a couple UI updates

First, just make the background of the AP bar a bit more clear, its kinda hard to see how much of it is filled with black AP (at least on mobile version, probably easier to see in a big sceen).

Second, get a corner, anywhere, even the very bottom of the screen, and add three icons: one for total Strike Tiles damage sum, one for total Attack Tiles damage sum and one for total Protect Tiles sum. Like

strike.png 452 attack.png 2000 protect.png 346 || enemystrike.png 432 eattack.png 532 enemyprotect.png 126

Easy enough right?

(yep, its like that strike and attack tiles will look like with Blade)


  • Its been a while, but I can see each time more and more need for this kind of thing. I just hate when the enemy is left with less than one match HP left because I miscalculated the special tiles and they sit there after a BP's blackflag.png or Ares's greenflag.png with the AP I gave them, just because I though it would kill. Cant see any downside for this.
  • Yes, this really helps. Even if it is placed "hidden" in the side AP bar