[Poll] What would you like to see happen with time slots?

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
The Operation Pay Harder post has a lot of great discussion, but with some posters being more vocal, it's kind of hard to keep track of what most people want. To help clear things up a bit, I thought I'd create a poll to see how people really feel. icon_e_smile.gif

I tried to put options that were thrown around the most. Of course, please do suggest additional possibilities that I may have missed!

For what it's worth, I'm picking "Fewer slots but only matching within the same shard" because I think it's the most fair even though it kind of is not as great for my alliance haha. It still keeps time slots that a lot of people wanted but lessens the impact on top scorers. In X-men, we're pretty much self-sufficient and score off each other 90% of the time so time sharding doesn't affect us as much (except in death bracket situations, which we kind of enjoy for the competition!), but I do think it can hurt the ability of smaller alliances to score as well. Fewer time slots to choose from should help with that. On the other hand, I think cross-shard player matching gives way too much advantages to the last bracket and would exacerbate the death bracket situation.

Anyways, let's see what the community thinks! icon_e_smile.gif

Edit: Clarified to signal that all options allowing for time slots was meant to include implementing it for PvE as well.
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  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Enhance PvE so it uses the same system as well!
  • I think that decrease the number slices would obviously increase the number of players on each, but still there will be one with much fewer people and one crowded even if they were only 3.

    The problem with this new system is that you have to pick an odd end time if you want something specific, like high rate or just get the top prizes. This isnt much different than just leaving as it was because most of time you cant just get the most convenient end time.

    So cross-slice matches seem the best.
  • Keep it as it is and give us 20k HP.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    You should allow for 2 options to be selected. pVE should be time sliced as well and they should allow for cross time slice matches.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Cross-slice matching would cause a weird bump in the middle of the event where there are more opponents available, and the middle time slice would benefit from this the most. And what do you do about retaliations against people whose slice has ended?
  • wymtime wrote:
    You should allow for 2 options to be selected. pVE should be time sliced as well and they should allow for cross time slice matches.

    Sorry, I actually meant that all the options except for the last one should include PvE slicing since it's really PvP that people have an issue with. I can see how my wording was confusing though, so hopefully it's a bit clearer now. icon_e_smile.gif

    One thing that unfortunately the poll doesn't reflect is who is voting for what. I wish I could have set it up so that it was more along the lines of, "I am a top5 player and I want to keep the system as is" or "I am a transitioning player and I want cross-shard matching." Alas, I felt like this would require too many options and make the poll too complicated, but it does seem to be where the player poll is divided.
  • Cross slice matching would break way more things than it would help. If the problem of absolute scores being lower is causing fewer people to reach the higher progression awards then just move the higher progression awards, but no cross slicing, seriously.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    rixmith wrote:
    Enhance PvE so it uses the same system as well!
    It's going to be interesting to see the backlash against PvE end-times when players realize that each time slice has a different global leader, and so, some time-slices will hit top Progression awards, while others won't even come close. This poll assumes that PvE end-time aren't controversial, but we should know by now that somebody is going to complain and complain loudly.
  • rixmith wrote:
    Enhance PvE so it uses the same system as well!
    It's going to be interesting to see the backlash against PvE end-times when players realize that each time slice has a different global leader, and so, some time-slices will hit top Progression awards, while others won't even come close. This poll assumes that PvE end-time aren't controversial, but we should know by now that somebody is going to complain and complain loudly.

    There will probably be the same trade-off then in PVE that there is now in PVP: pick easier ranking or easier progression awards. Since it's rare that I need both, I'm perfectly ok with that.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    rixmith wrote:
    Enhance PvE so it uses the same system as well!
    It's going to be interesting to see the backlash against PvE end-times when players realize that each time slice has a different global leader, and so, some time-slices will hit top Progression awards, while others won't even come close. This poll assumes that PvE end-time aren't controversial, but we should know by now that somebody is going to complain and complain loudly.

    There will probably be the same trade-off then in PVE that there is now in PVP: pick easier ranking or easier progression awards. Since it's rare that I need both, I'm perfectly ok with that.

    Not sure why this is the case? Progression rewards in PvE are entirely self-determined since you can easily get more points when your nodes refresh whereas in PvP, you have to rely on other people generating points to feasibly go up yourself.
  • seasong wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    rixmith wrote:
    Enhance PvE so it uses the same system as well!
    It's going to be interesting to see the backlash against PvE end-times when players realize that each time slice has a different global leader, and so, some time-slices will hit top Progression awards, while others won't even come close. This poll assumes that PvE end-time aren't controversial, but we should know by now that somebody is going to complain and complain loudly.

    There will probably be the same trade-off then in PVE that there is now in PVP: pick easier ranking or easier progression awards. Since it's rare that I need both, I'm perfectly ok with that.

