am i the only one with this problem?

edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So basically pvp is biased against me it seems....

I am a fairly new player (day 32) with one fully maxed 2* Thor and a fully covered 2* wolvie at 73.
whenever I try to get to 300 points in any pvp, the game will decide that around the 220-240 level, I should see nothing but fully maxed 3* teams with the occasional 4* thrown in. And even if I let myself get taken down back to the high 100s, the opponents dont get any easier.
at this moment in the doc ock event I am 223 points and staring at 2 different teams with a full sentry and another with a 160 xforce.

this is so depressing and I would like to just get to 300 for the token. Anyone else know what i did wrong to the game, that made it so mad at me?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you skip much to try to find easier teams, but just keep getting the outmatching ones?

    I think that the smaller opponent pools of selectable ending times have made it harder to escape bad matchups.
  • I've only recently started playing as well (one maxxed 2*, 3-4 more that need 1 cover + iso) and I usually push for 300 then just quit.

    Some events I get unbeatable teams around the 200 mark, sometimes I can push almost to 400 before I run into it. Likely reason for difficulty is the time-shards, especially if you picked time shard 4. From what I understand, there's a lot of high scorers who pick shard 4 and, as a result, people with lower level rosters have a higher chance of running into the high point teams.
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    Naw, I had the same problem when I started. I got 2* Mags/Storm levelled up first, just due to token pulls/rewards, but would be up against 166 walls at 250-300 points.

    It's just a matter of... the better your roster gets, the further you're able to push. It's incredibly frustrating as a new player to only be able to play to 300ish points (if you're lucky) in PvP, but you should be able to decently rock PvE. Focus mainly there - that's where you'll get your main iso supply, covers, etc. You'll be able to break through 300 eventually... but this is a very slow game, and it's being made slower all the time.

    If you want something with faster levelling, I'd say cut your losses and run now. icon_e_wink.gif
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Posted this a bit back, but it's relevant;
    Honestly, MPQ is pretty forgiving to the new crowd.

    My advice to a new player;
    • Play lots of PvE. You'll get a lot of ISO, which becomes a rarity later in your playing cycle, so every little bit counts. You can score 2* covers from Progression Rewards, which is always good. You can earn yourself some Boosts and Team-Ups, which you can use in PvP to win a few matches here and there you really shouldn't.
    • Play Lightning Rounds out when you can. These are the best way to get ISO, by far. If you start them at the very beginning, you'll get a fair few Seed Teams (i.e. super easy) and you can get a pretty decent amount of points from them. Progression Rewards are easy to attain. Potential to place for a decent token is pretty good.
    • Learn to effectively grind PvPs. You're not going to place in PvP for awhile (and you shouldn't be able to), but, the good news is, PvP is still a great score of covers and income for you --- you just have to learn how. 2* covers drop randomly from PvP fights and they drop at a pretty decent rate (I covered three 2* just from random drops basically alone). You're going to hit a point, probably pretty low (around 300 I would guess, if not lower) that you can't win anymore. Pick a node and lose. The great thing about low level characters is they recover really fast, and by losing your MMR ("Match Making Rating") goes down and you'll start seeing lower level nodes again.
    • Play the Shield Simulator. This is a great way to get lower level covers really early. You get a cover every 50 points until 300 and another cover every 100 points after that (other than a few Hero Point prizes, but those are invaluable! You want those.), even granted a few 2* at 1600/1700/1800/2000/2100/2200 points and two 3* at the very top at 2300/2400. Chances are you won't be able to get 2* covers at first, but solidifying your 1* roster is the first step.
    • Last but not least, join a public Alliance. It doesn't seem like much, but the bonus ISO is fantastic, and if your Alliance does well enough, you might even get free covers at the end of an event. If you find yourself outperforming your Alliance mates as a whole, go looking for a higher ranked one. Always keep moving forward.

    tl;dr play to where you can play. It's a not a race, nor a sprint, to the finish line. Take your time and be the turtle.
  • Moral
    Moral Posts: 512
    My son plays irregularly and is top 100 with between 300 and 400 points.

    What I've seen is easier brackets for the newer players but progression rewards 700+ are out of reach.

    My wife was in those easier shards through the Anniversary, placed top 5 in that mini season, and got dumped into the big shark pool from there on out.

    If that's what you're seeing, enjoy brackets where you can get an xforce with under 700 points while you can. By the time you can hit 1100, that score doesn't guarantee you top 10.
  • DayvBang wrote:
    Do you skip much to try to find easier teams, but just keep getting the outmatching ones?

    I think that the smaller opponent pools of selectable ending times have made it harder to escape bad matchups.

    I dont skip until I hit the wall, and hope that I can find a beatable team. If I don't, then I send my worst guys in as a sacrafice, to reset the skip counters lol.

    and I rock the pve like crazy, my friend hooked me uo into his top 50 pve alliance, and I have gotten some good stuff that way,I'm currently 6th overall for the current event in my bracket