How is this possible?? 2.0

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion

Um, so why is there a seed team finishing #8 in my bracket?? :/

Really, D3, get your act together! No more screwups please.


  • gambl0r312
    gambl0r312 Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker

    The one we really need to watch out for is the Battl3 Ang3l "seed" team showing up... icon_e_surprised.gif Her teams are legitimately scary at times...
  • Lol. Evidently, someone (s) decided to have fun in the offseason. I wonder how many retreats it took to get a seed team that high. If the servers crash, guess we know what happens when a seed team gets a reward.
  • OneenO
    OneenO Posts: 75 Match Maker
    B4CON_M4GIC is the seed team. This is somone who changed their IGN. Lol

    I came across them recently and instantly began cracking up.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    OneenO wrote:
    B4CON_M4GIC is the seed team. This is somone who changed their IGN. Lol

    I came across them recently and instantly began cracking up.

    ^ That's how it's possible. Might want to check you know what you're talking about before you start ranting at D3.

    Also love how many people already up-voted this non-issue. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • Lystrata wrote:
    OneenO wrote:
    B4CON_M4GIC is the seed team. This is somone who changed their IGN. Lol

    I came across them recently and instantly began cracking up.

    ^ That's how it's possible. Might want to check you know what you're talking about before you start ranting at D3.

    Also love how many people already up-voted this non-issue. icon_rolleyes.gif

    (Psst, some of us are in on the joke. Shhh....)
  • ballingbees
    ballingbees Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I.. actually got wiped by B4CON once..
    in Prove your Worth, his solitary L135 Goddess with 3 colours casually wiped the floor with my two maxed 2*s + loaner Goddess. Lesson learnt, don't mess with Goddess.

    so I lost to a seed team.. i wanna be skrull now
  • What if seed teams are actual devs playing them and using them to defeat us and drain health packs? OMG!
  • Okin107 wrote:
    What if seed teams are actual devs playing them and using them to defeat us and drain health packs? OMG!

    Unlikely since it's not mid-season
  • Revenge of the machines...

    It has begun...
  • Look at Vic up there #2 unsheilded like a boss.
  • I find it encouraging to see one seed team dare to fight back! No one should be subjected to such constant pummeling, how would you feel if you were always the target?

    How long will we let this constant targeting of seed teams stand?!? I say we rise up and and end this intentional scorn of those poor seed teams!
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Fun fact: Way, way back -- before I clued on to the fact that they were seed teams -- I would occasionally retreat to Bacon or Skrull if I wasn't going to compete in a PvP event.
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    Aww shucks. This ruins a joke I wanted to do next week.
    I wanted to make a post claiming to have seen a cheater. I would say that I've seen them for over a month with 1-star characters that never get leveled up. And when you try to look at their roster you only get an error message.
    It was going to be a long thing calling out this player and at the end post a screenshot of B4CON_M4GIC.
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    B4CON for Vendetta!

  • Sea wrote:

    Um, so why is there a seed team finishing #8 in my bracket?? :/

    Really, D3, get your act together! No more screwups please.

    Sea, Just wanted to ask. Before you posted this did you try clicking on their name and trying to see their roster before saying that this was a seed team? If you did that and saw the "unable to find character in database" or whatever that error message is then it is a seed team. I am pretty sure that the person did change their name and if you did that you would have seen a roster with high level toons.
  • I have WannaBSkrull at 6th place in my bracket for Balance of Power - it is a full seed team uprising. It would be pretty cool if there were 20 of these seed team lookalikes and they all formed an alliance
  • lhkatsu wrote:
    Sea, Just wanted to ask. Before you posted this did you try clicking on their name and trying to see their roster before saying that this was a seed team? If you did that and saw the "unable to find character in database" or whatever that error message is then it is a seed team. I am pretty sure that the person did change their name and if you did that you would have seen a roster with high level toons.

    Sorry, it was a joke (because of the lack of underscore)! icon_e_smile.gif