit the 166 wall and end between 68 and 84th place before shielding within the last 3 hrs. Every single time I have dropped 100+, once 101 which was in some ways humorous. I have not gotten a single 3* cover from PvP since the update.

    The current shield game mechanic is causing people to grind excessively in the last few hours of PvP, meaning if you aren't doing the same you run the risk of falling below the top 100.
    I spend 75 or 150 on PVPs with prizes I don't care for, and up to 600 for covers I want (like the Thor ones this week). For Thor, I pushed hard early, got up high, put in a 24 hour shield. The next day, I had a lot queued up, and did a 3 hour shield. Then I queued up again, 8 hour shield, queued again, and used a 3 hour one. That got me fourth place and an Elektra cover.

    It seems expensive, but the cost of a 3* cover to buy is a lot less. Still need one more yellow.

    For someone on the transition, that's not a plausible strategy. Instead, make sure to hit a solid number, like 500, using shields. This is enough to get into a top 100 alliance, which should net you two 3*s per PVP, three if you're lucky. Do that for two seasons, with some PVP thrown in, and you will be well on the way to 3* land. With the last PVE, current PVE, and Blade PVP, you could have gotten six LThor covers, and that is halfway to a covered heavy hitter character. Expect similar treatment for CMags next season when he comes back from a long vacation.

    This strategy will also increase the HP coming in, so that you don't have to buy any. I haven't bought any since the sale last November, and have lots for shields and roster slots (currently at 47).