Trading Cover Suggestion

I know that this has been covered time and time again however I think this solution may benefit both the players and D3. Something that seems like it maybe simple to put into the game and allow some players to get some needed covers.

1. Allow trading only between Alliance members (don't matter how many members you have or your rank)
2. Only allow a trade of an un-recruited cover
3. (Here the part where D3 can benefit) Make it an actual trade- covers for coins. So for example if someone wants to trade a 1* character the other person would have to trade 50 coins, 2* characters can would be traded for 100 coins, 3* characters would be traded for 150 coins, and 4* characters would be traded for 200 coins. So this way people will still by coins to trade for characters so D3 doesn't lose out on the sale of coins and the players get a cover they know they need.
4. To make sure that it does get way out of hand limit each player to 2 or 3 trades a month. As well as putting a time limit on the trade.

So a quick scenario, I just pull a cover of Modern Thor with Thunder Strike (3* yellow power), there is already a 7 day time limit on the cover. So instead of selling it I go to the alliance page and put it on the trade block so all my alliance members can see it. At this point I can not remove the cover from the trade block and it stays open for 6 days. If a member wants the cover they click trade and the coins are taken from that player and given to the person trading the cover and the cover goes to the player that accepted the trade. If the time limit expires the player then has 24 hours to sell or recruit the cover. Or if you want to make it more risky they lose the cover they are trying to trade.

So now if people want to trade not only do they have to have the coins but if it's a character that they don't have but want they will need to make sure that they have the coins for the roster slot as well.

Let me know what you think.


  • I guess you beat me to it by posting this. icon_e_biggrin.gif
    I think its a great idea. I remember while back my alliance was mentioning this since they were trying to level out some of their 2*. I get plenty of 2* now a days, therefore I wouldnt mind trading a cover for X amount of coins if that's the cover they need or a cover they don't need.
  • Amazing idea and would definitely pay coins for a cover trade. Every one needs to get behind this and try to push for it.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe if the trade cost was 2 thirds of actual price. If a 3* cover costs 1,250 Hp, then the trade cost should be at least 850 Hp. (not exactly 2/3, I rounded up from 833.6666). Or if it was 1,000 Hp for a 3*. Then they might go for it.

    Also, another problem; when I buy a cover, the Hp goes to D3. This way, the coins would go to another player. This would really cut into their sales. Not trying to be jerk here, I just don't think D3 would do that. It can really hurt the game. As I've pointed out many, many times in the past. This game is their job. How they pay their bills and feed their families.

    I'm not disagreeing with you. In fact, I think it would be a great idea.

    What if it cost 1,000 Hp for 3*, BUT , only 100 of it went to the player to actually buy the cover, and the remaining 900 Hp went to D3 as a kind of tax? That way, D3 makes money, the player selling the cover gets a little Hp, and the player buying it gets it for less than the actual cost. Of course, to avoid alliance hopping, you could only trade/sell to members that have been in the alliance for at least a week or so. This way, everybody profits. It's a win/win/win. icon_e_biggrin.gif