You only have 1 Hood and 1 Sentry what do you do now?*POLL*

Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
edited December 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So do people still try Sentry/Hood bombing? Yes it still works

Have people opted to move back or stay with the 5/5/3 Hood

Is a 5/3/5 Sentry more powerful?

All these and more can be answered by you.

I only put the viable builds for each character, obviously you could go 4/4/5 Sentry but that's kind of dumb, Sentry's red and green are either go 3 or go 5 as 4 just sucks and Hood only has 2 real options, since going 4 yellow and 4 black is also just dumb and 5 blue is just mandatory.
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  • 5-3-5 Sentry is more powerful now for shield hop, but combined with X-Force.
    Let Sentry handle Red and yellow, while X-Force handle black and green.
  • h4n1s
    h4n1s Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Berto_Y wrote:
    5-3-5 Sentry is more powerful now for shield hop, but combined with X-Force.
    Let Sentry handle Red and yellow, while X-Force handle black and green.

    I have to admit that I don't have neither of those 2 you just mentioned fully covered, but the trouble with X-Force is that his green and black powers do destroy your board to such extend that the probability of non-losing strike tile from Sentry's yellow is pretty small - unless you save those two skills as finishers.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well looking at Sentry the only way World Rupture works is pretty much in PvE. Sure you can boost crazyily and go 3/5/5 Hood and be succesful, but you really burn through the health packs more and it's reduced speed and inconsistency make it unreliable, add to the fact that you really pigeon hole Hood with the 3/5/5 build, you could justify it with Sentry, but now that that option has gone away you just can't.

    So, where does that leave us?

    Well let's look at PvP. The speed with which you can get World Rupture out coupled with the increased CD timer has basically screwed this skill. However, if you leave it at level 3 you just plain made it terrible. If you are going to attempt a Sentry bomb I think you are better off with using Black Panther to create the strike tiles instead of Sentry. Together they arent' as good as 1 Sentry but you aren't putting all your eggs in one basket if it gets destroyed, and if you are able to the team up going well then you are actually ahead. This gives you a nice AoE combo albeit expensive, but you could in theory hit for quite a bit of damage between Rage of the Panther, Supernova and World Rupture.

    Having tried every which way to get Sentry to work, it just isn't as good as before, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Did they overnerf the guy? yes, hopefully when he gets pulled out of rotation they will fix some of him. Honestly, if they would have made World Rupture just cost 12-14 but left the CD at 2, you still would have left him semi-viable just not turbo fast. I think 5/5/3 is the only way to build Sentry right now. That extra damage added onto Sacrifice plus the additional turns of having Sentry exposed to damage to get enough green makes that 1700 plus sac damage a bit pricey. I have been very succesful running Sentry/BP/Hood in PvE and even in PvP. After World Rupture goes off I many times have enough black and red to do both RotP and Supernova, however, furthermore a maxed Supernova while ending the turn can be a nice and quick defense against 4hor and her Smite.

    One can always use Daken or Blade to an extent if you need strike tiles instead of BP. While Supernova does end the turn, it usually doesn't matter and if you can work it right, Supernova plus Battleplan or anyother strike tile not on red can do a lot of damage,
  • When paired with X-force, 5/3/5 Sentry would work nicely on defense as more 4Thor's come online since her strong color is red.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    jralbino wrote:
    When paired with X-force, 5/3/5 Sentry would work nicely on defense as more 4Thor's come online since her strong color is red.

    That's not a bad idea, it just seems to lock him into that role and u could just run your own 4hor as defense as well
  • Phaserhawk wrote:
    jralbino wrote:
    When paired with X-force, 5/3/5 Sentry would work nicely on defense as more 4Thor's come online since her strong color is red.

    That's not a bad idea, it just seems to lock him into that role and u could just run your own 4hor as defense as well
    Very true. I was thinking more for those that aren't going to have a functional 4Thor for a bit. I'll be 3/2/2 after tomorrow, but don't think she's QUITE ready to run yet. Once she is, I doubt Sentry will see the light of day outside of Starfall.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    well, just happened to get a Supernova in a Standard pack, so I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and work my way towards 5/5/3. Ive kicked around the thought of going 5/3/5 but in the end I can always find a way to get strike tiles out Blade/Daken/Black Panther/Gamora and in Starfall Sentry will be boosted to high enough levels that a level 3 Sacrifce should be sufficient. Honestly my final sway to go 5/5/3 was that both red and green saw damage reductions where sacrfice does not anymore and the fact that level 5 throws on another 1400 worth of AoE dmg and the fact you take less damage for destroying more tiles.