MPQ Developer Q&A #2 – November - Answer Time!

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Welcome to the November Marvel Puzzle Quest Community-Developer Q&A!

Members of the MPQ community had a ton of great questions for the developers at Demiurge this month. We hope you enjoy reading the team’s answers. If your exact question wasn't addressed - please remember that we'll be holding these Question and Answer sessions on a monthly basis for the foreseeable future. You'll have the opportunity to submit further inquiries for our December session soon. Thanks to everyone in the community who submitted questions and thanks to the devs at Demiurge for taking time out of their busy schedules to share some insights. Let’s get right to it!

Q: Could you share with us some info on the new Story mode or the new game mode? There's no need to tell us the expected date, but sharing some info will get us excited. Maybe like telling us the new antagonist (Apocalypse, Sentinel, etc.)?
    A: Just a couple hints on the new Event and game mode rolling out in December:
    1. You’ve seen one of the antagonists in the game already.
    2. There’s a new minion group, with Red and Black abilities.
    3. There are a lot of them.

    Q: Is there any possibility of adding PVE aspects to Seasons, possibly as a second award track?
      A: The idea of a PVE Season is a very cool one. What would a meta PVE Event look like? There’s a lot to think about and design for something like that. We’re definitely interested in making PVE Events more awesome, but there’s a lot of other aspects of the game that we want to make more awesome too. All we can say for now is that the idea of a PVE “Season” has come up in design discussions more than once, so who knows?

      Q: Why so many new characters lately?
        A: OK, so we’ve definitely stepped up the number of characters that are coming out recently. We’ve had a lot of characters requested this year, and on top of that, we’ve had our own pet characters to work on. We tend to get a bit excited about making new characters, but that’s because we think new characters are awesome! Having such a wide array of playable characters is one of the things that makes Marvel Puzzle Quest stand out. New characters means new allies, new enemies, new abilities! New characters inspire new PVE and Versus Events and spice up older ones.

        The Marvel Universe is enormous and encompasses an insane variety of characters and we want to make sure our game has that same feeling.

        Q: Has the lack of active Purple powers been noticed? Are there plans of correcting that?
          A: Part of the process for developing an ability is coming up with what story the ability is telling: What is the Super Hero doing when they fire this ability? It’s part of the design that we think adds a lot of the flavor to the game and really makes the characters feel like their comic book selves.

          Purple is a sneaky, subtle kind of color, so we aim to tell stories of subversion and intrigue with those abilities. As a result, a lot of them end up with passive or reactionary triggers. Having said all that, we are aware that there are some colors that are more prominent than others and keep that in mind when designing new abilities or revisiting old ones.

          Q: Which characters do you think are underrated and why? (Looking at the forum voted character rankings - viewtopic.php?f=14&t=18101)
            A: I’ve always felt Moonstone was an undervalued character. Her Photon Blast gets wildly more powerful the more Red tiles are on the board. If you use Iron Man Model 40’s Recharge, you can generate enough Red AP to fire this ability without diluting the amount of Red on the board. Gravity Warp is extremely useful for dealing with powerful enemy special tiles. For the most part, characters only make special tiles on one color, so you can frequently force that tile to move into an auto-match. Control Shift is very expensive, but I’ve found there’s nothing more satisfying than stealing X-Force’s Recovery Countdown tile. icon_e_smile.gif

            Q: Anniversary Week was amazing. Are there plans to implement any of the changes that occurred in that week on a more regular basis? It was the first time I had tried Lightning Rounds in about six months.
              A: As much as we’d like to have an anniversary every week, it only happens once a year! This year we tried out some new things we’ve never done before and it’s great how much everyone enjoyed it. The Thor, Goddess of Thunder Lightning Rounds were one such example and we’re definitely going to be using things we’ve learned there when designing new features and Events.

