I got 3 Thor 4* because of....



  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    I can see the merit in OBW/ Xforce, black purple drain good idea
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ended up top 10 using Patch, Daken, and either Psylock or Deadpool. Psylock was usually better with boosts for G/B and R/Y against the big goons. Match 2 greens and 1 black and I am double dipping on 6 BR strike tiles. My Psylock is only level 141 so she hid very well behind Daken and Patch only tanking Blue which I ignored. If Psylock got hurt I put in DP for ALOT. It did massive damage after BR went down.
    I also got a good night sleep each night, put up all my Christmas decorations, helped my kids with their homework everyday(yes I made my kids do homework over the holliday). We went sleding, shopping, and did a lot of other fun things. I also finished top 10 in both PVP's mainly becuase of time slice end times.

    I will say TGIM thank god its Monday so I don't have to play PVE today icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • sc0ville
    sc0ville Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    I got 3 Thor 4 because...

    I find going to work on 1.5hrs sleep an interesting challenge. Oh, and partially because I used a ton of boosts and bought two lots of 5 heathpacks during the final 2 hour grind at 3am-5am. Oh, and because Hulk tanking Demons to trigger green into X-Force works a treat.

    But mostly the not sleeping thing.
    my amazing wife did the 3am clear for me so I only needed to do midnight and 6am LOL could also be a contributor.

    That may be the most geeky/romantic thing ever. Congrats =D
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I found that this event was good for multiple combos. I pretty much did the 2 1/2 hour cycle while awake for subs 1 & 3. Not sure about those saying couldnt sleep. i got plenty of sleep in (finished 8th with 150K). I was able to cruise through the second sub with only 3 clears. I got some good rebound points. I dont have a high leveled Blade like homeinvasion, but I was also able to save health packs by using different teams. Used Laken/Falcon for easy nodes, Hulk/Patch/She-Hulk for trivial nodes, and XF/LT for the essentials. I was able to take advantage on some of the nodes where pink was strong by using Surgical Strike then Deadpools whales and found his Red was fast and effective at getting the goons health down low enough for an XF insta-kill. I liked that this event allowed for us to use different teams. Only once was I in a situation where I didnt have anyone healthy enough to fight and that was only due to the PVP. I did the 10am one to give myself the most time for PVE.

    The grinding was intense, but it was fun - at least for me.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also used Blade quite a bit. In particular one team:

    STABBYWINGS -- Daken, Blade, Falcon

    Against a low level goons, no team seems to be faster than Stabbywings. I cleared out a ton of nodes with them. I don't even have Purple for Blade yet. I accidentally used the team against the high level Doom Mystique node, and by the miracle of lucky cascades they still won.

    As a character, I found Rocket&Groot to be terrible until I leveled them up enough that they could tank more colors, and then they were pretty good. They became my default choice for covering blue.

    I used Black Panther and Deadpool a lot. With lots of strike tiles out, A Little Off the Top is fast and gruesome. Occasionally used Captain Marvel, Captain America, Hulk, and Human Torch as back-up characters as others died and health packs got low.

    And of course, I used X-Force a lot. I found that sometimes Black Panther fit in a team better, especially when running R&G / Deadpool.
  • Yah. I knew about blade blocking doom. Black sealing colors from the enemy. Here's the problem - unless you got lucky with tokens or bought covers, - you don't have a maxed blade. And a non-maxed blade is garbage against lvl 300 enemies.

    Rotating about 20 different guys made everything trivial until you factor in the need to go to *2* thanksgiving dinners and work on sunday.

    and no why would we pity Europeans having to wake up for the ending when we're ALL doing round-the-clock 2.25 hour clears?

    Everyone had it **** this event and it should be obvious to the devs that this system needs to be fixed badly.

    Also those stupid 2 goons feeding an op AI or 1 goon and 2 OP ai is really tiring already

    And I got 3 Thor 4* because I didn't calculate that half an hour of work in the real world was easier than playing 30 minutes every 2.25 hours for 4 days. Oops!!
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    my amazing wife did the 3am clear for me so I only needed to do midnight and 6am LOL could also be a contributor.
    She's a keeper. Hang onto her, man.
  • Hulk. Simply put I would not have been able to do it. I would Rage with Patch then let the Summon Demons hit Hulk. It would cascade the entire team next turn. It was beautiful.
  • My tip is that cstorm+mnmags+patch with boosted purple/blue will beat any team if you can find two purple matches early on. Any team. And fast. You can either pusition mnmags purple to hit multiple greens with 4 or 5 lines, or just match green a bit since he tanks so well.

