Roster Costs

I want to apologize as I used to see many topics involving the cost for roster spots, though I can't seem to find them currently, so here's another:)

The current cost for higher roster spots seems pretty unnecessary in my opinion. I feel that the fun of collecting covers seems to be hindered by spending all the HP in order to keep EVERYONE. And with the fairly quick release of so many new characters, how about a relief on the HP spent to keep and use them. a couple hundred at MOST. Say 250. The multitude of HP spent on shields, health packs, a much needed cover, I just feel that the roster spots shouldn't hurt our ALREADY LIMITED HP REWARDS. Devil Diino, Blade, Mistique, and more soon is draining any HP that I have/had. Throw a little love your cover collectors out there and take the cost down to "X". 650 is too much. Dare I even ask for rosters spots free for the amount of characters released? ( not unlimted, just to the released character amount. If some people want to build rosters of multiple high end characters, so be it.

Just a thought...

Happy grinding to you all!


  • Another option (although I am very in favor of anything that doesn't punish keeping a wide roster). Maybe 1-star and 2-star characters shouldn't count towards the paid slots. Keep as many of those around as you like but have the HP-paid, expandable slot roster for 3-star and 4-star characters. We'd still hit the limit, but it feels way worse to "use up" a slot on a weak character like we have to now if we're completionists. Gotta catch 'em all...
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    Another option (although I am very in favor of anything that doesn't punish keeping a wide roster). Maybe 1-star and 2-star characters shouldn't count towards the paid slots. Keep as many of those around as you like but have the HP-paid, expandable slot roster for 3-star and 4-star characters. We'd still hit the limit, but it feels way worse to "use up" a slot on a weak character like we have to now if we're completionists. Gotta catch 'em all...

    Honestly it's not so much the 2* & 1*'s taking up space; it's the sheer girth of the 3* cast at this point. To transition from 2* to 3* you need to be able to score well in PvE (as they tend to be easier with lower ranked characters.) To score well in MOST PvE, you need to play the required Nodes. To play the Required Nodes, you need EVERY 3* (not for this particular event, but in general since there seem to be no method or madness to which other 3*'s will be required besides the one rewarded by the last PvE.)

    Though the easiest solution would be to stop releasing new characters, but then veterans stop having any incentive to keep playing, so more characters are released.

    It's a vicious cycle and as it accelerates the transition between 2* & 3* becomes more insurmountable. Unless this problem is addressed, MPQ has a set expiration date as it will soon reach a point where the barrier to become a veteran will be too wide and only existing players will continue to play past a certain point. As those players move on to other games, the player base will start to shrink.

    I'm honestly hopeful that they may be able to fix some of this with MMR changes in PvP to make it more likely that transitioning players be bracketed together, giving them a much better chance of accelerating their transition to 3*. Combined with some method of focusing token pulls toward particular 3* characters, this disaster could be averted.

    Sorry, I got rambly back there.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    My suggestion is that they give out "free roster slot" tokens as a reward in events that have new characters. But only in new character release events. All other slots would stay as they are. But this way, if a player doesn't have the Hp to afford a slot for the new one, they can get the slot token with it as part of the awards, either progression or placement.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not sure of an easy solution to the issue - I imagine opening up roster slots is a nice chunk of revenue for D3, so releasing new characters is a source of fresh income. It's difficult to resist the temptation to grab the "new shiny thing", even if it turns out to be a polished turd (Beast).

    I'd consider something like a "cover fund", where you can sell unwanted covers and receive no ISO, but the proceeds would go toward unlocking a roster slot. Call it "base development fund", perhaps, and ... I don't know, each 1 star sold would contribute 1 HP, each 2 star sold would contribute 10 HP toward opening a new roster slot, and each 3 star would contribute 50 HP? That HP would be only usable for expanding the roster size, and would ideally appear in a a separate screen with a "base development" animated graphic.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pwuz_ wrote:
    Sorry, I got rambly back there.
    No you didn't. Infact; you worded the exact problem with the game's player progression really well. +1
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    How about we get INT(n/2) free roster slots, where n = total number of characters. Every second character that's released triggers everyone getting a new roster slot, whether or not they get the cover.

    If they can make all alliances 20 strong they can give everyone free slots to a total of 30 (or whatever). If they have fewer, that is.

    I don't even want a refund for the roster slots I've already bought (though it would be nice). Just adjust the cost of the next slot downwards to reflect how many "not free" slots I already have.