Soooo... skipping is borked eh?

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Another day, another 20 skips without seeing one opponent worth more than 6 points. I wouln't mind so much if the game was giving me unshielded opponents in my top 10, but it's completely ignoring them in favour of players with 300-400 points less.

I'm not on crazy points, I'm sat at 950. This event has cost me circa 2000-3000 iso in skip tax.

Maybe some of the devs could shine a light on why this kind of thing continues to happen. I get the idea of skip tax, but it should be capped at maximum of 50 per node surely?


  • Stanley71
    Stanley71 Posts: 75 Match Maker
    I have the same problem...It startet when I was about 650 pts...nearly the same cap, when you usally meet the top scorers with 40+ matches worthy...

    It's so annoying! Play a match for 5 pts and live with the risk to lose 40+ pts at the same time!

    How the hell are the first alliance full of 1500+ scorers?!? How is that possible?

    This game is ridiculous imbalanced!!!
  • Loads of viable unshielded opponents with 800+ scores and my queue is only giving me ones with 500 points. My MMR is normal too.

    20 more skips - no opponents even remotely reasonable
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    My MMR is normal too.
    I'm not sure there's a "normal" for MMR. You might get matched up with comparable teams, but that doesn't guarantee those teams have comparable points.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    As long as you guys mentioned it, I've wondered why MMR is even a thing in BoP. The whole point is supposed to be that the playing field is level. Forcing matchmaking according to MMR places constraints on opponent availability that don't seem relevant in this type of event.
  • kalex716
    kalex716 Posts: 184
    I don't really know if tanking works all that much, or how MMR is calculated however...

    I'm not interested in the rewards for this event, so i figured it would be a good time to throw every 3 and 4 start character i have up against teams with 1 and 2 stars and brick to them...

    If the logic is at all written in such a poor way that those factor into my MMR, it might give me an edge in the start of next season! Worth a shot i figure. I'll have to let everyone know if it seems to make any difference.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I had precisely the opposite behavior in the Gamora PVP. I routinely hit, and was hit back, by players in my same top 10 queue. For the final hour of my bracket it felt almost like a head-to-head game... where 4 of the 6 names in my MMR bubble where in my top 10 and the other 2 weren't worth hitting. (Given I was 3rd in the bracket 3/4 of the top 10's were still only good for 22-24 points.) They were drawing me too; since they were hitting me in non-retaliation fights.

    There were plenty of juicier targets out there (examining the alliance leaderboard)..

    As hard as it is to climb on 5 point fights with retaliation risk, it is even harder to climb when the players you are directly competing with can see your shield drop and have already queued up your name.

    A top-10 that runs a zero-sum point war in a common MMR bubble makes progressions and placements rough to come by too.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had precisely the opposite behavior in the Gamora PVP. I routinely hit, and was hit back, by players in my same top 10 queue. For the final hour of my bracket it felt almost like a head-to-head game... where 4 of the 6 names in my MMR bubble where in my top 10 and the other 2 weren't worth hitting. (Given I was 3rd in the bracket 3/4 of the top 10's were still only good for 22-24 points.) They were drawing me too; since they were hitting me in non-retaliation fights.

    There were plenty of juicier targets out there (examining the alliance leaderboard)..

    As hard as it is to climb on 5 point fights with retaliation risk, it is even harder to climb when the players you are directly competing with can see your shield drop and have already queued up your name.

    A top-10 that runs a zero-sum point war in a common MMR bubble makes progressions and placements rough to come by too.
    The alliance board has all the slices, so there might not have been better targets in your MMR
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    Spoit wrote:
    The alliance board has all the slices, so there might not have been better targets in your MMR

    I was in the 2nd slice in that event; it is highly likely that 5 of the most evenly matched people were all competing for positions between 3-10. It was rough to watch because each fight was having a disproportionately large impact on the ranks since it wasn't just like one team moved up 25, the other team moved down by an offsetting 25; meanwhile other teams not participating in these death duels were having a much easier climb.

