Survival mode - thanks

h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Hi D3, Demiurge and the team,

just want to say thanks for survival mode - it's fun.

Even fake healing makes sense and actually is becoming rather necessary for surviving some the nodes, I am happy to see that strategy and tactics are again part of the MPQ and the word QUEST is again relevant.


  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    I'm enjoying the survival nodes too. I'd like to see the concept expanded, and more rewards added. Maybe some health packs in addition to the current bigger rewards? The survival nodes are tough on my teams!
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thumbs up on the new mode from me as well! I like the fact that we get rewarded for each wave.

    I had good luck with Falcon, Lazy Daken, and Mohawk; throw out tons of special tiles to clog up the board that persist between waves. I also had good luck leaving the last enemy alive for a while, even if I had a skill to kill him, to let Lazy Daken heal up and stock up on AP. Falcon would swoop in and take care of any countdowns while I did this, and this often netted me a much-needed mini-breather.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    I like the new nodes, too. And personally, I like the big one-time rewards. I've been avoiding PvE entirely because it has become a grinder's game. These new nodes makes the first play through fun and rewarding, which is what I think most people enjoy (those players not competing for top Ranking awards).
  • h4n1s
    h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    I like the new nodes, too. And personally, I like the big one-time rewards. I've been avoiding PvE entirely because it has become a grinder's game. These new nodes makes the first play through fun and rewarding, which is what I think most people enjoy (those players not competing for top Ranking awards).

  • Hulk11
    Hulk11 Posts: 435
    I don't really see how it's survival compared to before? If you do the numbers it's just like facing some buffed hp characters. A longer match, extended even more cause of those aannoying tiles that come up.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Hulk11 wrote:
    I don't really see how it's survival compared to before? If you do the numbers it's just like facing some buffed hp characters. A longer match, extended even more cause of those aannoying tiles that come up.
    Well, some unexpected things can happen, like Wolverine showing up out of the blue. At higher levels, these nodes might require a couple tries once you've seen all the surprises.

    Also, are the rewards better for how well you complete them? I was awarded +300 points after one of the waves. If that was awarded for having 0 downed characters, then that would also make PvE a bit less grindy... more points for better outcomes, rather than for the most replays.
  • I love survival mode! So fun!!!

    Thanks for this new, fun way to play!

    Rave reviews here! Very awesome!
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a fan. I was expecting an actual MODE and not a new NODE, but maybe we'll see these nodes spin off into it's own node after this? Who knows. Bottom line is I enjoy the new content.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I think the new Survival nodes are a lot of fun. It is a very different challenge in team composition, makes some less used abilities more powerful, and adds some new strategies in deciding when to use abilities and when to finish off opponents. Combine these new nodes with a new story line and new opponents... wow! A lot to like here!

    I'm sure it is a lot of effort to put something like this together, but this kind of move forward is what the game is all about.
  • Taganov
    Taganov Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I'm a fan. I was expecting an actual MODE and not a new NODE, but maybe we'll see these nodes spin off into it's own node after this? Who knows. Bottom line is I enjoy the new content.

    Exactly this; really hoping for a spin off mode as well.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    They might be rolling it out in just a few nodes to check for bugs before launching a larger scale feature. That said, I enjoyed the mix of node types; that would pretty interesting if there were several different varieties of fight types in a given PVE sub. I'd enjoying seeing nodes with "women only/men only" (I enjoyed that women-only tournament from a while ago - I wonder why they never did a men-only variation?) and similar restrictions, vs. numerous characters not being available across an entire tournament.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I really enjoyed the waves. The last sub's waves seemed to alternate strongest color between green and red, which was great for an XF/4Thor pairing. It was still challenging enough with all of the attack tiles left behind and at times deadly if Gorgon was able to get his stun attack off.

    I think it brings in a great option for future events, such as Magneto v/s Xmen or Deadpool v/s MPQ or even added into the gaunlet.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I found them really enjoyable. It was a different way of looking at the fight. Support characters are more important and viable in this scenario.
    Love the alternating combatants, love that you have to strategize on who to attack and when, saving up AP, CD tiles that are timed to hit the next wave of fresh opponents, and OBW shines for me, kept me alive for a few of them.

    Even when I couldn't quite get the 5th wave beat in The Black Hole, I still had fun trying over and over to get that 5th wave down and still getting points for the waves I did complete. I never did get the 5th wave beat, so I didn't have to worry about the loop or the missing reward... busy day that day IRL so didn't try more than 3 times.

    Anyway, good job with the survival mode, found myself playing different and holding off on AP attacks and then realizing at the end that I was playing a regular node not a survival one, lol.

    So far I'm using **OBW, **Ms Marvel, and **Wolverine. I hated **Ms Marvel and was considering selling her until this event and Survival mode, it gave me an opportunity to see what she is capable of and I now have her fully covered and almost maxed. Thank you.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,364 Chairperson of the Boards
    i hope it sticks around. i played those modes more then normal matches icon_e_smile.gif