Find your own way to play (anti Coattail riding).

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
This was going to be posted in the "Operation Pay Harder: A Debrief" thread, but I thought it would work better as a stand alone.
So, the top players have figured another way to game the system.

Big whoop!

I think you all are missing the big picture. every thing we do in this game is just to waste time.

It is fun, sure, but it is a time waster. I have to put it down for a while, I do other things with that time (Currently building my Lego Christmas Village).

But, you say, I won't be able to get my x-farce, funky, invis o bag, etc..... Who said they were yours. you have not gotten to them yet, without the guys gaming the system you probably would never have. So if you want those rewards so badly, stop riding the coattails and figure out the best way for you to do so.

I figured out I am not a strong enough player myself to get up there consistently. But I don't need to. I play my way, score anywhere between 600 - 1000 consistently, and recently have not had to shield at all, even in the top 25 range, and sure I won't win a Thoress for the season. And you know what that is ok.

So stop riding those coattails, learn the best way for you to play, and you will be much happier. After all it is only a game.


  • Your post fails to address the concern that OPH was trying to highlight; namely that the integrity of the pvp season is being called into jeopardy. Given that the entire pvp system is designed to be a trickle-down system, the whole concept of "riding coattails" is fundamentally flawed.

    Also, if you feel the game is a waste of time, you're in the wrong place. You play a game b/c it's entertaining, provides relaxation (I'm a competitive player and I still find this mostly relaxing), or whatever other reason. If you're just playing the game b/c you lack something else to do (i.e. you're just letting things happen instead of making things happen in life - go me, I could be a motivational speaker), then you're definitely wasting time and you should move on.

    However, a much more awesome topic of discussion is Winter Legos. I've already gotten this year's Santa's Workshop and the first of this year's VIP exclusives. Which means after Friday, the only winter sets I'll be missing are the Toy Shop and the Bakery (mostly b/c they're ridiculously expensive).
  • Maybe it would have been better if it stayed in the other thread, because I am confused.

    1) Where is this anger coming from?

    2). Who is it directed to?

    3). Is using someone's 2000 score to get to 1300 a bad thing?

    4). If you want to aspire to be better in a chosen hobby, does that make the hobby bad? The player bad?

    5). If you are pleased with a 600 point finish, is that the measure by which all people should gauge their happiness?

    6). If people think that building Lego buildings are a waste if time, should they rant on a forum about it?

    Anyway, confused.
  • You say this game is just a time waster, as if that is an excuse for it to be in an unacceptable state.
  • Maybe it would have been better if it stayed in the other thread, because I am confused.

    1) Where is this anger coming from?
    Not sure it is anger, more irritation at the people that seem to think the old system was better for everyone, other then being able to choose your own time and play your own way.
    2). Who is it directed to?
    See #1
    3). Is using someone's 2000 score to get to 1300 a bad thing?
    Not nessessassarly, but thinking it is there right to do so is, there are no guaranties.
    4). If you want to aspire to be better in a chosen hobby, does that make the hobby bad? The player bad?
    No not at all. but expecting other people to blaze the trail ahead of you all the time is. Sure take the lessons they can teach you but don't make it about following exactly in someone's footsteps and then complain when the path is no longer there.
    5). If you are pleased with a 600 point finish, is that the measure by which all people should gauge their happiness?
    That was only an example.
    6). If people think that building Lego buildings are a waste if time, should they rant on a forum about it?
    Once again, an example.
    Anyway, confused.

    My answers to your post are in this color. Anyway I may not have made a clear argument. This was meant to those that just seem to be arguing with the way the slices are set up now that they would not be able to reach the placement they wanted, the game should be designed to how they want it.

    To that I say ****, Learn from what the top players are trying to teach and figure out the way in your own play style. But if that way is making you unhappy, then you are doing something wrong for yourself.
  • I too am confused by the intent of the original thread. It seemed to be: "We've broken the game by shield hopping. Now let's show you how broken it can be when you add ridiculous amounts of money and a little bit of coordination into it." Only the top 3-4% of the game population will care. Time sharding doesn't change the original problem.

    However, the OP of this thread doesn't attempt to engage the situation, so doesn't really add to the conversation except by adding some Christmas fueled whimsy.

    Disclaimer: I am pro-time sharding.
  • daibar wrote:
    Disclaimer: I am pro-time sharding.

    Personally I am Anti-Sharting... Sharting always ruins my day
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Riggy wrote:
    However, a much more awesome topic of discussion is Winter Legos. I've already gotten this year's Santa's Workshop and the first of this year's VIP exclusives. Which means after Friday, the only winter sets I'll be missing are the Toy Shop and the Bakery (mostly b/c they're ridiculously expensive).

    The plural of LEGO is LEGO.

  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Riggy wrote:
    However, a much more awesome topic of discussion is Winter Legos. I've already gotten this year's Santa's Workshop and the first of this year's VIP exclusives. Which means after Friday, the only winter sets I'll be missing are the Toy Shop and the Bakery (mostly b/c they're ridiculously expensive).

    The plural of LEGO is LEGO.


    "LEGO" is a brand and should be used as an adjective, not a noun. The plural of LEGO brick is LEGO bricks. icon_lol.gif
  • One time, my girlfriends husband put his hands around my neck and wouldn't LEGO.