In a predicament - what would you do?

mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So because I entered the Iso-8 Brotherhood like 2 days into it, I lucked into a new bracket of non-grinders (for the most part). I really wanted to get the Gamora progression and since this pve is like a iso/hp faucet at times, I was happy to get as much of those as I could as well. My issue now boils down to this - I got the Gamora cover this morning and just completely stopped playing, yet I'm still 3rd. I don't need any Cpt Marvel covers nor the X-Force cover so I would rather not take them away from others who might actually use them. The problem is that it'd still be nice to play for the iso/hp that is given out like candy, but I'm afraid playing, even minimally, will keep me at least in the top 10, and if I want to get hp from the subs maybe even stay top 2.

So, what would you guys do? Play for the hp and take covers I don't need away from others or just throw in the towel and hope I end up top 20? I really wish I could keep going for the hp and iso rewards but remove myself from the normal ladder for cover rewards.

Oh and if it helps decision making at all, I just crossed 50k, and I'm 13k ahead of 10th. Can't imagine at least 8 others won't try for that 50k cover (right DuckyV? you can totally make it!)


  • I think you should just do what you want to do in the final subs. It is nice to step aside for people that need the cover. However, clearly no one is making the effort to go for that cover, so it isn't like you are stepping on anyone's toes.

    I wish the few times I have come in third, the top 2 took as much care as you. The game is a better place with people like you not worrying about that extra 1000 Iso, when someone else could get a cover they could use.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    Maybe I'm just a massive a-hole but I'd grab the HP/ISO.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    If someone really wants the covers, let them work for it. If they can't beat you, even though you're playing casually, it doesn't sound like they need it that badly.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would keep farming the subs. That's basically what I did in the Simulator event, got a big enough lead in the subs that I could stop early and let people catch up.

    With the subs so quick in this one, that's not really possible, so you're probably just gonna deny someone. I'm all for backing off, but especially in the case of HP farming, that takes precedence, given the scarcity.
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    It's only one or two subs left (depending on your slice), so if you feel strongly about letting others attempt to get those covers, then just stop. I think it's either stop completely or just keep grinding for ISO/HP for yourself. Doing something in between would likely be the worst call. Maybe if you do stop right now and they aren't catching up by the last hour, just go ahead and collect what you can.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think anyone would fault you for going for the Hero Points.

    Also, end of day, you might help some people hit Progression Rewards they wouldn't because of 'banding off of you.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    Find myself in a very similar predicament. Currently at 171469, after clears of both subs. #3 Fencebuster of exiled heroes has 168401. They can use the Xforce yellow to upgrade their 1/2/2. I would just lose the yellow in a respec, as mine is currently 2/2/3. I have been playing very suboptimally for the past day or two. I can still use the Cap Marvel covers, as mine is 4/4/1. The alliance one will go to waste though.

    I have been playing the nodes multiple times at once, so I haven't been playing every 2.5 hrs like I could be. It is a nice break. I have been grinding to stay in the Top 10 for the subs, as a F2P player, I need to collect the HP while I can. I was 6th and 9th in the last subs, so I am not even going for Top 2 in the subs.

    Since I've been trying to pump the breaks, I haven't been watching the leaderboards, so I can't really tell if they can do it without me just giving up. #4 Mikeng of Immortal Rage has 166651 and a 5/5/3 Xforce. Can't tell if the current rankings are how they are because people have already grinded or #4 has also slowed down.

    I will be trying to close out the subs at #10 in each. And will try to do the same for the last set coming up. I am currently 15 and 14 in the subs, since I have been enjoying some sleep. It seems like more effort is required to give #2 away than is required to get it. I would love to just grind down the subs as much as I can, and walk away knowing I've secured Top 10 in the subs, but that might give me too many points to hold on to #2. So I will be watching the main leaderboard, and hoping that I only need to do it for the end of these subs, and not the next as well.

    I commend the OP on their desire to step aside, but unfortunately with the way the current PVE is set up, they can't step aside without it costing them something (HP). In the OP's shoes, I would still go after Top 10 in the subs, because it has never been easier (and likely won't be again) to collect HP.
  • i only grinded in one of the two subs each time.
    So that my total rank stayed in 150-200 to get the wolverine instead of captain marvel
  • Given the information provided by the OP, I think I would go for the HP/Iso. While the I love the idea of backing off for others that need the covers and plan to do so myself should I ever get out of the 2-3 transition and dont need certain covers, the gap you have mentioned along with you saying they have not pushed so far likely means that you would not drop as much as you hope even if you did stop completely. So I say you might as well grab the prizes in the subs in this one and save pumping the brakes for another PVE where maybe the subs wont have as good of rewards and you can stop at the top progression (if you even need that considering the next PVE SHOULD have Cap Marvel as the top Prog Reward.)

    Again, it would be a different answer if the gap was closer so that slowing/stopping would be more likely to have the effect you want.
  • simonsez wrote:
    If someone really wants the covers, let them work for it. If they can't beat you, even though you're playing casually, it doesn't sound like they need it that badly.
    Agree with this^

    Play your game, get what you need.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    Curious to see how this turned out mohio. I ended up losing out on a possible 200 HP, 50 HP each, for the last 4 subs. I wasn't able to get in the top 10 in either, because I was waiting for #3 to move into #2, so I didn't grind down early, hit max pts, hit #1 in subs, then walk away and see it fall but still stay in Top 10. The #3 guy did make it to #2 in the end. The last subs, I was less than 100 pts below them in the main and didn't move til they did, so they knew they had #2. And again, couldn't grind the nodes without knowing if they would be there to do the same and regain #2. I probably should've just went, and let them regain their place by playing.

    I think in the future, I will only be pumping the brakes if I can communicate with the person, the only way MPQ players can, on the forums. Or if they can overtake me with no cost to myself. That way, I know I can do what I need to do to get what I want, and they will know what they need to do to get what they want. The other option is do what #1 in my bracket did. Grind all the way, and make it so that there is no way anyone could catch up, regardless if you just let go of the wheel and stopped playing. But I don't want to go back to 2.5 hr playing for a few days straight, so that really isn't viable for me.