D3 time to adjust HP and ISO

wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
So with the high number of new characters being released the HP crunch and ISO crunch is being felt. D3 you have stated you love new characters. You have brought a lot of new characters into the game and as the game has matured it is time to tweek the cost of roster slots or tweek the amount if HP and ISO you give to players. Players want to be able to have all characters and with the amount of new characters this is getting too expensive. Why should I keep a 1* character when I am in 3* land when it costs 550+ HP to add a new character. Also with all the new characters ISO is at an all time low. Forget about covers, the iso shortage will make new characters non-playable for 4-6 months unless players make that one character their only priority, and then if they win all the covers you are still looking at 3-4 months before you can win all the covers. Here are 4 suggestions that would significantly help if you want to keep adding new characters.

#1 max roster slots at 500 HP. I have always felt roster slots should not cost HP at all personally, but it is part of the game. Maxing them at 500 HP would allow collectors to collect all covers and all characters. For transitioning players this is still a big chunk of HP, but it is doable.

#2 increase HP progression rewards by 25HP each. This would give a potential 75HP per PVP, extra HP for season progressions, and extra HP per PVE. The goal is to make it possible for a FTP player to be able to buy 1 cover once a month. With all the new character releases it is hard to stay HP positive, place high in PVP, and buy an occasional cover.

#3 or 2a Increase the rewards for placement in PVE and PVP by 50HP. This could be in place of 2 or with 2 depending on how much HP you are willing to give out. If you are not going to fix the cost of roster slots it would need to be both. Again this by itself will allow for 2 roster slots per month and possible 1 3* cover per month.

#4 double the amount of ISO dropped. You have the stats for what an average player earns in a week of playing. I would guess 50k in ISO per week. That is 216k ISO per month, so enough to level 1 3* per month. With 2-3 new characters being released a month without more ISO players are going to have a significant amount of underleveld 3* sitting on their roster.

Overall As developers I would assume you want us to be able to play all characters, have deep rosters, but still make it a progression. I tried to make my suggestions keep that game play in mind. This is a great game and as it grows you need to make adjustments so the players can continue to play the game as intended.

Thanks for listening D3


  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Past time. Please start scaling HP and ISO for each new character added, and do it retroactively based on HP/ISO that the game began with, and all the characters that have been added since then.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    While I love the ideas, I think that scaling ISO based on match difficulty (0.5 combined level multiplier?) would be more beneficial to the long term health of the game and mostly accomplishes the same thing.
  • If you start today with the way the game is currently set up, you will never, ever, be able to obtain all the covers due to the escalating cost of roster slots, much less be able to ever level up all the characters. There is no clear or set path to transition within a certain time period.

    Basically, there is no incentive for players that join now (or joined in the past six months or even longer) to continue to play due to current roster slot and ISO status.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    MarvelMan wrote:
    While I love the ideas, I think that scaling ISO based on match difficulty (0.5 combined level multiplier?) would be more beneficial to the long term health of the game and mostly accomplishes the same thing.

    I think that would be a good idea, but maybe complex. I think D3 needs to be able to get the average player gaining between 65-70k ISO per week. If they want to make a multiplier based on opponent that could work. I think that would benifit PVE more than PVP. If they just increased the ISO even by 50% it would make a significant impact to every person without having players have to take more risk for more ISO. If there was enough ISO dropping already a multiplier for more difficult battles would be awsome. You are increasing the reward for taking more risk. As it is now there is just not enough ISO being earned to make enough characters viable fast enough.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    I think that using a multiplier off combined levels would help tremendously, as it makes tweaking it to achieve reasonable ISO flow a lot easier. Plus, the players who are getting the new chars are generally the 3* crowd (yes, I know that 1*s have an easier shot during the first release PVE....but they cant cover the char) so there really isnt a need to boost the ISO gained by those lower rosters. This works for the transition crowd as well, in that if they boost to take on that tougher opponent they recoup some or all of that spent iso.

    I see the HP issue as two fold: 1) HP for roster slots and 2) HP for covers/shields. Stephen43084 addressed roster slots and said it very well. I would be very curious to see stats on the attrition of new players as they run into needing roster slots and realize that there is really no way for them to keep any of those 3* covers they get, which wont see play time for 6-8 mo, without spending a ton. If that gets addressed, 2) might go away. But I would still hope they open that spigot a little more as to achieve T10 I am generally HP neutral, leaving me nothing but savings to spend for roster slots (or I sell chars, as Im currently doing) I would guess that those who are pushing hard to get T25 or T100 are as well, and they dont get the same covers meaning they need even more HP to cover roster slot AND cover costs, if they have any hope of keeping up with the Jones.