Data transfer through Wifi

spawn2012 Posts: 44
Suggestion concerns usage of network connection.

I use the facebook backup, usually playing on the WiFi. However within 2-3 weeks playing only a little on network connection- I used up more then 500 MB of data.
Could You add an opption that allows sending backup only on WiFi connetion?
The amout of data transfered is huge...

And also, could you put somewhere info on how much data should be transfered with or without databackup?



  • Zen808
    Zen808 Posts: 260
    If you're on iPhone, IOS 8, you can go into your phone settings -> cellular, and toggle cellular usage by app.

    If you're on Android, I don't know how exactly you would do it, but I assume that there must be a similar setting.
  • On andriod there the same option, thats how i know that MPQ ate 500 MB in 2 weeks.
    Question is, can they put option for data backup that works only on WiFi ?
  • Zen808
    Zen808 Posts: 260
    Oh, ok. So you're asking if you can do all your playing offline, and ping the servers with the results when you get back to wifi?

    I'm guessing they wouldn't, because that would open up a lot of exploits. Changing your device time to allow for more time to cram into a tourney, for example. Also, delete game and reload if you don't like your token pulls.

    Don't think there's any way around the game needing real-time access to the servers, and that means high data usages, unfortunately.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh, ok. So you're asking if you can do all your playing offline, and ping the servers with the results when you get back to wifi?

    I'm guessing they wouldn't, because that would open up a lot of exploits. Changing your device time to allow for more time to cram into a tourney, for example. Also, delete game and reload if you don't like your token pulls.

    Don't think there's any way around the game needing real-time access to the servers, and that means high data usages, unfortunately.

    I'm not sure that's 100% true. If the change had the game save the data BEFORE it was shown, you could delete the game as many times as you like and you'll still pull the same 10 Moonstone covers off your 10-Pack.

    Who is to say the tokens you pull haven't been determined before you pull them? (OK, I know, if you hold a token long enough that it's potential covers change, we do know that.)

    I just think that there is a way to make the game more friendly towards that data management. I don't think it's possible for the game to become free from data, but I do think it could be lessened from it's current state.
  • I just made a that about this... Should've read yours first. The data usage of this game is insane
  • I'm not suggesting enabling off mode, or sth

    I would like them to check why data transfer i so freakin high? Reason suggests that the game should send only text info, no images etc. So why within 2 weeks i managed to send almost 500 MB of data ONLY by MPQ?!

    So, please devs, could You maybe fix this a little?
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I had a period over thanksgiving where I was experiencing frequent game crashes. When the game would crash I would lose the last 10 minutes of activity on my device.

    I was losing
    * rewards - tokens and ISO awarded would vanish
    * training - covers and levels would roll back off a character
    * PVE progress - maps were resetting forcing me to repeat lower nodes to re-unlock them
    * PVP nodes - if DuffManOhYeah was in the top node 10 minutes ago; he would be back again even if I had beaten him

    I was *NOT* losing
    * Points awarded for fights in PVP
    * Points awarded for fights in PVE
    * Node countdown timers were accurate. So if I played 2 nodes and crashed, when I came back the 2nd node would be locked, the 1st would show 'full points in 2:20'... after I beat the first then the timer for #1 would show '4:40' and the 2nd node would unlock, but already have a countdown running for it. After this repeated 4 times I was doing the early nodes for no net gain in an attempt to get to the 5th and 6th nodes.

    If I was in the middle of a PVP fight when the app crashed I would suffer the 33% hit to my character health and lose the current match as if I had retreated.
    If I was in the middle of a PVE fight - I would come back and typically my characters would be unaffected.

    The point is that there seems to be 2 different communications take place.. one is the sync with the MPQ Server to report event points and manage PVP match-ups. the other appears to be the data sync/update with the backup (in my case to Facebook).

    The amount of data moving back and forth is very high; and a lot of it seems like it might be unnecessary... maybe it helps support playing on multiple devices, but it definitely seems like the game wants a very strong, very persistent connection. And I am honestly curious if all the new data is necessary.

    Maybe there are optional blocks of data that could be separately cached and held until a wifi connection is restored? I get that there are important things that need to be immediately reconciled to prevent cheating and exploits, but anything not used to identify cheats or protect the integrity of the experience could be relegated to a 2nd tier of data that could wait.

    But it takes work/time - and unless there is a bottom line impact to them (in the form of lost revenue due to players not being willing to spend money or play due to data consumption) its not likely to change.