Petition on MMR and End Times

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
In the past 2 weeks there have been experiments on MMR and End-Time changes. Both of these are desperately needed, but both have (so far) been less than fully successful.

Based on prior experience, Season 9 is scheduled to run from December 12 to January 4. Please delay the start of Season 9 to early January. This would allow the holiday season to not be part of a season (it is a time for family, not worrying about alliance scores). More importantly, it would allow for MMR and End Time experimentation away from the Season reward schedule.

In my opinion, one major flaw of the MMR testing was not using a Featured +2 format that is majority of our PvP event and virtually the entirety of in-season events.

As for endtimes, while I am happy to choose a time, there are some (presumably) unintended consequences that could have a huge impact on alliance season standings, especially at the 90-110 range. Based on current feedback, most of the higher point scorers funneled into 1 time shard, leaving the other 4 time shards with much lower scores than average. This is an experiment, as with MMR, that should be done offseason, away from the 4Thor prize.
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  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please not delay anything, because that would delay upcoming 4****!
    /my opinion/
  • Oddly, Christmas vacation time is when I would think a lot of people have way more time to play. College students don't have classes to go to. Some families play MPQ together (eg, the first decent alliance I was in was mostly one family). I hope MPQ doesn't have any events ending on Christmas though.
  • I would rather get a complete product to play instead of continuous tinkering during a period when I'm actually trying to accomplish something in-game.

    If they delay the start by a week and have everything "perfect" or at least better than what's going on now, I'd be much happier. As it is, I feel like my scores are potentially being diminished by all the "beta testing" and "What happens if we do this?"
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not a bad idea, but could go either way. Best thing in my opinion would be to try out things on extra, non season events. Maybe even try out a few of these beta tests on some lightning rounds.
  • I want them to keep tinkering and get things right as soon as possible. Separately I have no problems with delaying the start of the next season till after the holidays so people can take it a little easier if they like.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    daibar wrote:
    Oddly, Christmas vacation time is when I would think a lot of people have way more time to play. College students don't have classes to go to. Some families play MPQ together (eg, the first decent alliance I was in was mostly one family). I hope MPQ doesn't have any events ending on Christmas though.

    Christmas is on a Thursday this year so no events ending on Christmas day. For US there will be an event that ends Christmas eve at 12:00 noon so it actually works out perfectly.

    I think the end times are a fine go forward. It is a little tougher to climb in this Hulk event and I think it has a lot to do with the Health Hulk has. You can't just Sentry Bomb Hulk. I am shielded at a little over 800 points ( got close to 900 before I started getting attacked) and I have been able to line up some good points going forward. The problem is I can't Sentry Bomb becuase Hulk can take WR+ Sacrafice. I don't have a fully loaded X-Force so I cannot use him.

    MMR please experiment durring non-season events. Durring non-season events mixing MMR is the right way to go. I would recomend making it the 1st event of the non-season instead of the 2nd. If this last MMR test tells us anything is that LR, and all events are tied to the MMR and they cannot make 1 event have a differnet MMR when another event is active. Also as much as I enjoy the special PVP's of Children of Atom, Nefarious Foe, and BOP these are not good to test MMR. Please run a regular run of the mill PVP with a regular 3* reward for the MMR test. This way if the MMR is screwed up the player base won't be so upset they did not get the brand new character, or have to slog through 8 shield hops to place high.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like that they're doing this during the season. Even a run of the mill PvP during the offseason won't provide the same feedback/participation as the in-season events.

    Aside from the bugs (which are of course going to happen during a Beta test), this is really just another thing that most will adjust to, while others continue to see everything as D3's personal vendetta against them. Sunrise, sunset.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    New rule: anytime the poll options are incredibly biased towards the point the poster is trying to make, I will vote against whatever it is they want. Because chaos.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    wymtime wrote:
    daibar wrote:
    I think the end times are a fine go forward. It is a little tougher to climb in this Hulk event and I think it has a lot to do with the Health Hulk has. You can't just Sentry Bomb Hulk. I am shielded at a little over 800 points ( got close to 900 before I started getting attacked) and I have been able to line up some good points going forward. The problem is I can't Sentry Bomb becuase Hulk can take WR+ Sacrafice. I don't have a fully loaded X-Force so I cannot use him.

