Player Character Vaults

Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
It should be pretty obvious that the current roster system is unsustainable in the long run. Currently, at 55 slots, it costs 750 HP per new roster slot. In another year it will be 1k+ per slot. At current character release rates, that comes out to 7-10 dollars every 2 weeks, which is a higher cost than a MMO subscription per month.

Now I realize roster slots are big money makers for you guys. So rather than cutting costs on roster slots. I propose the following:

-Create a vault for each player that they can send their characters into.
-Vault slots are significantly cheaper than roster slots. (Let's say 1/10th the cost. Or a static 100-200HP cost.)
-Characters in the vault cannot be used in battle, cannot be leveled, and cannot have covers added.
-Removing(or swapping) a character from the vault into your roster cost a set amount of HP. (Let's say 50-100HP.)
-During the off-season vault access is free.

This does a couple things:
-It maintains the current value of roster slots. Since you cannot use, level or add covers to vaulted characters, players would still need to buy roster slots to maintain a diverse roster. Otherwise they have to keep paying the vault access fees every time they get new covers or need to do an essential/heroic, which will add up to a roster slot pretty quickly.
-Players are given the ability to "throw out" characters they don't enjoy, but still maintain the ability to do essentials/heroics when needed (but at a cost).
-At the beginning of a new season, players can rotate their roster to match the characters rotated into/out of tokens.
-Since you're not changing roster slots, you will avoid the refund debacle that you just had with the alliance slots.


  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Interesting, but I think the transfer fee should be Iso, not HP. It doesn't sound like much, but if we are simply rotating our characters every month that can add up quickly.

    The other idea is that during seasons there is a cost for rotating characters, but BETWEEN SEASONS give us the ability to freely transfer.
  • misterx112
    misterx112 Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    I like the idea of a vault. Maybe if you bring a character out of the vault you have to keep them for certain amount of time on your roster.
  • Sandmaker wrote:
    -Since you're not changing roster slots, you will avoid the refund debacle that you just had with the alliance slots.
    Idk was it really a debacle, we pay money for HP to buy slots, they open slots for everyone and negate our purchases we get into a frenzy, they "refund" with HP only (no cost to them). sounds like a big win for them with just a slight head ache.

    like the vault idea those roster slots are getting expensive.