Take care...

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Post 1200 seems like a good number to say goodbye with. Been fun with ups and downs, wins and losses but time for me to put it down. Have fun everyone. Try not to get too many crotchkicks to the face.


  • Have a good one man. Glad you've decided to experience the joys of life that don't have 2.5 hour timers. icon_e_smile.gif
  • iLL619
    iLL619 Posts: 170
    Post 1200 seems like a good number to say goodbye with. Been fun with ups and downs, wins and losses but time for me to put it down. Have fun everyone. Try not to get too many crotchkicks to the face.

    You'll be back to play the crack.. bluecrit.pngecountdown.pnghealthpack.png