    Then zerker rage the one with the lowest health, change to the one with the highest and use mnmags purple, and finish stunning the other with cstorm blue. This will deal between 5 and 6k damage to the first, up to 10k to the second, and about 3.7k to the stunned one.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    First of all, I want to say thank you for sharing this with everyone. This is another one of those little, but neat, gestures that goes a long way to show we're all not just abuncha competitive goons. icon_lol.gif

    It gave me an idea though. Why doesn't things like this exist already? I mean, we have the characters sub-forums and we have that awesome thread about counters (and there's the events sub-forum, which I honestly rarely read), but there's never really any threads that I've really noticed anyone talk about how they overcome the different things in each event, PvE especially. I think this should be a thing. This is a thing I would sticky.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    First of all, I want to say thank you for sharing this with everyone. This is another one of those little, but neat, gestures that goes a long way to show we're all not just abuncha competitive goons. icon_lol.gif

    It gave me an idea though. Why doesn't things like this exist already? I mean, we have the characters sub-forums and we have that awesome thread about counters (and there's the events sub-forum, which I honestly rarely read), but there's never really any threads that I've really noticed anyone talk about how they overcome the different things in each event, PvE especially. I think this should be a thing. This is a thing I would sticky.
    There was. Back before the fire nation invaded....err, alliances
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    I have this idea to do Champion Spotlights on Youtube like League of Legends do, but I dont have all the champs maxed out. And I'm not really very techie. Any thoughts?


    This is patch, his strong colors are this, he matches well with Loki because lokis black converts the enemy strikes, he also works well with Daken because of sustain push, his best team is, he is countered by.

    At least new peeps would have some reference to go off before they start the Himalayas journey of leveling them up.
  • Wow, nice post-event advice. We did figure out Blade went well with Daken and a RGY guy like Sentry/Thor/Patch (mostly Thor of course), but not many have Blade well-covered. I only used my 4/2/3 Blade on easy nodes once or twice the entire event. For me, the not sleeping thing worked best besides having a diverse roster.
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    Spoit wrote:
    Oldboy wrote:
    Was so excited to see ur original post about blade until i realised u were running at maxed covers icon_e_biggrin.gif
    Mine's still at 2/1/3

    And yes, thank you for sharing that info

    I ran wolvie/falcon and groot or psylocke for most of the nodes and xforce/lthor/steve rogers with boosts for the last 2 nodes
    Yeah pretty much. I tried using him the first sub with falcon, but without that 5th (or 4th for that matter) green cover to reduce the number of required redtile.png to 10, they just don't get out very often. And then the scaling kicked in so he was dieing to match damage alone before being able to pull out more than 1 or 2 strike.png s
    yea blade falcon doesn't work I tried it a mess of times it just doesn't. Crossover for purple and Blades passive is too unpredictable, think of him as a black purple that occasionally gives you a surprise. Dont rely on the passive.
    On goon nodes, blade/falcon are fantastic. I was running them with groot and daken, depending on whether groot was required. I just don't use falcon's purple and rarely use blade's green since it can take out strike tiles. At one point, I was doing 1500-2000 match damage, with another 2500+ from the follow-up attack tiles.

    When the goons so high that they would kill with one shot, I did switch out Falcon for L. Cap. I would quickly match red so that Cap could use his red attack if needed to stop a critical countdown. Then I would let red sit and collect until Blade started to lay out strike tiles. I have a screenshot of the board from one battle that has 14 red strike tiles from blade, plus two purple attack tiles. From a groot/blade/cap match, I have screenshots with six blue strike tiles (from groot) plus 15 red strike tiles (from blade), along with one purple tile. I used Cap's red followed by a 4-match cascade (TUs, yellow, and two blacks) -- and an empiricist's health went from 18572 to 482. The match damage was awesome.
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    Not having a usable Blade, I still use my old favourite of Daken/HT/Falcon to deal with goons.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    On goon nodes, blade/falcon are fantastic. I was running them with groot and daken, depending on whether groot was required. I just don't use falcon's purple and rarely use blade's green since it can take out strike tiles. At one point, I was doing 1500-2000 match damage, with another 2500+ from the follow-up attack tiles.