              Q: I really liked the answer on the AV Club interview about coolest idea that you didn't implement for practical reasons (i.e., Deadpool messing with the App store). Can you give us another story or weird idea that just wasn't feasible?
                A: Here’s another Deadpool one. One of the goals we originally had with Deadpool (and eventually set aside) was to do something so big that it would be worth talking about by itself.
                For example, the first sketch of WHALES! WHALES! WHALES! involved spending real dollars to drop all the whales on the enemy team. The plan there was: satire & controversy -> articles with epic comment threads on Polygon and Rock Paper Shotgun -> we go on The Daily Show -> more players check out the game -> not actually a good idea.

                That wasn’t the front-runner for Deadpool’s Purple power at the time, though. We had a detailed paper design and estimates for the server work required for a power with the working title - Twitch Plays Deadpool.

                Whenever you fired this ability, you’d make a match. If you made the match by moving a tile left, an avatar of Deadpool, shared by everyone playing Marvel Puzzle Quest, would move west through a maze. If you moved a tile up, he’d move north. If he bumped into an Iron Man suit (lying around in the maze for some reason), you’d fire off a Repulsor Blast. If he bumped into some Hero Points, you’d get some Hero Points. If he bumped into some cheese, awesome, a cheese thing happens. You’d be able to go to our website and watch Deadpool moving around and bumping into things, controlled by every player in the world who was firing this ability. Players would work together to throw Deadpool off the edge of the world or get him through rooms full of spikes in order to bump into the cloning machine that gave out more Deadpools to everyone.

                RIP, Twitch Plays Deadpool. You were too beautiful for this world.

                Q: Are you going to expand Alliance functionality more? I.e. more ranks, better chat, more sharing, the ability to demote someone.
                  A: So by now you know about some of the recent Alliance & chat improvements we’ve made, like improved support for a bunch of Android keyboards and letting all Alliances have 20 players in them. We’ve got more planned out on paper, both the sort of quality of life improvements you’re talking about, and more ambitious features. No ETA on any of those, but we know that Alliances are a really important part of what has given the game such longevity for so many players.

                  Q: What am I doing wrong in PVP? I'm building up my roster, some 2 stars in the mid-levels, and I seem to get one extreme or the other. First opponents are way under my level, some level 1s through 10s. I beat these matches easily, then when I come back, my options are all level 95+ Hard or Deadly match-ups I have no chance of beating.
                    A: Yeah! This is one of the problems that we took a shot at addressing recently, when we tested a few different versions of Versus matchmaking during the Nefarious Foes Event. We’re actively working on smoothing out this difficulty ramp while keeping other aspects of matchmaking working well.

                    Q: With 4* Thor’s "Charged Tiles" in place can we expect more "new" things that could affect the gameplay?
                      A: Of course! While we can’t promise “new” things with every new character, rest assured that “new” things are always on the table when designing new characters. On top of that, we’re always looking for ways to leverage old ideas in ways we haven’t done before. Using existing tile or ability types in previously unexplored ways (like Colossus’s Countdown Tile!) Every time we add a “new” thing to the game, it opens many new possibilities to leverage old things in cool new ways.

                      Q: Doc Ock's Armed and Dangerous, Nick Fury's Escape Plan, Wolverine X-Force's Surgical Strike, Blade's Nightstalker, and Black Panther's Rage of the Panther all work on the mechanic enemy's strongest color. Can a color dot or something be added to the enemy status bar to indicate their strongest color?
                        A: That’s a cool idea! We’ve overhauled the Game Board UI a few times over the lifetime of the game, and we know it’s still not perfect. The main problem we’re trying to tackle right now is letting players know when and how enemies gain AP. There are other equally and less important problems that we’ll tackle in the future, and making a character’s strongest color more apparent will be one of them. No firm plans right now, though. The challenge is finding the right level of putting enough and not too much information on the Game Board.

                        Q: Will players be able to share, transfer or link Steam and mobile accounts?
                          A: We offered this very early on, but found that some people were using it to cheat. We already spend a lot of development time preventing cheating that could be spent working on features, so we decided to just disable the feature. It’s too bad, as the PC version has some cool stuff. If there’s a way to make this work in the future, we’ll try it.

