Change the amounts of HP and ISO you can buy

I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
I think a change to the current price structure would be nice. Right now, every time the subject of buying ISO comes up, it's been said that it's not worth the money. The holiday special probably generated more for the company than usual. This is what I propose:
Keep the current price costs, but here are the new amounts you get for HP and ISO.
COST: $2       $5       $20       $50       $100
HP:   200      625      3000      8750      20000
ISO:  1000     3125     15000     43750     100000
The break down is the 1st tier is 100 units per dollar for HP, 100*5 units per dollar for ISO. The 2nd tier is 125 units per dollar for HP, 125*5 units per dollar for ISO. The 3rd tier is 150 units per dollar for HP, 150*5 units per dollar for ISO. The 4th tier is 175 units per dollar for HP, 175*5 units per dollar for ISO. The 5th tier is 200 units per dollar for HP, 200*5 units per dollar for ISO.

Even though the Rag nerf will probably put a damper on people wanting to buy HP or ISO, I think this change would help.


  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    I would happen to agree. IO i can understand. with how much you can get from pvp. its not as bad. But the Hero point don't seem worth it. Ar at the very least reevaluate what 100hp gets you. 1 -2 dollars just to pay for the chance to reasonably level whatever 2 star characters i happen to have? Ive been down this road before and that's a money sink. As well as the continually hiking prices just to expand your roster? There seems to bee far too much gouging for an (as you have stated yourselves) unfinished, (and unbalanced) product. I would like to spend the cash, this is a fun game and with some reevaluating of character and single player balances this could be on par with Marvel Avengers Alliance.