Sentry and Hood just changed...

GrayOne Posts: 40
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Couldn't they have waited until the end of an event before implementing the change... just sayin'...


  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    GrayOne wrote:
    Couldn't they have waited until the end of an event before implementing the change... just sayin'...
    At least there's a few refreshes in the event. Time was, they always pushed stuff through like 2 hours before they ended
  • Been a while since they pushed through a ninja stealth change. But in this instance, it feels appropriate.

    Or maybe that's just my view with ankles grabbed
  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    Ya talk about another kick....Mid event! REALLY!
  • Ludaa
    Ludaa Posts: 542
    If you haven't started Heavy Metal yet, you're gonna have a bad time...

    They couldn't flip the switch earlier, or at least after Heavy Metal/beginning of Fatal Attraction?
  • chris0001 wrote:
    Ya talk about another kick....Mid event! REALLY!

    The final 6-8 hours of a 4.5 day event is hardly "mid event" but I do agree they should have waited. It 's not like waiting until tomorrow would have hurt them.
  • Trisul
    Trisul Posts: 887 Critical Contributor
    dearbluey wrote:
    The final 6-8 hours of a 4.5 day event is hardly "mid event" but I do agree they should have waited. It 's not like waiting until tomorrow would have hurt them.
    Sometimes patches go horribly wrong. They probably want to monitor it for a day before the Thanksgiving break.
  • chris0001
    chris0001 Posts: 205 Tile Toppler
    dearbluey wrote:
    chris0001 wrote:
    Ya talk about another kick....Mid event! REALLY!

    The final 6-8 hours of a 4.5 day event is hardly "mid event" but I do agree they should have waited. It 's not like waiting until tomorrow would have hurt them.

    Was more talking about PVP, but ya could have waited till end of PVE too!
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    If memory serves it was the first run through of Thieves when they changed boost pricing so that rainbows were HP instead of ISO. They did that about this same time, and it had a disastrous effect on my final placement... dropped from 3 cards to barely getting 1 - because I had been using rainbows to deal with the scaling.

    I have a lvl356 Hood in the final node, he goes 670 damage per tile. That works out to 12,060 damage. On that node Hood can 1-shot X-Force now.

    I'll be curious to see how this effects people's placements as the play dynamics of several nodes changes dramatically with enough time for 2 clears left in the event.
  • chris0001 wrote:
    dearbluey wrote:
    chris0001 wrote:
    Ya talk about another kick....Mid event! REALLY!

    The final 6-8 hours of a 4.5 day event is hardly "mid event" but I do agree they should have waited. It 's not like waiting until tomorrow would have hurt them.

    Was more talking about PVP, but ya could have waited till end of PVE too!

    Ahhh yes! Sorry, I forgot. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Can we all have a special deal where BEFORE complaining that everyone still sees a wall of Sentry + Hood teams over 700 we all take a moment to consider which 2 characters most people rushed to max first and whether people will have magically developed alternative teams just because they got nerfed.....
  • If they've changed, they need to offer an event, soon, with Hood Black as the top 100/alliance prize. A lot of people need to respec.
  • Bloo_Alliance
    I totally agree. I threw away a black cover hours before they announced the nerf
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please use the existing Update Preview: Sentry & The Hood for discussion of the changes and update to The Hood and Sentry going forward. Thank you.

    Edit for Clarity: Topic Locked.
This discussion has been closed.