    Not sure why this is the case? Progression rewards in PvE are entirely self-determined since you can easily get more points when your nodes refresh whereas in PvP, you have to rely on other people generating points to feasibly go up yourself.

    PVE points are partially dependent on the rubberbanding modifier. This is less important for the people at the top, since they have a small modifier, if one at all, but the people further down in the ranks getting the progression awards may be dependent on it to get the top reward.

    That being said, time slices is probably going to affect PVE less than PVP in this regard. There will probably be people in each of the new slices who were previously not really capable of getting the top rewards (or who were disrupting their sleep schedules for it) who will take up the slack in the new slices. There is likely to be very little difference in the main slice, except you'll get some concentration that may make ranks tougher, since a lot of the bottom people will be jumping to new slices. Admittedly, some of the top likely will too (I'm generally top ten on new character releases and I may choose a different time slice to aim for top 2).
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    Allow players to see the leaderboards before making a choice.
  • mouser
    mouser Posts: 529 Critical Contributor
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    PVE points are partially dependent on the rubberbanding modifier. This is less important for the people at the top, since they have a small modifier, if one at all, but the people further down in the ranks getting the progression awards may be dependent on it to get the top reward.

    That being said, time slices is probably going to affect PVE less than PVP in this regard. There will probably be people in each of the new slices who were previously not really capable of getting the top rewards (or who were disrupting their sleep schedules for it) who will take up the slack in the new slices. There is likely to be very little difference in the main slice, except you'll get some concentration that may make ranks tougher, since a lot of the bottom people will be jumping to new slices. Admittedly, some of the top likely will too (I'm generally top ten on new character releases and I may choose a different time slice to aim for top 2).

    Rubber Band in PVE shouldn't be anywhere close to the issue we have with PVP. In PVE it only takes one, or a limited number*, of high scorers to drive a PVE rubber band. In PVP you need a large number of high scorers hopping off each other and shielding to make enough high value targets available for other players to ride their scores up the progression reward ladder.

    Not to mention lower level rosters can drive PVE scoring as well, where that isn't the case in PVP.

    * Devs have never explained precisely how the "leader" value for the rubber band formula is computed.
  • 75 responses and no-one has gone for removing it completely. I'm both suprised and pleased by that!

    Yeah, the PvE global leader issue shouldn't be too much of an issue I'd have thought. Having just endured a week of getting up in the middle of the night to play MPQ to rank reasonably, I could give less of a toss about how far I've exceeded the progression target.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    rixmith wrote:
    Enhance PvE so it uses the same system as well!
    It's going to be interesting to see the backlash against PvE end-times when players realize that each time slice has a different global leader, and so, some time-slices will hit top Progression awards, while others won't even come close. This poll assumes that PvE end-time aren't controversial, but we should know by now that somebody is going to complain and complain loudly.

    There will probably be the same trade-off then in PVE that there is now in PVP: pick easier ranking or easier progression awards. Since it's rare that I need both, I'm perfectly ok with that.

    On the flip-side, it should also affect the scope of community scaling. Which means players in those time slices with lower max scores will also likely have an easier time playing all the nodes and thus will have less need to exploit a strong rubberband to reach the top progression rewards...
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    mouser wrote:
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    PVE points are partially dependent on the rubberbanding modifier. This is less important for the people at the top, since they have a small modifier, if one at all, but the people further down in the ranks getting the progression awards may be dependent on it to get the top reward.

    That being said, time slices is probably going to affect PVE less than PVP in this regard. There will probably be people in each of the new slices who were previously not really capable of getting the top rewards (or who were disrupting their sleep schedules for it) who will take up the slack in the new slices. There is likely to be very little difference in the main slice, except you'll get some concentration that may make ranks tougher, since a lot of the bottom people will be jumping to new slices. Admittedly, some of the top likely will too (I'm generally top ten on new character releases and I may choose a different time slice to aim for top 2).

    Rubber Band in PVE shouldn't be anywhere close to the issue we have with PVP. In PVE it only takes one, or a limited number*, of high scorers to drive a PVE rubber band. In PVP you need a large number of high scorers hopping off each other and shielding to make enough high value targets available for other players to ride their scores up the progression reward ladder.

    Not to mention lower level rosters can drive PVE scoring as well, where that isn't the case in PVP.

    * Devs have never explained precisely how the "leader" value for the rubber band formula is computed.
    I don't know why people are always so obsessed with RBing. It hasn't been strong enough for you to actually pass people who've been playing regularly for at least 3 seasons.
  • homeinvasion
    homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
    Excellent idea OP. I feel that OP pay harder post just appeared with +60 instantly. Obviously the pay harder oligopoly also extends to flooding their own post with their own comments and their own patting each other on the back + 1's. Glad to see it was only the 1% that wanted this change. Same as real life the have's have and the don'ts don't. The Haves dont' want the don'ts to have either.

    It just seems to me the OP Pay Hard arguments are reaching further and further as the smoke and mirrors clears