love balance of power!!

iLL619 Posts: 170
edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Makes us new players play on level playing field for a few days icon_e_smile.gif thanks D3


  • Andy9009
    Andy9009 Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    Have to disagree with you. This is such a terrible event invalidating all the efforts people put into developing their roster. Not to mention that 1* and 2* aren't designed to be buffed to lvl270. This is basically a Juggy event where's he's scaled to something comparable to Dino minus the cutesy arms waving by Dino every 30 seconds in the game.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,306 Chairperson of the Boards
    Andy9009 wrote:
    Have to disagree with you. This is such a terrible event invalidating all the efforts people put into developing their roster. Not to mention that 1* and 2* aren't designed to be buffed to lvl270. This is basically a Juggy event where's he's scaled to something comparable to Dino minus the cutesy arms waving by Dino every 30 seconds in the game.

    You miss the OP's point. Of course it invalidates the efforts of veteran players. Veteran players get the rest of the season for themselves. BoP is when the rookies can come out and play and feel what it will be like when they are all grown up.
  • Andy9009
    Andy9009 Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    Not really. It would be better to give them a full roster of max lvled 3* and 4* loaners. That way they can feel what it is like to play like a whale. I still stand by 1* and 2* shouldn't be buffed to lvl 270.
  • But lvl 1 Juggs is so much fun to play at 270 icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Andy9009 wrote:
    Not really. It would be better to give them a full roster of max lvled 3* and 4* loaners. That way they can feel what it is like to play like a whale. I still stand by 1* and 2* shouldn't be buffed to lvl 270.

    You honestly think that being handed 270 version of characters you'll still take months to earn is going to be more fun to people than playing scaled up versions of characters they actually own?
  • Andy9009
    Andy9009 Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    Yes I do. After playing with your roster for a few months, you do get bored of your roster. A juggy headbutt is still a juggy headbutt. To be able to get a taste of what other rosters that you can play, I think that would be quite refreshing. When will they get to use the high end combos like xforce/cmag xforce/hood etc? The answer is probably at least a year. We get featured chars but you may not have the complementary chars to go along with it. Don't you think it would fun for newer players to see what's Sentry bomb or patchneto was all about? So they can aspire to it someday.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really hate this event. As I said a lot of times in the past, scaling for 2* and specially for 1* is broken so in this event you are forced to play with 1* and 2*, basically all team should have Juggs, Ares and OBW (you can make small changes, but this is the standard team).

    In my case it adds to my hate that I had to sell all 1* and some 3* to make space to all these new 3* so I can't use Juggs. So I'll pass completely.
  • It's fun, isn't it! I am transitioning to 3* but I too am really liking this event. I am particularly enjoying the fact that no matter what team the opponent has, I ALWAYS have a decent chance at defeating it. There being no 166 wall is so wonderful... For this one, I will not have to struggle for top 100.
  • y2fitzy
    y2fitzy Posts: 255 Mover and Shaker
    Beginner player says he is having fun playing this event. Vet tells him he is wrong, and that what he would really enjoy is a mythical version of the game that will never exist.

    What absolute cobblers. Illiana and ill619, glad you're having fun in BoP. Don't let anyone else tell you what you should or should not enjoy.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Polares wrote:
    I really hate this event. As I said a lot of times in the past, scaling for 2* and specially for 1* is broken so in this event you are forced to play with 1* and 2*, basically all team should have Juggs, Ares and OBW (you can make small changes, but this is the standard team).

    In my case it adds to my hate that I had to sell all 1* and some 3* to make space to all these new 3* so I can't use Juggs. So I'll pass completely.
    It's fun because it turns the meta on its head. Very few people think that this should be the new norm. If it were the norm, there would be posts every day to nerf Juggs and OBW. But every once in a while it's great fun to make the weakest characters in the game the strongest.

    Also, the scaling really isn't the greatest factor to consider. As you said, OBW and Juggs make a great start to a team, but that has much to do with their color combinations and how their powers interact. And yet, I'm still seeing lots of interesting teams this time around. I just got a retaliation in my queue to fight 4* Thor/Hulk/Mystique. I think I'll pass.

    Edit: BTW, it silly to run "one team" in this event. There aren't enough health packs for that typical style of play. I have a bunch of teams I enjoy including Spidey/Venom/ greenflag.pngredflag.png character. Or Hawkeye/Bullseye/gsBW.These other teams are tons of fun. Oh, and I get to use Murderous Aim again! How I missed playing Bullseye!