If you knew everything you know now would you still register

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So you are just starting to fill in the registration form to create an account, you have not spend any money on this game yet, nor have you spend any hours on it. But you know everything you know now. Would you still continue with the registration?
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  • Yes.

    Because the game is free, it didn't cost me anything, and I like my alliance members.
  • absolutely. im on day 60 and even with the frustration the game gives, theres no other game i can sit at the computer and half pay attention to while at the same time constantly getting new stuff and making my dudes better and better. and im a puzzle quest geek. glad i found this on steam. i doubt i will ever play it on my phone though.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I still got to start when I did (late February I think), I absolutely would. If I had to start over now I might give it a try for a couple weeks and see how frustrating it is. Or maybe just not bother.
  • No, I've spent too much time on this game but its fun so i don't want to quit now
  • Knowing what new players need to do now to transition, no way.
    Knowing what a person needs to do to rank top scores in pve, no way.
    Knowing what the pvp realm looks like, no way.

    How long will it take for a new f2p person to even get a single 3* character without spending money now?
    If they can't grind constantly in pve?

    Knowing what I do now, its a LOT to ask of someone for virtual game rewards that completely disappear the day they pull the plug.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Knowing what new players need to do now to transition, no way.
    Knowing what a person needs to do to rank top scores in pve, no way.
    Knowing what the pvp realm looks like, no way.

    How long will it take for a new f2p person to even get a single 3* character without spending money now?
    If they can't grind constantly in pve?

    Knowing what I do now, its a LOT to ask of someone for virtual game rewards that completely disappear the day they pull the plug.

    This. I started eight months ago, but have had a heck of a time transitioning since they keep adding characters - this lowers my chance to max out any one with covers. It seems they haven't added HP or ISO in the meantime to try to keep all my under-covered characters up to snuff.

    And since then, the character count seems to have doubled. Transition time continues to grow, and they refuse to lower HP costs to allow people to keep all characters on their rosters. As a mid-timer I enjoy playing, but I wouldn't start new today.
  • Sure, but I think I would stay in 2* land.
    It's really weird how this game punishes you for progression sometimes.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of course I would.

    There're some frustrating things, but stuff like "it takes too long to transition" and "I can't be #1 at everything all the time" have never been things that bother me. It's a game. My requirements are:

    1) Is it fun?

    The answer is yes.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Yes, absolutely. I enjoy the game. I play and spend responsibly and I have no regrets. As ever, I'm hesitant to recommend it to friends, especially after spending enough time on the forum to see how some people react to it.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    I started playing 5 months ago - mostly off and on.
    Prologue got me hooked as I liked the light story that tied the nodes together and the semi-RPG elements of the game.
    As they have released a torrent of new characters, the game feels more grindy than fun at times.
    Reminds me too much of an MMORPG without even a **** overarching storyline to make PvE progression semi-enjoyable.
    The PvE game seems to be how fast one can clear all the nodes to hit those refreshes at an ideal rate so you can earn placement rewards - story be damned since it just slows you down.

    Yes it is set in the Marvel Universe with characters I love.
    Though the artwork is what drew me into the universe, it was the stories being told that kept me in that universe as pretty artwork only (or rote gameplay in this case) lasts only so long.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm f2p so all I really put in is time. I like character building and story, so as long as they put out new content I'll be happy.

    Probably wouldn't play as much without alliances, but they've really helped me through the difficult transition phase.

    Even with a good alliance though, you do need to work for your personal progress. So it depends what you want out of the game. It's great for casual players, but competitive players will find it takes serious effort before you can even be a good whale.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Yeah, but I probably wouldn't have been in such a hurry to get to the 'good characters'. Realised quite a while back that this game is a marathon, rather than a sprint.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    After really thinking about this I would say yes. When I started a year ago I had to place 50-75 to get 3 2* covers. I had to beat the prologue in order to build my one * team, and start into the 2* transition. There were no shields, and everyone could prologue heal so PVP was a bloodbath. Th transition to 3* is difficult with all the new characters out, but I would rather go through the transition now then when I did. We now have time slices, and are given significantly more ISO and HP than before. This game is in a much better place today than it was 3,6,9 months ago.
  • No way would I go through that grind again. Playing for over a year, I've gotten 26 fully covered characters and I feel like they are all pretty much worthless at this point.
  • Knowing what new players need to do now to transition, no way.
    Knowing what a person needs to do to rank top scores in pve, no way.
    Knowing what the pvp realm looks like, no way.

    How long will it take for a new f2p person to even get a single 3* character without spending money now?
    If they can't grind constantly in pve?

    Knowing what I do now, its a LOT to ask of someone for virtual game rewards that completely disappear the day they pull the plug.

    I brought in a friend from another Marvel game into MPQ and he has multiple 3 star.png covers in a month of play. This game isn't that hard to navigate, IMO.
  • rednailz
    rednailz Posts: 559
    I probably still would have played since I'm a Marvel nerd, and that was the appeal.

    I would still pick it up since it really fills that niche of "I have a few minutes to putz around doing something...what to do?" A decent game that has a puzzle element (sorta) and you can pick up and put down at will.

    Although I would have started for kicks, I never would have got serious about it, especially jumping in now? No idea how anyone would "catch up". I would have started, but chances are I may have quit already too.

    If I wasn't in a great allaince full of good people I probably would have quit as I wouldn't be playing some events, and eventually the pace of always being behind (which most of us are) would have caught up since I wouldn't be getting good allaince rewards.

    I've seriously thought about quitting a few times already, but I have enough of a roster to want to continue to make a fun one.....so for now, I'm still all in. Eventually I may drop off to a casual allaince and just play the odd events that I want to play. But it's the constant influx of goodies that keeps me coming back. Heck, I'll drop in a couple quick rounds just for a common token.
  • FaerieMyst
    FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
  • Definitely. In my eyes the game is only getting better.