Game statistics request

edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
A while back D3 posted some interesting stats on the game, but while the stats are interesting, I didn't feel they revealed anything interesting about the gameplay other than that there are a lot more players at the 2*/1* stage than the forum commonly believed.

I was posting this in the Sentry/Hood thread but decided to refine this more. We talk about balance all the time but without statistics to support it, there's no way any individual can have enough of experience to even speculate how powerful a character is. So, if we can have the following statistics:

Number of games and win rate by team with character X against teams without character X
Number of games and win rate by team without character X against teams with character X

If necessary apply some filter like say the character has to be above a certain level, though I don't think it'd be necessary because it's not like people are purposely running 1/0/0 Sentry to try to lose. This would also filter out any game where the character is featured, which I don't think is very useful for balance because weird things happen when a character gets to be level 249. I realize this might take some time to run, but it should be very helpful to players, and devs too if they don't do something like this already. A balanced character should have roughly the same number of games and win rate for both stats, while extreme difference in both number of games and win rate would imply a significant imbalance.


  • Or the info on everyones teams above 1100 points. I would say over 50% sentry hood loaner.
  • I think we may be surprised to see how many teams actually run, under-covered, low-level characters.
    I am in the early stages of the 2* to 3* transition, and I am constantly battling teams that have Sentry, Patch, etc. in the 50-70 level range without full covers.
    I will do it myself just to add some variety and challenge to the fights.
  • I made this request in the other thread, but I think it got lost in the noise (or ignored), so I will piggyback on Phanton.

    Instead of number of times a power is used, can we get statistics on the total damage done by each power?

    This will show that while some powers are low utilization, they do massive damage, especially by the high end players (World Rupture, looking in your direction)

    For example

    World Rupture (Sentry) Used 1 Damage 18,000 Used 2% Damaged 47.8%
    Repulsor Blast (IM35) Used 49 Damage 19,600 Used 98% Damaged 52.2%