    Maybe the other 5 teams in my top 10 were in a similarly awkward MMR bubble. This isn't the first time I was able to target someone immediately above me on the leaderboard... its just the first time I can remember with such a high percentage of the names at my fingertips.
  • Eventually secured 1st spot but spent about 3000 iso just skipping 3-6 point opponents.
  • Stanley71
    Stanley71 Posts: 75 Match Maker
    Im very close to delete this game!
    I spend almost 2k hp for shield hopping and nearly 3k iso for skipping and im stuck at 1024! I wont reach even the 1,1k to get almost the mystique cover...
    If that new mmr is included in season IX im Off!!!
    Thanks devs for tanking my money!
  • Westy3079
    I think the whole pvp needs a rethink.. Why should we have to lose points? Just make it so that people at all levels can score the same amount of points relative to their level.. The only way I can get more than 25/30 points is by fighting teams way above my level. Why can't it be like pvp In other games, the points should available for fighting a team should be relative to the team you are fighting & not based on the team you are fighting & how many points that player has.
    Just remove the whole attacking/losing points mechanic as everyone hates it surely? Most of the transition players in my alliance just give up once they get to a certain amount of points as they just get hammered.
    Pvp is still a mystery to a lot of people.. Just let me keep fighting different teams to gain points without losing any that way the players that put the most work/time in will be top of the table for a change rather than those that have spent more..
    If I could get all the progression rewards in each pvp & then still place top 50-100 I would be a lot happier playing than the way it is now.
    Couldn't the points be based on winning streaks or another way to seperate players?..or just move all the fully four star teams into seperate brackets completely. We should be fighting against teams that are as strong as I am or slightly better to a bit better than your own, not teams that totally eclipse me.
    Or like others that age suggested make thresholds that once you pass your points are locked in, a bit like the way subs work in pve. If there are still going to be attacks then make it so you can only lose points between thresholds, so if I got to say 730 points I could get hit & knocked back down to 700 but then it would stop & I could pick a good time to try & climb up further.. Surely this would be more fun rather than having to spend money to save my points & time or get hammered for 200+ points just because I tried to climb a bit on the first or second day of the event & got past a certain number of points early.
    Sorry to moan but Its just not a lot of fun the way it is now.. I've only just recently been able to actually do ok & compete in pvp & now the changes with shields sound like they're going to make it harder for everyone.
  • Westy3079 wrote:
    If I could get all the progression rewards in each pvp & then still place top 50-100 I would be a lot happier playing than the way it is now.

    To be fair, if you were to get all of the progression rewards you'd probably still make better than top50 under the current system.
  • Westy3079
    Garlow112 wrote:
    Westy3079 wrote:
    If I could get all the progression rewards in each pvp & then still place top 50-100 I would be a lot happier playing than the way it is now.

    To be fair, if you were to get all of the progression rewards you'd probably still make better than top50 under the current system.
    But that's what I'm saying, I currently get top 15-100 depending on time & how interested I am in the rewards. But even if I play/spend my heart out im still a long way from 1000 points, let alone 1300. I'm sure there are a lot of players who feel the same.
    It's not for lack of trying, in pve where I can actually do well & compete I end up scoring double or triple the top progression rewards score. But in pvp the scores are simply not reachable for most so we just end up with the richer get richer situation. Why not have the progression rewards in pve the way they are but have some really high point rewards for fthor or xforce in there as well so that regular players actually have a chance of getting them as well. I'm not saying every PVE but every once in a while would be nice. We still need to do this 13 times & earn a heap of ISO to make them actually useable, what harm would this actually do. I've spent a year trying to build my roster & characters but I still can't compete in pvp at the top 10 level, because I don't have a full xforce. I'm pretty close to finishing lthor & lcap, & now the sentry problem has been removed but I still can't compete with the 4 star teams, so I'm still not really any closer to doing well consistently in pvp.How long do I have to play for to get to this point? It's ludicrous!
    If I could get the progression rewards & end up with a lower overall placement & 1 less cover of the featured character it would still seem more worthwhile. This obviously has the danger of making pvp far more grindy but at least we would have a bit more of an equal chance than the way it is now.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Welcome (back) to a post-nerf Sentry world.