                          Bonus Question:
                          Q: Choose one: Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles.
                            A: Waffles. No questions asked.
                            A2: I’m actually more of an oatmeal person, sorry.



                            • My responses to...

                              Q1: if what I'm thinking is what the devs are suggesting, this is going to be one awesome season!!!

                              Q5: you make it seem like moonstone is actually a good character. Never thought about IM40/moonstone combo before.

                              Q7: deadpool idea is AWESOME!!! Too bad it would be so much work to implement...
                            • **** you.

                              With a rake.

                            • Unknown
                              edited November 2014
                              tinykitty you.

                              With a rake.


                              Dude, get some sleep and some painkillers for the morning.

                              Thanks for the Q&A David and the Dev team. New characters are generally fun, but the roster slots needed are getting out of control. How about a reasonable cap on new slot costs? Equally I've seen other games suffer from over release of new characters / cards - I'd hate to see that happen to mpq.

                              Ideally I'd clear out my 1*s to make space, but BOP, restricted roster PvE and Combined Arms precludes that.
                            • HailMary
                              HailMary Posts: 2,179
                              Thanks for the answers, devs.

                              A new Event and mode in December sounds awesome. The "There are a lot of [new minions.]" bit has me hoping for minions with new mechanics, not just "we color-shifted ALL of the existing goons. New Flamethrower is red now!" icon_lol.gif

                              A3: As much as I love new characters with interesting mechanics, I hope the release schedule will slow down a bit. At least, character releases which are off-schedule (e.g. Dino for Anniversary, Blade for Halloween) should be given a wider berth in the "normal" schedule.

                              A5: In relative terms, I'm a fan of Moonstone, but she's impractical. Control Shift is cool, but it costs approx. 1 billion AP. Moonstone could've been great, but in the current meta, her powers range from "somewhat overpriced" to "very overpriced & too random."

                              A7: "Twitch Plays Deadpool"?! Like, holy ****. That would've been crazy (albeit much less practical than the current SuperWhales).
                            • First of all, kudos on the longer question list and harder topics this month compared to October.

                              "David wrote:
                              Q: Why so many new characters lately?
                              A: OK, so we’ve definitely stepped up the number of characters that are coming out recently. We’ve had a lot of characters requested this year, and on top of that, we’ve had our own pet characters to work on. We tend to get a bit excited about making new characters, but that’s because we think new characters are awesome! Having such a wide array of playable characters is one of the things that makes Marvel Puzzle Quest stand out. New characters means new allies, new enemies, new abilities! New characters inspire new PVE and Versus Events and spice up older ones.

                              You see this here? And you see this there? The keyword here is PLAYABLE characters. Not "another character for Essentials only" characters like Dare Devil, Doc Ock, Beast, Mororo, basically the bottom half of the character rankings list.

                              Good examples of a new character: Blade - Interesting color combo, off color attack ability, and strong overall ability pool. At the 166 level he'd see action for his purple alone. Bad examples of a new character: Doc Ock - What in the 9 hells were you thinking here? His green tries to do so much it fails at everything, his blue is WAY too expensive for its practical use, and his black is very VERY situational, making him terrible at PvP and a low ranker in PvE at best. There is a bar outside of PvP that says "you must be this good to join this ride" and on it is a picture of Captain Marvel (current rank 17). If you aren't at least as potent as this character, you have no chance of making main stay PvP rosters.

