2* Priority?

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I guess the question would be if you had to do the 1-2* transition again who would you focus on.

Are these still the best 2* teams? -

PvE - Magneto/Storm/Hawkeye
PvP - Ares/Thor/OBW


  • Mau-- wrote:
    I guess the question would be if you had to do the 1-2* transition again who would you focus on.

    Are these still the best 2* teams? -

    PvE - Magneto/Storm/Hawkeye
    PvP - Ares/Thor/OBW

    I would focus on Mags/Storm as the best offensive combo. Hawkeye has great synergy with Mags. Ares/oBW is the best defensive combo in PvP. Daken heals which makes him good for climbing without healthpacks. Those 6 are probably enough but you can make arguments for Wolvie, Thor, and maybe Torch to get iso as well.
  • I really enjoy Wolverine + OBW as they complement each other well. I usually add Storm as the third for Windstorm and the safety net her Yellow gives.

    I gave up on Daken cause I match blue so much that I hardly ever got much from his Healing. Maybe with a different combo I would have liked it better, but Storm and OBW were my big 2*'s for awhile so there wasn't one when i had him.

    Alot of people live by MMags + Hawkeye, but I found I only ever really used Mags' purple and did not get much out of his other colors. I've replaced him with Ms. Marvel and used her Yellow instead and got more from using her Black and sometimes Red then I got out of Mags. Though the three of them together is pretty good.

    Never got into Ares cause by the time his covers started coming in a steady flow I already had several 2*s fully or early fully leveled and a roster full of 3*s I hated to dump to make space because I wasnt sure who to dump at the time without risking that 3* being the one the Token gods were going to give me regularly... (Too many times where i dumped a 3* I only had one cover for only to get a second, and sometimes a third shortly thereafter.)
  • nimvin
    nimvin Posts: 81
    Hands down OBW should be your first 2* you concentrate on. Even with the true healing nerf she still gets tons of play.

    Beyond her arguments can be made for many chars. A red green yellow combo should be next for max match coverage so thor ares wolverine. Johnny storm cstorm mmags and mhawkeye are secondary chars. All see heavy use in PVE even though i am firmly into the 3* transition. (Lthor bp Lcap @ 166 5 more cover maxed waiting on iso)

    In fact I haven't tracked it but my most used combo is still probably mmags/obw due to the plethora of goon nodes. You can't match all the cd tiles away before they will fire but obw blue adds to the countdown timer for every tile on the board. They can be slower than other combos but I get much higher efficiency out of my healthpacks with them.

    My $0.02.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    OBW/Ares have been used an awful lot on PVE lately, I'd focus on those two in that order first.

    If I was having to re-do it, I'd have a hard time choosing if I should also take Thor with Ares, if I should take Wolvy as well as Daken, or should I leave them and take MMN and Storm instead? That's because there are so many 3*'s now and the HP cost would be so prohibitive early on, I think I'd have to go with a really small 2* roster to hold on to those early 3* covers.

    I'd just be selling Bagman/Hawkeye/Marvel/Cap/Moonstone/Bullseye/Torch for sure.
  • SnowcaTT wrote:
    OBW/Ares have been used an awful lot on PVE lately, I'd focus on those two in that order first.

    If I was having to re-do it, I'd have a hard time choosing if I should also take Thor with Ares, if I should take Wolvy as well as Daken, or should I leave them and take MMN and Storm instead? That's because there are so many 3*'s now and the HP cost would be so prohibitive early on, I think I'd have to go with a really small 2* roster to hold on to those early 3* covers.

    I'd just be selling Bagman/Hawkeye/Marvel/Cap/Moonstone/Bullseye/Torch for sure.

    As someone new beginning to realize just how long it's gonna take to get anywhere near a competent 3* team, I'd suggest just leveling all the good and moderate 2* characters. Unless you get absurdly lucky or spend a crapload of money, you're gonna be playing for months with nothing but 2* characters, might as well have as many as possible to allow for longer play time and less health pack usage.

    I guess I'm thinking this way because I broke down and spend 20 bucks just for char slots so that I wouldn't have to throw away 3* as I got them. If OP is f2p, than your suggestion of picking and choosing is damn spot on.
  • First you need to understand path from 2* to 3* is painful

    if you ok you start build your 2* team
    Please build your 2* by pairs not single character. It is Becuase you main character will died fast if all damage is handle by him/her

    1 BWO + ( Thor/ Ares) < choice 1 1 power horse and 1 support

    please note that as you are low level, nodes on your PVE wll be low level and easy to handle so Mag / Storm / Haw is not required to handle them

    2 C Mag + Storm

    build up the anti nodes team they are helpful in PVE as more 2* character you get the nodes in PVE run more difficult to handle.

    3 Wolverine / Daken

    perpare to join bloody PVP. the secound team after BWO + ( thor/Ares) > especialy lightning round play to 100 points give you nearly 1K iso

    4 Hawkeye M

    After you get the above character maxed , your PVE nodes LV wont be so low and you need M hawkeye to join
  • I found that running icon_wolverine.pngicon_blackwidow.pngicon_caroldanvers.png gives you nice rainbow coverage in 2* land. The only double up is on Red with Marvel and Wolverine, and let's be honest, no one really uses Marvel's Red (on either 2* or 3*) unless the enemy has a Sentinel of Liberty TU.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with basically all of the advice above.

