Cost to Value ratio.

Seriously...this needs some work. $20 for enough hero points to purchase a 10 pack. For $20 I can buy entire games--in fact, for $20 I can buy (and have bought) the original Puzzle Quest game.

Meanwhile, in this game, $20 nets me a 10 pack of covers, which, if I'm lucky, will net me one or two useful covers. Granted, there are times when the luck's better, but on average, that's right about where it's at. Then, I have to spend more in order to level those covers up so that they're actually viable. Add to that, I also have to pay for roster slots, and even health packs. They're all tied up by the same choke point. I don't mind blowing money on a game, you guys, but I have to at least feel like I'm getting something for that money. As it is, prices are so prohibitively high that I just don't bother.