Advice for somebody trying to go casual



  • DrNitroman
    DrNitroman Posts: 966 Critical Contributor
    A very pleasant thread to read, I'm glad to see I'm not alone trying to get casual while staying involved in the game.
    icon_arrow.gif count me on the list icon_exclaim.gif

    Before sharing my experience with you, one observation. Players speaking are getting more casual than before but there is a huge gap between a casual player who play daily and rank top 100 in pve/pvp and a casual player who play just once in a while and who don't bother to know what is rubberbanding or scaling... icon_e_biggrin.gif
    icon_arrow.gif Usually I say I'm a semi-hardcore player... but maybe I'm a semi-casual one icon_neutral.gif

    When the alliances were created I was a 2*-->3* transitioning player. Being in a top 100 alliance made my transition faster and gave me an incentive to play PvP as I was rather a pve player. At the end of season2 we missed top100 by a few ranks although we didn't put less effort: the level of competition had just significantly increased. Some of us quit the game, burned, some left to join a bigger alliance and the others chose to adopt a 'top250 alliance style of play'

    Now I have a good roster. I play daily. I know I can't - and I don't want to - be as competitive as players who score 2k in pvp, shield-hop, wake up every 2.5h to make a run ... so I quit trying completely
    I score 600-800 in pvp reaching top100, sometimes top25. When I use shield it's only at the end to defend a top25 chance
    In pve I grind consistently because I actually like this icon_e_biggrin.gif . But because of ending time, I don't always win the new character cover. The new ending time option could be helpful

    But such a semi-harcore playing takes time. For the moment I keep playing because discovering and winning new characters is still an incentive. But if ever I get bored, I don't know. I don't think I can go 100% casual and play once in a week without goal just to play a match3 game. If I'd stop playing I'd stop completely I think icon_rolleyes.gif
  • russreid91
    russreid91 Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
    I just wanted to thank everybody for their advice and maybe give a quick update.

    I have been lucky enough to have been a part of very good alliance for a long time and I have a developed roster so getting to 900-1100 isn't really that big of a deal. My challenge is that I'm running into instances where I just don't want to play an event, I'm tired of being tied to this game at certain times and that is what I am hoping to step away from. So I think to do that I need to step away from any competitive alliance, they are one of the best things and worst things to happen to MPQ. They really help accelerate your roster but then it also became a matter of not letting your alliance down so you played even though you don't want to.

    Pushing the Leave button on my alliance was very hard, there was definitely some sadness involved. As I stated in my OP, I think I am going to take the week off (unless they offer some really nice rewards) and then I'm either going to Merc myself out when I feel like playing or I'm going to try and find a casual alliance where if I get 300 points because I had 20 mins to play the game great, if I get 1300 because I really wanted the rewards, awesome and if I don't even play then event then no big deal. And for PvE, unless it is a new cover (and maybe not even then) I'm just going to farm for iso whenever I have a few mins to play.

    So if anybody knows of a casual alliance (but hopefully one that still likes to chat) where they could use a player like that then let me know and we'll see if I'm still playing in a week.

    PM me here or on Line Russ91

    Thanks everybody,
  • I decided to take a break about 3 weeks ago, and while i initially thought i would come back within a week, i haven't even opened the game once since, and actually feel pretty good about it tbh...

    The game was just too draining trying to keep up with new character releases and scores all the time... maybe i just got burned out a little too much, or maybe it was just time for me to quit... either way, from a personal standpoint one of the best things i could have done to keep my sanity...
  • Really good advice in here. I only have level 121 characters, so it's not exactly casual to get to 600 in PVP, but i have stopped trying to get any further on it now. PVE I know early on if the final progression reward is gettable (if i want it) fairly easily, and if so I go for it. Outside of that I do the basic.

    I assume all of us burnt-out types are getting replaced (and maybe then some) by new guys, as the game doesn't show any signs of slowing the events down.
  • You're doing the right thing there OP.

