pvp checkpoint

san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
Hi all, I apologize if this is a double post, but something went wrong with my browser when I clicked submit. If it is, would a moderator please delete this one (I think my original is better)

I read the boards regularly, but this is my first post. First off, I am a transitioning 2-3* player, without a single 3* fully covered after nearly 4 months of playing. HP is always an issue, as is the lack of 3* covers for us newbies. I don't think that there is a "fix" for everything wrong with MPQ, although I think the devs have done a great job at trying to address all the issues. You can't make everyone happy - this is a fact - but I appreciate the effort.

PVP has always been difficult for me, given that I hit a "wall" of 166s fairly quickly, around 500 pts now. While I don't mind trying to grind it out a bit, and perhaps challenge myself, the lack of progression rewards is problematic. This is a catch 22 - you need to win, in order to get better items, so that you can win...

I've thought of a checkpoint method of dealing with this, that I feel would address the issues for some of us weaker players, while having very little impact on the top guys. What I mean, is to have a point or several points in the progression of an event (pick something arbitrary, say 400, 800, 1000, 1200 OR 250 then 500, then 750, 1000, 1250), where if you have achieved this score, getting "hit" would not cause point loss. Think of it as a permanent shield from losing points above a certain cap.

I do not think that this would impact the top player base in any way (most vocal base, from the looks of it), who score between 1500-2000pts regularly anyways, as the cap for the checkpoints would be close to the 1300 progression reward (and not extend into the 2000s). I also do not think that it would make the progression rewards any less valuable, as you would still need to have a decent roster and spend HP for health packs/shields, in order to get up in the top tiers, where death is a certainty without a shield. What it would do, however, is make such rewards a bit more obtainable by those of us who do not have top rosters and/or have work, school, family, etc. and not punish those who can only devote certain times to play. It would also eliminate the need to play only in the last 1-3 hours in order to have any sort of chance at achieving rewards.

What do you all think?

EDIT: Just to clarify, if you have say, 552pts, and the cap is at 500, then you can lose the 52 pts, but the point loss would not extend to below 500, thus allowing you to come back at a later time to regain some of those lost points, and try to push for the 750pt checkpoint.


  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    They have something like this in place already. Shields. Of course they're not free, but all the progression rewards aren't meant to be obtained by everyone. The only time I ever got the 800 pt reward was this last run of Children of the Atom. I'm on day 179, (1 away from an X-force Yellow icon_e_biggrin.gif ).

    I'm in the same boat as you, a 2 to 3 * transitioner. I doubt they would implement anything like this, because it would take away from HP purchases. I think there is something in the MMR, that is similar to this. When I climb to under 400 or 500, don't remember which, I don't get attacked that much in the earlier portion of PVPs. All bets are off the closer to the end, because that's when all the activity kicks up.
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    lukewin wrote:
    They have something like this in place already. Shields. Of course they're not free, but all the progression rewards aren't meant to be obtained by everyone. The only time I ever got the 800 pt reward was this last run of Children of the Atom. I'm on day 179, (1 away from an X-force Yellow icon_e_biggrin.gif ).

    I'm in the same boat as you, a 2 to 3 * transitioner. I doubt they would implement anything like this, because it would take away from HP purchases. I think there is something in the MMR, that is similar to this. When I climb to under 400 or 500, don't remember which, I don't get attacked that much in the earlier portion of PVPs. All bets are off the closer to the end, because that's when all the activity kicks up.

    The above may very well be true, but unless you shell out large amounts of dough, or you are in an alliance that regularly gives you HP, you're SOL when it comes to obtaining HP to shield on a regular basis. In fact, even just shielding once per event is pricey, let alone shield hopping.

    To add to this, I think shield hopping would still be commonplace, especially when looking to make 250pt gains in between rushes - I don't think this is even feasible with many transitioning rosters.

    Also, I'm not sure if we are in the same boat, as the transition is actually a term that I think lacks overall clarification. It can mean anyone who has a solid 2* roster and has started on 3*. However, my 3* roster is something like BP 91, LCap 91, and all others below 78 (thus really unusable). I just viewed another post where the player who identified his roster as transitioning had 20+ 3* characters in the 110-120 level range - these two are not equal, not even close.

    The post I refer to is found here: http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=19574 third post down (click hidden button).
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    san-mpq wrote:
    The above may very well be true, but unless you shell out large amounts of dough, or you are in an alliance that regularly gives you HP, you're SOL when it comes to obtaining HP to shield on a regular basis. In fact, even just shielding once per event is pricey, let alone shield hopping.

    To add to this, I think shield hopping would still be commonplace, especially when looking to make 250pt gains in between rushes - I don't think this is even feasible with many transitioning rosters.

    Also, I'm not sure if we are in the same boat, as the transition is actually a term that I think lacks overall clarification. It can mean anyone who has a solid 2* roster and has started on 3*. However, my 3* roster is something like BP 91, LCap 91, and all others below 78 (thus really unusable). I just viewed another post where the player who identified his roster as transitioning had 20+ 3* characters in the 110-120 level range - these two are not equal, not even close.

    The post I refer to is found here: http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=19574 third post down (click hidden button).

    I know your position about the HP drought all too well. I am lucky enough to finally have some HP banked away. I still have trouble letting go of the 75 HP for a shield in PVP, and I have built up over 2000 HP. There's not too many terms to describe levels of players, so transitioning ends up encompassing a lot more. I do have 2 cover maxed guys (Falcon and Cap America) but I keep them underleveled. I consider myself transitioning because I don't have a viable A team for PVP. I actually use my 2*s for most of my climbs in PVP and generally only pull out the 3*s for quick victories or to deter attacks. We are in the same boat, but just vastly different levels. I definitely recall being in your position though, and am glad I had the patience to keep playing and letting the ball keep rolling, to a point where I don't have to toss a 3* to make room for another.

    If all takes time though. The current and last PVEs with subs, have helped me grow my HP reserves a lot. I've placed in the top 5 usually, so I can reap the HP rewards. Being in the right alliance does really help, as an additional 50 HP will help you out over time. I really like my current alliance.