Low scores in Nefarious foes

homeinvasion Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker
edited November 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I am sitting around 1100 points for the last 24 hours and as much as I skip I can't find anyone to fight worth more than 2 points, then to lose 40 if you try to hop? Does anyone know why or is this normal or anyone else getting this?


  • I think scores are just low in this one. The new MMR system is seriously suppressing scores, and, on top of that, the lack of season rewards means a lot of people who might push for the sake of pushing have less to gain from it. I like to stay out of the top 10 until I make my final push, so I usually try to stay ~11-15th place. That would usually be at around 600-700 right now, and instead I'm at 450, and scores seem down by about the same amount all around.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    For all the communication we've got from hi-fi and the devs about this change and the rationale behind it, aren't you starting to get the feeling that they're also really interested in trying to make 1300 way harder to get?

    Let me propose an alternative: put matchmaking back the way it was, and just make the top progression reward 1800. This way all the high-end PvP guys can continue doing what they do, and everyone else doesn't get screwed.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,938 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am sitting around 1100 points for the last 24 hours and as much as I skip I can't find anyone to fight worth more than 2 points, then to lose 40 if you try to hop? Does anyone know why or is this normal or anyone else getting this?

    well this is a bit awkward...i know i have indulged upon your generosity once, if not twice, already this pVe and i currently have you line up for another 37 point hit. as you have pointed out, there are very few juicy options out there and just as i was about to join you in the 1100 pt zone i met disaster and got knocked down into the 900 point zone. *sigh* Everyone says Hood + Sentry is a 99% win but i think my 1% is bigger than ever one else' hehe

    Anyway, considering your generosity and in the name of decency and good will, i just came here to warn you that i will strike again within the next 3 hours so if you are planning to unshield within that time frame, drop me a line here. i will check before i sneak attack you (and burn another 100-200 Iso looking for plumper targets) ゙☆⌒o(*^ー゚)v
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm used to being able to hit 1200-1300 points with two shields in PVP. I can make a run to 1k from 0 without shielding.

    This event I'm stuck in the 600 point range because I can't grind through all of the max level Sentry/Hood/Daken/CNags/XForce/LThor teams without losing at least 50% of my matches. Between the changed MMR, the massive boosts to featured characters, and the seemingly impossible number of massive cascades the AI is getting I'll be lucky to hit 900 on two shields. For context, I have the following (viable) characters:

    Lvl 220 icon_wolverine.png X-Force
    Lvl 166 icon_captainamerica.pngicon_daken.pngicon_humantorch.pngicon_magneto.pngicon_sentry.pngicon_hood.pngicon_hulk.pngicon_punisher.pngicon_thor.png Modern
    Lvl 153 icon_wolverine.png Patch
    Lvl 120 icon_deadpool.png
    Lvl 94 icon_ares.pngicon_blackwidow.png Original icon_thor.png Marvel NOW!
  • I'm currently in 30th place wtih a score of 444, and that's a day 1 bracket (early evening, EST). I think a lot of the day 1 people got frustrated and stopped with the early aggressive matchmaking algorithm and just haven't skipped enough opponents to get back to the new algorithm. Even at this point, though, I'm only seeing matches worth 15-22 or so. Not terrible, but I hope it picks up or I'm in trouble if I plan on making 1100+.
  • I am sitting around 1100 points for the last 24 hours and as much as I skip I can't find anyone to fight worth more than 2 points, then to lose 40 if you try to hop? Does anyone know why or is this normal or anyone else getting this?

    This is what I don't get. A few events ago, I was around 1300 points. I spent 500 ISO trying to find a decent match (50+ attempts) and every opponent was worth 2-3 points. Yet, I could see that there were other players already over 1800 points. How is that even possible?
  • rooter wrote:
    I am sitting around 1100 points for the last 24 hours and as much as I skip I can't find anyone to fight worth more than 2 points, then to lose 40 if you try to hop? Does anyone know why or is this normal or anyone else getting this?

    This is what I don't get. A few events ago, I was around 1300 points. I spent 500 ISO trying to find a decent match (50+ attempts) and every opponent was worth 2-3 points. Yet, I could see that there were other players already over 1800 points. How is that even possible?

    They were all shielded?
  • Perhaps it's as simple as they (D3?) wants us to have to spend a lot more to get to '1300' or whichever progression point they set for an arbitrary final.

    An easier solution is just put the mmr back to how it was working (which was perfectly fine with the 300/400pt and 800pt breaks for finding max characters) and change progression rewards
  • Demiurge_Will
    Demiurge_Will Posts: 346 Mover and Shaker
    simonsez wrote:
    For all the communication we've got from hi-fi and the devs about this change and the rationale behind it, aren't you starting to get the feeling that they're also really interested in trying to make 1300 way harder to get?

