Not receiving points in PVE

I just finished the last node that would've maxed the rewards, the Groot cover checked off. But when I closed the screen the reward didn't pop. The timer reset on the node, but no points were registered.

Any idea?


  • StevO-J
    StevO-J Posts: 752 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, I've had this happen a few times too. Especially annoying when pushing for a reasonable position in the final hour of a PVE, like it did for me when the first sub of the Rocket & Groot PVE ended. It didn't affect my top 50 finish, but it could just as easily have done.

    As to the reason for this happening I have no clue, I have a stable WiFi connection so I don't think that's it. But you are not the only one having this issue, although thankfully it doesn't seem to happen that often (for me at least).
  • areacode212
    areacode212 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    Just happened to me too. Got the points in the sub that would've gotten me the Event token (30k points), but when I got out of that node, I never received the points. I'm still listed as having 29268 points.
  • Sometimes, for some reason, when the points are being added up, they get counted twice but when you go back to mode screen your points are normal