D3 - [D]isappointmnet, [D]ispleasure, non [D]isclosure - D3

Hi all.

Just stopping by to say a few words of - I am not sure encouragement is the right term here...

- I am really at a loss that they still have nothing in terms of fixes to breaking alliance chat (again).

- That, after months of knowing and apparently testing - I.E. not caring, Lollipop has broken the game.
-- Still no word on anything from them. Which sucks, because for now, so many of us are in limbo.

- The level of dissapointment I feel from - not being able to participate, feeling like a freeloader, although I can collect abslutely nothing... Knowing that all over the MPQverse, some of us cannot even be removed from our alliances without a formal ticket being opened.

- The events and rewards seem to be, by far, sub par for this season. I think, with the rash of problems they have been having, they are rotating in pretty bad PvP and pretty bad PvE.

-- And than, there is... THICK AS THIEVES!!! Really? Again? To release yet another NEW Character! What happened to NEW CONTENT.

If ever there was a moment for redflag.png s to be going off inside of MPQ HQ - it's now!

** New Characters are being released TOO FAST for the developpers to even be able to keep up with the smallest amount of storyline!!! D3 said they wanted to drop the "Dark Reign" storyline, so can we please drop it!

Deadpool was so much in demand, they actually took the time to create an event for him. Good on you.

Time to slow down the release schedule and Start working on Storyline - or anything. You can keep the same format as you have, just change it up! I for one, am happy to be locked out of the game. I can't take the re-runs all the time.

If I paid for a movie channel - and ONLY had the same 5 movies play over and over again... I would cancel my subscription and move on.

Thanksgiving is next weekend. Do you feel the need to push out characters THAT FAST - that these 2 could not wait one extra week for the long awaited, long promised "new content"?

From reading on the forums, I see that you have added the "choose your destiny (wait, what? wrong game)" Choose your end time! That was nice of you. Have you figured out how the rewards will come down and how the next event will be affected? TLDR the entirety of the forums. I skimmed, read, found "more of the same PvP/PvE" and moved along. Stopped, came back to say what I felt needed to be said, and now I can move along again.

Have a paid money to you? YES!
Does that make me a paying customer? YES!

That gives me the right to give off a piece of my mind!

Thank you and have a nice Thick as Thieves!