    Nah, we have targets for the proportion of players we expect to get each progression reward. If that drops significantly and stays under the target, we'd adjust the progression rewards (as we've done before).

    We really are gathering data to try to improve matchmaking in the ways we outlined. If the issue was the difficulty of getting progression rewards, we'd just change those directly.
  • simonsez wrote:
    For all the communication we've got from hi-fi and the devs about this change and the rationale behind it, aren't you starting to get the feeling that they're also really interested in trying to make 1300 way harder to get?

    Nah, we have targets for the proportion of players we expect to get each progression reward. If that drops significantly and stays under the target, we'd adjust the progression rewards (as we've done before).

    Can you give us a sense of where things are vs. a normal W-F PVP would be at a similar point in time? Scores seem at least 200 points lower on average across the board, though I'm sure that varies depending on where people finish.
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,938 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    I like to stay out of the top 10 until I make my final push, so I usually try to stay ~11-15th place. That would usually be at around 600-700 right now, and instead I'm at 450, and scores seem down by about the same amount all around.
    usually i don't say "hi" to forum members until i reach around 700-800 points (except Ben Grimm who i occasionally see hovering around the 600 zone but i don't like to say "hi" to him because he can get kind of grumpy and instead of saying "hi" back he goes into a rage shaking his fist in the air and rambling something about clobbering time. *sheesh*

    original thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19063&start=340#p250070

    see kids! Good Ol' Ben ain't worth picking a fight with unless you plan on waiting to make your move at the end (and even then, it may not be worth it) icon_e_wink.gif

    Anywhoo, homeinvasion, i found better targets and cleared you from my nodes so no worries! (for now....)

    And LstHwn, you speedy devil! i dunno how you managed to hit me twice when i was doing my hop but thanks to you i made off with a grand total of 20pts! to think i wondered if i would bump into you in this event! i'm saving you for dessert so you better be worth it! *shakes fist in the air* otherwise it's...

  • Because the only way to get over 300 points this PVP is to have a maxed Sentry.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    For all the communication we've got from hi-fi and the devs about this change and the rationale behind it, aren't you starting to get the feeling that they're also really interested in trying to make 1300 way harder to get?

    Let me propose an alternative: put matchmaking back the way it was, and just make the top progression reward 1800. This way all the high-end PvP guys can continue doing what they do, and everyone else doesn't get screwed.
    Well, I did find a less jarring transition during my climb (no obvious wall), which I kinda like. But then again, I didn't even get to 700, which is where I used to see the wall. The lower your MMR, the more stark the transition was. It really felt like a dead-stop and you were meant to go no further be any means necessary. A gradual transition gets the point across much better.

    I was about to say that I thought you were right about Progression Reward. And then Demiurge_Will posted! Thank you for communicating that you are willing to adjust Progression awards if needed! Little bits of information like that really help me get on board with changes that might not benefit me, specifically, but may help others.
  • esoxnepa
    esoxnepa Posts: 291
    Nah, we have targets for the proportion of players we expect to get each progression reward. If that drops significantly and stays under the target, we'd adjust the progression rewards (as we've done before).

    We really are gathering data to try to improve matchmaking in the ways we outlined. If the issue was the difficulty of getting progression rewards, we'd just change those directly.

    I really hope you're not just looking at percentage of players to reach a progression award and more of what level of progression award you expect different levels of rosters to be able to reach reasonably.

    Being stuck in the 2-3* transition and working for 600 points, with almost no chance to see 700, as I can't shield hop fast enough.

    Of course I think 2-3* transition teams should have a reasonable chance to reach the 1100 *** cover without massive shield hopping.

    With the number of characters and covers out there, giving people a better chance to earn the progression award, even if they finish outside the top 100, would give people something to work for.

    I, however, think tournament ranking score and progression score should be separate scores. Where the progression score is always cumulative and never loses points and the tournament ranking score is where you lose point.

    Then, with these separate scores, people who want to play and enjoy the game, but get slaughtered by the serious players, still feel they have something to work for every event. So while they might finish 250th, they could still earn that *** if they won and lost enough over the event.

    I know you are looking for a solution to the transition from 2*-3*, and I hope you find one, because right now being in transition sucks!
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    Since Demiurge_Will might be looking at this, I ask simply: Why have 2* Cover rewards at all, particularly at the difficult 500 pt Progression point. Every couple of matches I win in PvP rewards me equivalently to a T250 finish or the 500 pt Progression reward. It seems like these rewards were made obsolete long ago. For this reason, and because to the new matchmaking algorithm, its time to reform Progression rewards.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    In case you hadnt seen: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19063&start=400#p250318

    The low scores arent going to stick, and those joining late can feed off those who pushed early. And we all get Moonstone tokens for our trouble.