EVENT IN:2.5 hours

fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion


  • noobprime
    what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    So choose a time that starts after the other ends.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    noobprime wrote:
    what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    And then it kills you.
  • So choose the last end time? If it's anything at all like the PvP, there's a pretty big spread in end times. Can't imagine anyone picking a start time before the end of this PvE, since it's likely to feature Gamora and no one will have her until this PvE ends.
  • quick everyone meta says no one will pick the first slice so you can be the only one there and win first by default!
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    What if there were so many new characters and events that no human could collect everything, all of the time. Would that be bad?
  • It's also possible in 2.5 hours the event will open for bracketing, but the earliest start time could be 5, 12, or 24 hours away.
  • quick everyone meta says no one will pick the first slice so you can be the only one there and win first by default!

    Now that they know, it will no longer work.

    But we know the know, so we can play the meta-meta game. icon_lol.gif
  • noobprime wrote:
    what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    Or slowly and insidiously weakens you until something else kills you.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Event starts overall <> event starts for individual.

    Seriously. That seems to be a disconnect.
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Can you believe they had the gall to give use DOZENS of Lightning Rounds in a row!
    How are we supposed to SLEEP?
    Also...PvP after PvP after PvP?
    Where's our breaks with absolutely NOTHING to do but revisit the prologue?

    end sarcasm/

    You shouldn't blame the devs for giving you plenty of things to do. That's a GOOD thing.

    If you are personally feeling burnt out then perhaps you should take it upon yourself to scale back your play. Perhaps find one of the many alliances who do PvP only and allow mercs for PvE's if they want.

    It seems mystifying to me to yell about having too much to do in a video game.
  • noobprime wrote:
    what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    Said nobody who's ever had a successful amputation.
  • Except maybe Cyborg. Oh wait, he's DC.
  • Carnage_78
    Carnage_78 Posts: 304 Mover and Shaker
    babinro wrote:
    You shouldn't blame the devs for giving you plenty of things to do. That's a GOOD thing.

    If you are personally feeling burnt out then perhaps you should take it upon yourself to scale back your play.

    I am with you babinro...well said mate! =)

    After a few weeks of reading some of the threads on the forum I fell like I need to say something here...if only for myself...

    I find it weird that there is so much rage quitting / burned out comments on the forum lately when the game is so dynamic & currently in a "sought after by players" phase of including new content...it is indeed a good thing to get a game that is so vibrant & fun to play.

    Yes, it can be overwhelming if you try to get absolutely everything...but the truth is that no one is forcing anyone to shoot for Top 10 PvE after PvE & deprive anyone of their sleep over weeks at a time for a few extra covers. It is a choice that each player makes to shoot for the rewards that are worth it for each of us or not.

    Personally, I have not lost much sleep over those last few events (I did wake a few times here & there an hour early to grind a bit before a sub ending time but nothing more than that)...I double tap nodes every 5 or so hours & triple tap them before going to bed so that I get a maximum of points while still having them refilled in the morning when I wake up, during my breaks at work I do only the essentials & high reward nodes if I can manage them with the time I can spend on it and I also skip the too hard for me nodes if I get wiped out more than once as it drains resources which I need to grind some more what I can later...

    No, it is not enough to get all the covers but it is currently more than enough for a Top 50 finish & a Gamora cover in this event...which is good enough for me. The amount of effort versus the rewards is worth while for my own expectations...

    People complain that everyone is always using the same characters over & over which makes the game very repetitive (which makes no sense with the complaints of too many new content introduced by the way)...so what does it matter if one does not get a full range of powers for the very latest character? Although she looks very cool to fight with, it's not like Gamora is the next PvP powerhouse or a major game changer or anything like that & if the character is essential for the next event then one cover is enough to achieve that (Top 150 is the objective for that which I think is not too hard to achieve if you choose to put a consistent effort over the entire event). Then over time you can build her up...make her usable...and feel good about that accomplishment when it happens (I recently did it with my Blade which I did not get all covers for as soon as it got introduced not that long ago & now that he can be levelled up over 94 it is that much more enjoyable to fight with him knowing that I earned it with my efforts but without sacrificing my entire life to get there).

    I think that the underlying problem here is that some of us as players are very impatient (this is a character evolution type game after all which is never an overnight kind of thing unless you are willing to pay for short cuts) and also plague by the "completionist" in each of us...don't get me wrong I am part of that group as well...I would so like to be able to compete at a higher level right now sometimes...but then I remember to enjoy the journey of this game...and I begin to again appreciate each rewards I get when I get them instead of being frustrated that I don't have this or that maxed out character.

    It's a marathon...so take your time & enjoy the ride.

    Sometimes I read some flat out greedy comments as well from players...not the game developers like some would like us to believe (another argument that I don't get since they offer a service earning them a living...no one is forcing anyone to open up their wallet...this game can actually be played for free if you so choose...it just takes a lot longer to build up a competitive roster but it is still possible so how is that greedy?). Those comments basically ask for free this or free that which to me sounds very wrong (some exceptions always exist in everything...like in the case of alliance roster slots which would have been very frustrating to have paid for only to see it given away to everyone afterwards...but most of the time it sounds like a spoiled kid asking for more ice cream with his mouth still full)...

    Well you know what? If you really want something then put in the effort required to get it & stop complaining about the amount of work needed to get there or lower your expectations & shoot for a range of rewards that makes it worth while for yourself. I am talking as a maxed 2* roster player that has been playing for around 90 days...believe me I got heaps of stuff still to earn (and wish I could get faster) but I take it one step at a time with what I can manage to earn each event...and that works for me without burning me out. Maybe in the next PvE I will take it easier if it is not worth my while or if I can't manage to clock in the time or maybe I will get more free time & go for the top...who knows? The important thing is to not over do it every single event as it is not sustainable and will lead to frustration.

    Yes, everyone wants to put their hands on all the new characters, me included...but if you decide to go for it time after time...don't complain about it...it is your choice to do so...no one else's. I am a very competitive type personality so I do understand the drive to go full throttle all the time but balance is everything if you want to win the race in the end.

    No one is meant to win everything all the time...if it is too much to shoot for Top 10 (or whatever high objective) all the time...then one must scale back (maybe just for a few days or so), readjust their expectations & continue to enjoy this game for what it is...a fun piece of entertainment. icon_e_biggrin.gif