                              Balance can be achieved in many ways. Not all characters need to be alike, or even good against every other character. Rock Paper Scissors is the most perfectly balanced game in the entire world. And you can infinitely expand on it while maintaining the balance. Characters, i.e. Rock, can beat 50% of all challengers, assuming pushes are discarded. As the scope expands, the win rate % drops, but Rock is still as viable a choice as any other throw. MPQ needs this, and I believe it wants to be this. Sentry nerf incoming and boosts to the lower tier (Mawkeye, I'm looking at you here) suggest that the developers wish all characters could be at least viable in their little niche. It's ok for Doc Ock to be Scissors, and only capable of beating Paper. But he has to beat the hell out of Paper, and currently he doesn't. In the recent PvE node containing Doc Ock and Loki, two special tile specialists, I found myself reliably kicking their **** with Daken and Patch, two of the biggest special tile users in the game. If Doc Ock and Loki can't beat up this duo, their specialty has failed and they need to be reworked.
                            • Moon Roach
                              Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
                              1. You’ve seen one of the antagonists in the game already.
                              So that's Norman Osborn and Green Goblin. Or not.
                              The Marvel Universe is enormous and encompasses an insane variety of characters and we want to make sure our game has that same feeling.
                              Oh dear. No slowing down on new character releases then.
                            • Well said Lerysh. To add to the playable part, you also need tons of ISO (and covers) to bring the ones that are awesome to a sufficient level, which is impossible with a new character every week. There was a good post a couple days ago about that:
                            • TazFTW
                              TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
                              Moon Roach wrote:
                              1. You’ve seen one of the antagonists in the game already.
                              So that's Norman Osborn and Green Goblin. Or not.

                            • TazFTW
                              TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
                              "David wrote:
                              2. There’s a new minion group, with Red and Black abilities.

                              The Hand!
                            • "David wrote:
                              Q: Will players be able to share, transfer or link Steam and mobile accounts?
                                A: We offered this very early on, but found that some people were using it to cheat. We already spend a lot of development time preventing cheating that could be spent working on features, so we decided to just disable the feature. It’s too bad, as the PC version has some cool stuff. If there’s a way to make this work in the future, we’ll try it.


                                I've asked about this a handful of times so I'm very happy to finally have a response. However, I'm mad that stupid cheaters have ruined it for everyone. icon_evil.gif

                                Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions.
                              • TazFTW
                                TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
                                "David wrote:
                                Moore"]Q: Could you share with us some info on the new Story mode or the new game mode? There's no need to tell us the expected date, but sharing some info will get us excited. Maybe like telling us the new antagonist (Apocalypse, Sentinel, etc.)?
                                  A: Just a couple hints on the new Event and game mode rolling out in December:
                                  1. You’ve seen one of the antagonists in the game already.
                                  2. There’s a new minion group, with Red and Black abilities.
                                  3. There are a lot of them.

                                  Actually after re-reading that, my guess is now Deadpool Corps.
                                • Moon Roach
                                  Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
                                  TazFTW wrote:
                                  Moon Roach wrote:
                                  1. You’ve seen one of the antagonists in the game already.
                                  So that's Norman Osborn and Green Goblin. Or not.


                                  Aargh! Dark Avengers. Silly me. Then again, I thought we'd moved on from that storyline. It could be the Rhodey version, but that wouldn't make sense. Now I'm confusing myself.
                                • no reward revmp

                                  no PVP improvement

                                  no character balance

                                  all i read this Q&A is ****......
                                • rixmith
                                  rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
                                  Oooh.. I think we're going to get vampires as goons (Black and Red)...
                                • Loki and the Chitauri?
                                • I"m hoping for Hydra or AIM goons, but red and black don't seem like they should be their colors.
                                • Pwuz_
                                  Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
                                  "David wrote:
                                  Moore"]That wasn’t the front-runner for Deadpool’s Purple power at the time, though. We had a detailed paper design and estimates for the server work required for a power with the working title - Twitch Plays Deadpool.

                                  Whenever you fired this ability, you’d make a match. If you made the match by moving a tile left, an avatar of Deadpool, shared by everyone playing Marvel Puzzle Quest, would move west through a maze. If you moved a tile up, he’d move north. If he bumped into an Iron Man suit (lying around in the maze for some reason), you’d fire off a Repulsor Blast. If he bumped into some Hero Points, you’d get some Hero Points. If he bumped into some cheese, awesome, a cheese thing happens. You’d be able to go to our website and watch Deadpool moving around and bumping into things, controlled by every player in the world who was firing this ability. Players would work together to throw Deadpool off the edge of the world or get him through rooms full of spikes in order to bump into the cloning machine that gave out more Deadpools to everyone.