    2 Seasons ago I decided I needed a break from the game. That was the first season they started giving Thoress and I was in CBS, a T50 alliance. I could only score 650 max and my minimum was 500 and they still accepted me. Of course, that was before alliances got 20 slots. Now it's a massacre out there. You need 650 min if you want to be T100 in PVP, no thanks!

    Anyway, I completely ignored the game for a week or around 10 days, not even the daily rewards. Man, I felt so good that I was not tied to my cellphone all day. I started playing again and I skipped almost every PVE. I only got progression rewards that I liked and felt easy (Tokens and ISO mostly) and just stopped. In PVP I only went for T100 if I wanted the cover given. Usually I only played for a cover I already had in my roster so that I progress. I completely didn't care about new characters.

    I ended up getting 4k points the last two seasons just for the Season Pack and then quit the rest. Honestly, it felt like a completely new and enjoyable game. Of course progress was not big, but hey, I got to cover HT** and Hawkeye and level them too! They are really nice characters and I enjoy playing them in PVE. I would have never noticed them at the rate I was playing before.

    Also, it's great on how much HP you have now for roster slots. Being in a T50 alliance I had to shield for every single PVP for 8hrs to keep the score for my alliance. That was really draining my HP, and in order to keep up with new chars I had to delete a lot of covers. I now have peace of mind and I only delete Beasts and She-Hulks.

    Just last week I decided to come back to the game a bit more competitive. I joined a T50 PVE alliance and T250 in PVP. I have literally grinded the **** out of the nodes except when i was sleeping. Got more than 1k HP from rank rewards in subs and have added 3 roster slots only during this PVE. I guess I am back to full crazy right? Well, I think the end times are great and I want to try and win some stuff now that I can play in my own timezone. Personally, this is an exciting change for me and I want to give the game a shot by being competitive again.

    If you did not have the timezone issue before, then for you there is no change with the time slices. My advice would be:
    Leave the game for 1-2 weeks. Do not open it, not a single day! After that, see how you feel about it and you might or might not get back. But you have to put yourself on the outside of the issue to judge more clearly.

    Good luck buddy! ****, time for my next grind!
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Love this thread.

    If you are "semi-hardcore," try this: enter the next Season 1-2 PvPs late. I've been doing this the last couple Seasons and I have Ranked #10 and #11 with just around 9000 pts. 2 extra 10-packs (if you care) make up somewhat for the loss in imcoin.png and iso8.png that you would have gained from being in an Alliance. It works amazingly well because most Alliances demand daily play and would never hurt their chance of getting 4* Thor, even when their chances are effectively nil. Thus, your Season competition is more like you: mostly casual, somewhat hard-core.

    Once you leave your Alliance try avoiding Alliance-must-win Events. You won't miss that 4* cover that everyone else killed themselves for, then burnt out and quit.

    The reason that Seasons and Alliances exist is because people were complaining about a "lack of motivation" many moons ago. Well, Demiurge sure fixed that problem, but for myself and others, it has ratcheted up the competition too high for a silly but fun match3 game. My brother introduced me to MPQ, but quit once Season play was in full swing. MPQ suddenly demanded 2x play time to unlock new content and It soon became unsustainable for him to play. I'm still playing, but I wish that Seasons and Alliances never were. I'd actually have more real friends playing with me if they were gone.

    If you don't have a lack of motivation to play, then you don't need an Alliance.
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    I stepped back a little before the Blade release (I think it was like 2 months ago). Basically, I left my T50 alliance and renounced to all PvP ranking prizes and most PvP ones. I am basically a progression reward player now.

    The change has been huge. Sometimes I feel the urge to grind for a prize, but do not feel so chained to the game anymore, and I am very happy about that.
  • Very delayed reply here. I just found myself in the same place. The game was taking up too much of my life. Found out a couple in my alliance were the same, so we made a casual alliance for anyone like ourselves, along with brand new players so they can join and get advice. If op or anyone else going semi casual wants to join the alliance name is AAA casual.