    I would max the following two stars in the following order

    (1) OBW
    (2) Ares
    (3) Daken
    (4) Thor and/or Wolvie

    Later on you can bring up cstorm, mnmags, and mhawkeye as your pve scaling starts to ramp up.

    Johnny Storm is nice and captain marvel is playable, but I think you are better off with the one listed above.
  • I would max Wolverine and Daken first. These people don't remember just how powerful it is when you finally get a sustainable combo going. Then I'd go Thor, then OBW. I'd go Ares last. He's great with OBW but he's not very sustainable. These are characters you'll keep forever btw, because when they're boosted they're extremely good.
  • ark123 wrote:
    I would max Wolverine and Daken first. These people don't remember just how powerful it is when you finally get a sustainable combo going. Then I'd go Thor, then OBW. I'd go Ares last. He's great with OBW but he's not very sustainable. These are characters you'll keep forever btw, because when they're boosted they're extremely good.

    I understand they are super powerful. I always use them to challenge low lv 3* team. Their hp is too low in start and difficult to handle 2 - 3 tough fight without using health pack in the begining state but Thor and Ares can ( they are big meal shield)

    I personal perfer Ares than Thor as Ares can work with both darken and C storm ( she is game changing in2* level) His Green is powerful than C storm that he can be her meal shield.

    wolf can be faster than daken as he can work with storm as his green is powerful than C storm's that he can help storm to take the damage. However darken 's blue is not as powerful as strom that she have to take all damge by herself
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    ark123 wrote:
    I would max Wolverine and Daken first. These people don't remember just how powerful it is when you finally get a sustainable combo going. Then I'd go Thor, then OBW. I'd go Ares last. He's great with OBW but he's not very sustainable. These are characters you'll keep forever btw, because when they're boosted they're extremely good.

    Sustainability is great (I remember what a massive change it was when I got patch's 5th yellow and could run patch and daken in every low level pve node and every lightning round). But I still think that building the best characters first is most important (hence obw first). Building obw and daken first doesn't make any sense because they have the same colors. so one of the tanks is the way to go. Ares has the benefit of being a stronger defensive player, reducing the number of attacks in pvp.

    That being said, I think 2* daken is consistently underrated on these boards because many vets remember him as having only 2 powers, when he was crippled by a lower level. I was right in the middle of my 2* transition when they released his blue power, so I have always played with him as a 3 power character and he is definitely one of the best investments any new player can make.

    Wolverine is also very solid, but since his true healing is capped at 50%, he is just too vulnerable to single-shot nukes. that makes him less valuable in high-scaled pve, and in pvp (where you will see a lot of thor and ares and their powerful green nukes). that's the main reason I pushed him down.
  • Vhailorx wrote:
    Wolverine is also very solid, but since his true healing is capped at 50%, he is just too vulnerable to single-shot nukes. that makes him less valuable in high-scaled pve, and in pvp (where you will see a lot of thor and ares and their powerful green nukes). that's the main reason I pushed him down.
    You want to be smart with Wolv, if you see attack coming, make a match to switch to Daken and let him eat it. When you're getting to maxed 2*/softcapped 3* you will need oBW+X or Stormeto to push forward, but until 400 you can possibly not use single health pack.
  • MNMAgs + CSTORM has almost signle handedly allowed me to have a good shot at crushing 3* teams/high level PVE.

    They are vital behind OBW imho.

    2* Daken allowed me to really make that push to finish up my 2* Squad. he was my bread and butter once I got him for a long time. Now he pairs beautifully with 3* Blade.
  • Sandals wrote:
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    OBW/Ares have been used an awful lot on PVE lately, I'd focus on those two in that order first.

    If I was having to re-do it, I'd have a hard time choosing if I should also take Thor with Ares, if I should take Wolvy as well as Daken, or should I leave them and take MMN and Storm instead? That's because there are so many 3*'s now and the HP cost would be so prohibitive early on, I think I'd have to go with a really small 2* roster to hold on to those early 3* covers.

    I'd just be selling Bagman/Hawkeye/Marvel/Cap/Moonstone/Bullseye/Torch for sure.

    As someone new beginning to realize just how long it's gonna take to get anywhere near a competent 3* team, I'd suggest just leveling all the good and moderate 2* characters. Unless you get absurdly lucky or spend a crapload of money, you're gonna be playing for months with nothing but 2* characters, might as well have as many as possible to allow for longer play time and less health pack usage.

    I guess I'm thinking this way because I broke down and spend 20 bucks just for char slots so that I wouldn't have to throw away 3* as I got them. If OP is f2p, than your suggestion of picking and choosing is damn spot on.

    Yep this, already working on my 2nd Storm/MNMags clones since I'll probably max 2 more of these before I ever get close to max covering a 3* without dropping literally $200+
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    If I was starting today with what I know now I don't know if I would even play. I am comming up on my 1 year mark in under 10 days and it took me 6-7 months to get to a solid 3* team. back when I was a 2* team I could compete with OBW and Ares with healing and stealing my way to getting 3* covers. Now If I was going to go to 2* land I would build 2 OBW's, to pair with Ares/Thor. and I would probably also build 2 MMN/Storm/Hawkeye's. I would 3-4 months before opening any recruit tokens. Gold Tokens would just eat away at HP or you would need to invest $20-$40 for roster slots alone.
    Starting in 2* land now would not be fun.