An insight of the future of MPQ

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Here is the most important information we could be given about the future of the game we are playing and the decisions they are going to take.

It also confirms what we were assuming.
"David wrote:

56% of MPQ players this month started playing after September, more than half in the last two months.

In other words, all the strategy goes to those guys, who, like you and I, spent the more money when they began playing (for those who spend money).

Their new communication tools (Facebook,, Cons...) help them recruit tons of new players who are all thrilled about the game, the Marvel universe... They spend a lot of cash to level and max characters and they are being offered trash packs for that matter)...

Then, after a couple of months they realize the game is more work than anything else, they are milked like cows (or whales) and most of them give up.

It must be the trend in Mobile Apps : a high turnover.

Following this trend, D3P does its best to get the highest amount of money in a short time. D3 has not been able to turn an ordinary mobile game into a game that every player could enjoy at its best. It's just a cash machine.

And then, there are addict whales. The ones who spent so much they don't feel like quitting, or just enjoy the addiction. For those, D3P push the limits even further : they will release "much more 4* in 2015".

Let's see if that strategy is being followed by the community.

D3 : your cynicism is disgraceful beyond belief.


  • There's high turnover for pretty much every mobile game, not to mention this game is hardly considered entrenched by any stretch of imagination.

    I don't think they necessarily have to care about people who may have spent money in the past, because that's in the past. However I think right now the game isn't terribly friendly to guys who want to spend money now, so they should care because of that. This game is quite lacking in some kind of recurring expense (and shields don't count, as they account for a very small portion of the total revenue). The average paying customer in a F2P usually pays an amount similar to what you might expect from a MMORPG ($15-20/month) and I'm not seeing much reason to do this unless you shield very heavily. Yes you can easily pay more than that to get characters but since you can only field 3 of them at once, what's the motivation to get more even if money is no object?