My experience so far

I recently got a shiny new tablet, and decided to grab a couple games for it to take advantage of the bigger screen, one of them being MPQ.

In the two weeks since I downloaded it for the first time, here's all that's happened:

I completed the tutorial level to get a feel for all the mechanics, and having a lot of fun, I also downloaded it onto my phone as well. I jumped between both devices here and there when I had time, earning rewards and generally having a lot of fun. I was considering plopping a little money into it to grease the wheels a little. When I have fun, and think a game might have legs, I have no problem priming the pump a little.

Then I hit the final fight with Daken and the final fight with Juggernaut in the final chapter of the first prologue chapter, and all fun went directly out the window. Game progression STOPPED, ground to a screeching halt, because of these two encounters which rank up with some of the most poorly thought out *things* in a video game I've ever seen. I was stuck on *just those two fights* for TWO WEEKS. I am aware you can just go to the next chapter and move on, but there's no reason to, if this is how the game is going to be. Daken is listed as normal difficulty and Juggernaut is labeled EASY, and they're both instantly unfair and impossible, which means that the only missions I can even hope to ever complete are trivial. That's insane.

Then Lollipop rendered MPQ broken on my tablet, and it was another week before I heard anything about when the problem might be fixed, which was one of the most unprofessional things I've ever seen. So now all I had was my phone account. To say that my initial impression of your game was intensely unpleasant would be an understatement.

My only other option to get stronger and pass this insane, all at once massive leap in difficulty is play the Danger Room missions, which either matchmake me against people literally fifty levels above me, or people who are level 5 against my level 15's/18's. There's also the event missions, in which I square off against another identical super-leveled hero, and the other two team members are again either fifty levels above me or sub-level 5 so as to be irrelevant. I cannot, repeat, CANNOT find a PVP or PVE match with even close to equal level characters. It has not happened once.

Here's how every single Daken fight goes: Every time I make a move, I might manage to clear a row, get a couple of chains going if I'm lucky. Every move THEY do, they get at least three chains, an extra move, and then because of the single morale boost tile ten spaces away from the nearest other yellow tile, everything I did last round is healed up to full. If I manage to get one and a half soldiers down by constantly stunning one of them with Black Widow, Daken will slice away half my health in one hit, and a rocket tile in the corner I can't reach will KO the rest of my team.

It is astonishing to me anyone looked at that fight, which is WAY above the abilities of anyone who's been casually playing that far and went "yeah, that's fair". Whoever did so needs to lose his job immediately. The soldier's levels need to be cut in half, Daken's level needs to be knocked down by a couple of ticks, and the countdown tiles have to be WAY harder for the enemy to throw out. This is the PROLOGUE, for god's sake. The fight would be difficult for someone who had a lot more teammate options and twice as many hours under their belt.

Here's how every single Juggernaut fight goes: I do one move, the enemy does a nonstop cascade of gems that halve one of my character's health on turn two, then the next two turns Juggernaut does Headbutt and Crashing Through one right after the other. Every time. I don't think in that final fight, I've made it to turn ten once. It takes me five turns to almost fill up one of Thor's bars that does piddle damage, and Juggernaut EFFORTLESSLY can do two one shot moves in a row that each take 7 AP. I'm talking by like turn 3 at the latest, every single time.

I have seen the post where your engineer says that the AI doesn't cheat, and I straight up do not believe him. I am, here and now, calling him a liar. I say this in complete confidence because this doesn't happen in the SHIELD and Event missions. It's a really fair back and forth that's also boring, because it's one duplicate hero slap fight with two irrelevant buddies, but the AI doesn't instantly slap me down turn three. Yet, when I head back to story mode, both fights feature rows of already formed triplets ready to auto score from the sky five, six times. Every turn. The differences between the two styles of battles are night and day.

There are missions in the second chapter that are listed as Hard. Hard!? What, does your device melt in your hands after the first turn? What constitutes hard in this game, when a normal challenge is the most unfair thing I've seen in twenty years of gaming?

Every time this happens, and I try once or twice to do these battles only to get insta-smashed, I'm done, by force, for more than an hour. The entire session takes ten minutes tops the losses are so quick, and every time that happens, It's an hour wait to try again unless I want to spend money. You're insane.

Last night I tried to play a match in an event and COULDN'T, because all that was available, skipping matches until it would cost ISO to do so, was teams that were fifty to one hundred levels ahead of me. Same deal with the SHIELD simulator. Since those were out, it was either impassable story missions or missions in another chapter that were trivial, wrote battles with gifted heroes that made team building irrelevant.

So basically, I couldn't play. I don't think I've ever seen a game, free or not, that did not want me to play it, and actively barred my progress this much. On top of this, every single screen that's not the actual battle was begging me to spend money on everything conceivable.

You are CRAZY if you think this experience makes people want to spend any money on your game. You would have to spend upwards of the equivalent of a full priced console game to make this nonsense even sort of fair or fun. It is revolting.

So here's my one bit of honest feedback for you guys, the only I can give: For an example of how to be an actual free to play game developer, and not money-grubbing, fun-smashing amateurs, go look at what Gazillion is doing with Marvel Heroes. They can teach you a thing or two about respecting your potential fanbase, character progression, professionalism, talent, fun, basically everything about how to be actual gave developers, and not licence-milking children. I'm off to one-star your app and uninstall.