    MMR please experiment durring non-season events. Durring non-season events mixing MMR is the right way to go. I would recomend making it the 1st event of the non-season instead of the 2nd. If this last MMR test tells us anything is that LR, and all events are tied to the MMR and they cannot make 1 event have a differnet MMR when another event is active. Also as much as I enjoy the special PVP's of Children of Atom, Nefarious Foe, and BOP these are not good to test MMR. Please run a regular run of the mill PVP with a regular 3* reward for the MMR test. This way if the MMR is screwed up the player base won't be so upset they did not get the brand new character, or have to slog through 8 shield hops to place high.

    The end times has just as dramatic an effect on season ranking as MMR tweaks. I saw very significant changes, and have heard from others seeing the same thing, versus events that were non-sliced. I am normally fighting for T10 at 1,100-1,300 but this event I grabbed the top spot at 995, T10 was 719 which, anecdotally, is typical. I am aware of multiple brackets in slice #4 where T10 is quite a bit higher, and people are piggybacking off those to score higher. I did not have that in my slice, and will be massively disadvantaged in season scoring as a result.

    Anything that will have significant effect (and they arent very good at identifying which those will be) on rankings should be done out of season.
  • I just think it's funny players know more about the game than MPQ. Player after player predicted points would be down with the time slices. Well, actually not me, I did not think it would be this drastic. But I did think originally there would only be three time slices, not five.
  • DayvBang wrote:
    New rule: anytime the poll options are incredibly biased towards the point the poster is trying to make, I will vote against whatever it is they want. Because chaos.

    And this mind set explains why we elect some of the politicians we do.
    I like that they're doing this during the season. Even a run of the mill PvP during the offseason won't provide the same feedback/participation as the in-season events.

    Aside from the bugs (which are of course going to happen during a Beta test), this is really just another thing that most will adjust to, while others continue to see everything as D3's personal vendetta against them. Sunrise, sunset.

    It's a good point. Personally I would rather have less engagement in the testing than the potential to cost an alliance 4Thor. The compromise solution would be to run a 2 or 3 week mini-season for Beta testing, with Devil Dino or Anniversary style tokens as the rewards. Participation would be very close to in-season but with a lot less riding on Beta issues.
    daibar wrote:
    Oddly, Christmas vacation time is when I would think a lot of people have way more time to play. College students don't have classes to go to. Some families play MPQ together (eg, the first decent alliance I was in was mostly one family). I hope MPQ doesn't have any events ending on Christmas though.

    Everybody's is different. Personally, I will probably have to drop out of my alliance for a week, as I try to keep my wife and visiting Mom from killing each other, while making sure the kids still enjoy the festive time. Her annual visit is the most stressful 7 days of my year,
  • Lystrata
    Lystrata Posts: 322 Mover and Shaker
    What difference does it make, if everyone's getting affected the same way? I'd rather they tried/fixed things based on the largest data samples, which will inevitably come from events during season.

    (Also agree with a previous observation that the wording of the two options very clearly pushes people towards choice #1. Evaluative/emotive language might work well in the tabloids, but it just seems silly here. icon_e_wink.gif )
  • Even if the choices were:

    Yes, reshedule the season to January
    No, test throughout the season.

    I would have picked No. Making the "No" choice so inflammatory only made it more fun, because as someone else said, if a person cannot at least TRY to make an unbiased poll, then let the trolling begin.

    As it stands, I LOVE that no has more votes overall.

    It's the little things, ya know?
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    I would have picked No. Making the "No" choice so inflammatory only made it more fun, because as someone else said, if a person cannot at least TRY to make an unbiased poll, then let the trolling begin.

    As it stands, I LOVE that no has more votes overall.

    It's the little things, ya know?
    Totes. I indeed don't want a Season delay, but I just so happen to hate "integrity" and want the terr'ists to win, too. Option #2 is just so perfect.

    As for the actual impact, even with the worst possible collusion from top alliances and non-top-alliance monster players (i.e. literally all high-point targets you conveniently use for climbs are in one Event Shard), the end result is no worse than before: at worst, you'd still be "required" (big air quotes) to pick one end-time, which you were forced to do before the change anyway. Even then, unless most alliances between, say, #70 and #130 do this for nearly every PVP, the worst conceivable monster-player collusion still shouldn't impact T100 standings much.