Reminder about App Store/Google Play Reviews

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Just as a reminder to everyone, every time we bring out a new version update to the game on iOS (like R40), the Reviews counter is reset. If you’ve written one for us on a previous version, it’s appreciated. If you have the time, please update (write a new) review on the current version. If you’re on Android, the reviews don’t reset per version, so if you’ve written one there already, thanks! Update it if your thoughts have changed, we always welcome new feedback. This allows us to show other users more easily what people think of the most recent version of the game. Thanks for your support!


  • IceIX wrote:
    Just as a reminder to everyone, every time we bring out a new version update to the game on iOS (like R40), the Reviews counter is reset. If you’ve written one for us on a previous version, it’s appreciated. If you have the time, please update (write a new) review on the current version. If you’re on Android, the reviews don’t reset per version, so if you’ve written one there already, thanks! Update it if your thoughts have changed, we always welcome new feedback. This allows us to show other users more easily what people think of the most recent version of the game. Thanks for your support!

    I'd be glad to and will tomorrow as I've got to hit the sack as soon as this tournament is over.

    Coincidentally, I did write a review/comment here ( earlier today.

    (For clarification I didn't write the actual review article on the site, I posted my own mini-review comment at the bottom). icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Pushing this back to the top since R41 is out in the wild. Please update your reviews if you're on iOS. Or if your thoughts on the game have changed in general on either platform, of course.
  • I usually don't believe in reviews that much. People seem to write them after a day, or even an hour of using the product. I usually like to spend more thorough time but this is the first Android game I feel like I can invest in, so of it helps, I suppose I could write one out.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    I usually don't believe in reviews that much. People seem to write them after a day, or even an hour of using the product. I usually like to spend more thorough time but this is the first Android game I feel like I can invest in, so of it helps, I suppose I could write one out.
    It's basically that the first thing the average user does when seeing a game is look at the number of stars next to it. If that's low, it's a rough sell. If not but not uber high (our position), they'll look at a few random reviews. Positive reviews help there and middling but completely honest reviews are also usually helpful to a prospective player. Prospective players = more players = more income = more possible manpower = more and faster updates for more players.
  • already write a review, but got ask to write it again. no prob. best match 3 games on android. should have bonuses when user write a review ^^
  • IceIX wrote:
    It's basically that the first thing the average user does when seeing a game is look at the number of stars next to it. If that's low, it's a rough sell. If not but not uber high (our position), they'll look at a few random reviews. Positive reviews help there and middling but completely honest reviews are also usually helpful to a prospective player. Prospective players = more players = more income = more possible manpower = more and faster updates for more players.
    I'm aware of the effects. When I say "believe", i mean more in the sense that I don't personally agree with the system. For example...
    should have bonuses when user write a review ^^
    People often write nonsense just to get free stuff. What's worse than nonsense is spamming referral codes so they can get even more free stuff.

    Also, in the other thread you talked about people giving bad ratings because of a change that was meant to improve balance/fairness. Customers tend to care more about themselves, whether or not if it's better for the game.

    Still, I wrote one because you guys (IceX, devs, CS) have been great.