Got a good score in Pve and want into the top 100 ?

edited December 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Then join the Nasty Bastards.
We're in and out of the top 100, ranked #106 atm.
And to get there permanently we need to replace some members with more motivated peeps.
We do Pvp too, but more casually since not all our members are ready for high level Pvp yet. Ranked 315 in the current season.
If you're interested send me a pm or even better hiit me up on Line, ID hhhammer13


  • I am unable to find your clan, even when i include private and full alliances in the search ?
  • Hi, my ign is ChefBacon. I just started a week or so ago and I'm looking for a top 100. I have Thor4 lvl 138 and ~15 three stars. Rank 1-50 in most PVE's and 1-50 in PVP's Send a PM if interested