Brainstorming for PvP improvement

I thought we could open a new thread, so as to be positive and all think together and find ideas/suggestions to improve the current system.

Please just post ideas and replies to these ideas here.

The OPH thread is focused on what happened last night.

Here is my first idea :

After X skips, AND if the points are below 15/20/whatever (this has to be decided), the system could ask you if you agree to play against a seed team for 25 points, but based on your MMR.

This way you solve many problems at once :

- the lack of players in a time slice,
- the weak points when you reach a certain level (which is a consequence of the above problem),
- you face teams based on your MMR and 2* teams don't face 166s walls

I may not have thought about the consequences the seed teams would imply, so if you have ideas, they are welcome.

We need to help D3P improve the system.

Thanks !


  • I like the above idea.

    The only issues I see are:

    People would spam this option alot, seeing it as an easy way to grab points against easy teams. (Resolved by the stated use of the MMR to create the seed team so its not an easy win.)

    People may also use this option alot due to the lack of possible retaliation and thus loss in points. (Not sure how to fix this one.)

    Other ideas -

    Someone posted an idea in the suggestions area putting out the idea of "check points" where once you hit a certain point level, you could not be knocked down past that point level. (doesnt address the issue of getting points in the first place, but is a suggestion to improve PvP)

    Also, I have suggested that a a loss due to being attacked should give the person a free 3 hour shield that starts at the time the match was completed. you still lose points, just not as quickly. It would avoid those instances like what was posted in another thread of losing 1400 points in 15 mins.

    Another suggestion would be to have set points. Teams well below your ranking are always worth X, teams near your ranking are always worth Y, teams well above your ranking are always worth Z... Could be broken down into 3 catagories like above, or maybe a few more depending on how the Devs want to do it.
  • If I ruled the world, points earned per pvp match would = 20 * (average level of your opponent's team) / (average level of your team). In other words, you should be rewarded for taking down stronger teams regardless of how many points they have. I do understand why the current system is the way it is - it forces the top players to spend hero points on shields. But it's super annoying when your only options are to pay the skip tax, or else to fight a team way stronger than your own for a paltry reward because you've got more points than they do.
  • An idea I had was that starting a match gives you a free 3-5 minute shield (though it would end if you start another match, to be replaced by a new one). That way, as long as someone is actively climbing, they can't be attacked, but it wouldn't be abusable.