Event Rollout Pace - Slow it Down

Soapbox: I'm fortunate to be on an alliance, Minor Threat, that has gone all-out for Lady Thor, but we're a pvp-based alliance and we have our limits.

Lately, the devs have come out with one exciting new cover after the other, and while I applaud their productivity and love for their product, the event pace seems to have quadrupled and I'm concerned about burnout with my people, including myself.

I want to ask the community to join me in messaging the developers if you feel the same way, and I'd like you to ask them to slow it up a little, esp. around holidays.

Side request: a cover trade function that circumvents the paypal monster that has destroyed the essence of so many games we've enjoyed.


Alliance: Minor Threat
Line: chinacat74


  • This would be great, especially since the reliance on having the newest character makes it hard to take any time off. Unfortunately, people have been asking for this since the pace picked up during the summer, but D3's gone the other way and kept increasing the pace. I'm guessing their metrics are telling them that new characters mean more money (which seems like a reasonable theory), so they're probably not going to slow down any time soon.