    Don't get me wrong there is good synergy with Blade falcon, I just wouldn't use the pair to support in PVP. I Find Daken/ Blade/ Falcon is good, or as you say Groot/ Blade/ Falcon, because you have to have some guaranteed way to get the first 3-4 strikes on the board early or you are doing nothing for a long time.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    First of all, I want to say thank you for sharing this with everyone. This is another one of those little, but neat, gestures that goes a long way to show we're all not just abuncha competitive goons. icon_lol.gif

    It gave me an idea though. Why doesn't things like this exist already? I mean, we have the characters sub-forums and we have that awesome thread about counters (and there's the events sub-forum, which I honestly rarely read), but there's never really any threads that I've really noticed anyone talk about how they overcome the different things in each event, PvE especially. I think this should be a thing. This is a thing I would sticky.
    There was. Back before the fire nation invaded....err, alliances

    icon_lol.gif Fair enough. I'm just saying, if people want to get behind this, I'll start posting threads and stickying them (or stickying other people's threads if they beat me to it).
    I have this idea to do Champion Spotlights on Youtube like League of Legends do, but I dont have all the champs maxed out. And I'm not really very techie. Any thoughts?


    This is patch, his strong colors are this, he matches well with Loki because lokis black converts the enemy strikes, he also works well with Daken because of sustain push, his best team is, he is countered by.

    At least new peeps would have some reference to go off before they start the Himalayas journey of leveling them up.

    I feel like this is a good idea, but I don't know if video is the right format, but I dunno, maybe you could fluff it out to 3:50 or so. If you need help on the technical end, I can help with that. Streaming/recording isn't actually all that hard if you know what software to use. icon_e_smile.gif
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    I feel like this is a good idea, but I don't know if video is the right format, but I dunno, maybe you could fluff it out to 3:50 or so. If you need help on the technical end, I can help with that. Streaming/recording isn't actually all that hard if you know what software to use. icon_e_smile.gif
    I think you tube is the perfect media, have short videos of actual game play with talking over the top e.g you can read a hundred times that hood/ OBW/ Cap is great for PVE but you don't realize it till the first time you get 2 of his red working at once an you keep working those body shots. Or you see the big pile of strikes from Daken/ Blade into a small cascade. Amy chance that D3 would make a loaner account for anyone to actually do this with a max roster? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel like this is a good idea, but I don't know if video is the right format, but I dunno, maybe you could fluff it out to 3:50 or so. If you need help on the technical end, I can help with that. Streaming/recording isn't actually all that hard if you know what software to use. icon_e_smile.gif
    I think you tube is the perfect media, have short videos of actual game play with talking over the top e.g you can read a hundred times that hood/ OBW/ Cap is great for PVE but you don't realize it till the first time you get 2 of his red working at once an you keep working those body shots. Or you see the big pile of strikes from Daken/ Blade into a small cascade. Amy chance that D3 would make a loaner account for anyone to actually do this with a max roster? icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Maybe that would be the better format? Talking about a group of characters. Do, say, Punisher Psylocke, and Human Torch because they fill a comparable role. Or, maybe, Captain America, Blade, Falcon, Daken, She-Hulk, Original Black Widow, and Doc Ock as a 'Primer to PvE' episode. The Hood, Thorette, X-Force and Sentry for the 'Top Ten'/Shield Hopping 101' episode. Yelena, Bag-Man, and Invisible Woman as the 'Bag-Trio' episode, for comedy relief, of course.

    Otherwise, I really do think most characters would end up falling short. For example, how long can you talk about Beast? Or even a good character like Deadpool?
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe that would be the better format? Talking about a group of characters. Do, say, Punisher Psylocke, and Human Torch because they fill a comparable role. Or, maybe, Captain America, Blade, Falcon, Daken, She-Hulk, Original Black Widow, and Doc Ock as a 'Primer to PvE' episode. The Hood, Thorette, X-Force and Sentry for the 'Top Ten'/Shield Hopping 101' episode. Yelena, Bag-Man, and Invisible Woman as the 'Bag-Trio' episode, for comedy relief, of course.

    Otherwise, I really do think most characters would end up falling short. For example, how long can you talk about Beast? Or even a good character like Deadpool?
    Well I thought you could first talk about their:

    match damage
    their abilities at 3-5
    best builds and why
    what matches to focus on for color generation
    Then show combos with all the different teams for the featured character (middle slot) for PVP
    Show combos for PVE
    most importantly explain why and how you should use that character.
    With this team what teams to focus
    what characters or teams to avoid e.g. Daken versus Hulk is bad.

    I find that every time I change team I have to work out the best strategy, what abilities I want to get off first, what situations to avoid (Daken and 2 star mags = no blue on the board)