Double Shot Event - Double Shot Recruit Token.

So . . . disappointed. Worked my way to the 250 point award, and what do I get for my Double Shot Recruit Token. A blue Bagman. Never thought I'd be trolled so hard in my life by this game icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif


  • Half of my Hulk' tokens were Cap. Of course, other half was Wolv with bit of Spider and Punisher, so I'm not complaining, but I stil cursed on every Cap. So don't you worry and start builing your own ragmowing Bagman!
  • lol its sad but almost all my Hulk event cards were Cap and Wolvie cards. No punisher or anything else icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gif

    The sad thing is I had a 3/4/3 Bagman before I discovered how **** he was and started deleting him for roster space icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif
  • I've gotten 3 Bullseyes, 2 Wolvies, Daken, and a freakin Cap. I feel your pain.