                                  RIP, Twitch Plays Deadpool. You were too beautiful for this world.[/color][/list]
                                  Oh, that sounds so awesome. The only issue I can think of is that these bonuses if they disappeared after each use, then the board would get awful bare after a while till Deadpool fell over the edge. On the other side, if they don't disappear a single player could potentially be going back and forth to collect the same HP bonus till some other player throws them off. I'm envisioning a Scrabble board with bonus on every couple tiles. OH, the D3 team could play a few games of scrabble and use the results to make the maps! Each letter could equate to a different bonus, with things like the letter Q being HP & vowels being simple cheap powers.

                                  I'm spending WAY too much time thinking about a scrapped idea.
                                  "David wrote:
                                  Moore"]Q: Doc Ock's Armed and Dangerous, Nick Fury's Escape Plan, Wolverine X-Force's Surgical Strike, Blade's Nightstalker, and Black Panther's Rage of the Panther all work on the mechanic enemy's strongest color. Can a color dot or something be added to the enemy status bar to indicate their strongest color?
                                    A: That’s a cool idea! We’ve overhauled the Game Board UI a few times over the lifetime of the game, and we know it’s still not perfect. The main problem we’re trying to tackle right now is letting players know when and how enemies gain AP. There are other equally and less important problems that we’ll tackle in the future, and making a character’s strongest color more apparent will be one of them. No firm plans right now, though. The challenge is finding the right level of putting enough and not too much information on the Game Board.
                                    Give each character an aura of their strongest color. Simple, elegant, don't even announce it. It would be such a Eureka moment for the player to notice that.
                                    "David wrote:
                                    Moore"]Bonus Question:
                                    Q: Choose one: Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles.
                                      A: Waffles. No questions asked.
                                      A2: I’m actually more of an oatmeal person, sorry.

                                      Wafflesalways Win.
                                    • mjh
                                      mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
                                      These were the worst answers I have ever seen. They avoided and dodged answers to questions they chose to answer. It would have been better they chose other questions we didn't care about.
                                    • atomzed
                                      atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
                                      Q: Could you share with us some info on the new Story mode or the new game mode? There's no need to tell us the expected date, but sharing some info will get us excited. Maybe like telling us the new antagonist (Apocalypse, Sentinel, etc.)?
                                      A: Just a couple hints on the new Event and game mode rolling out in December:
                                      1. You’ve seen one of the antagonists in the game already.
                                      2. There’s a new minion group, with Red and Black abilities.
                                      3. There are a lot of them.

                                      Cool! My question is answered!

                                      Now to chew on the response....hmmm, "one" of the antagonists is seen. Which means more antagonists to come!

                                      Let's see, we currently have the dark avengers (Norman?), loki, Cmag, mystique, Dr Doom, Doc Oct, Hood, Deadpool...

                                      Some possibilities that were mentioned by forummites
                                      1) Iron Patroit
                                      2) Loki and Chutuari

                                      I doubt it will be the iron patroit cos they are already moving away from dark reign story. Loki is possible, and I do hope to bash some chutari brains.

                                      My preference is actually Doc Oct, and his legions of Oct bots... And eventually we can fight the sinister six. And with that, they will release the ultimate Spiderman, a 4* befitting of spidey status.

                                      Or maybe we will be fighting ultron? Good tie in with the movie for next yr....

                                      Of maybe it's hood (hence they are changing him!). I am still hoping that they release all the characters for Cabal (Emma!). But nay...unlikely to happen.

                                      Whatever it is, I hope the new story mode will be some thing exciting and different.I am still hoping that we can have a raid mode or endless dungeon mode.... keeping my fingers crossed.
                                    • GothicKratos
                                      GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
                                      Thank you guys for taking the time do put these answers together.