Buying token with Hero-Points

If I buy a token with Hero- Points I will get a randomly chosen one. Mostly I get a Cover / token I couldn't use, because I had the token upgraded to maximum.

A token costs (as daily offer) 200 Hero-Points. If I get one I couldn't use (for Example a 1-Star- Hero)I sell him for 100 Iso 8.

And mostly it's so, that I got a 1- or 2-Star-Hero I couldn't use, because I had leveled him to maximum.

In many other Games you could buy In-Game-Items. But you could choose what you wanna buy.
I think, the procedure should be changed. I would spend more Hero-Points for token, if I could choose, what I want. Otherwise I didn't spend Hero-Points, because I didn't get what I need.

Here's my suggestion:
Let the player choose the token he want's to buy. Instead of getting the token for 200 Hero-Points you could scale the cost for the token.

For Example:
1-Star-Heroes costs 500 Iso 8
2-Star-Heroes costs 200 Hero-Points
3-Star-Heroes costs 400 Hero-Points
4-Star-Heroes costs 600 Hero-Points

I think, that more player will spend Hero-Points for new token, if you get one you could use. For my part I think I wouldn't spend any Hero-Points for token I couldn't use. And if you get more new token, you need more places on your roster, so that you need to spend more Hero-Points.

I spent more than 220,00 Euro, mostly for Hero-Points, 'cause I don't use Hack-Tools or Cheats. I think, if I enjoy a Game and I have fun with it, I could spent money for it.

Cheats and Hack-Tools are for loosers!


  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    So I am going to feel old saying this but, back in the day it use to be 500 HP for a 3* cover. As long as you had that color already you could spend 500 HP and get more. This is a great cost and I know if it was still 500 HP I would be buying a lot more covers and that is the problem. If people can easily buy more 3* covers it will be extremly easy to get 13 covers for any 3*. You need to win one of each so 5000 HP to max cover a 3* character. The Dev's increase the cost of 3* covers to 1250 to stop this, or at least make it so only whales can do it. The issue with heroic tokens now is 2 fold.
    #1 2* covers now drop like candy in PVP after matches. This makes Heroic's a really bad buy becase you mainly get 2* characters. Why pay 200 HP for a 2* cover you could very easily win in PVP, LR, or even PVE.
    #2 with so many new 3* characters it is even harder to get the covers you really want and need.

    The solution:
    Move all 2* covers to the standard token mix only and add ISO and HP to the Heroic tokens.
    In the anniversary pack you had a 40% chance of getting a 3-4* cover. For spending HP or just wining a daily token it is still 60% chance you will get a cover you don't need, but to spend 200 HP for 250 iso is plain stupid.
    Add 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 5000 ISO as rewards
    Add 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500 HP as rewards
    Add 2 more 3* to the pool.
    From the above added rewards the bigger reward will be harder to win and less lilkly to drop, but a 60% chance of getting a min of 500 ISO is much better than a 88% chance of 250 ISO.
  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    German Guy wrote:
    If I buy a token with Hero- Points I will get a randomly chosen one. Mostly I get a Cover / token I couldn't use, because I had the token upgraded to maximum.

    A token costs (as daily offer) 200 Hero-Points. If I get one I couldn't use (for Example a 1-Star- Hero)I sell him for 100 Iso 8.

    And mostly it's so, that I got a 1- or 2-Star-Hero I couldn't use, because I had leveled him to maximum.

    In many other Games you could buy In-Game-Items. But you could choose what you wanna buy.
    I think, the procedure should be changed. I would spend more Hero-Points for token, if I could choose, what I want. Otherwise I didn't spend Hero-Points, because I didn't get what I need.

    Here's my suggestion:
    Let the player choose the token he want's to buy. Instead of getting the token for 200 Hero-Points you could scale the cost for the token.

    For Example:
    1-Star-Heroes costs 500 Iso 8
    2-Star-Heroes costs 200 Hero-Points
    3-Star-Heroes costs 400 Hero-Points
    4-Star-Heroes costs 600 Hero-Points

    I think, that more player will spend Hero-Points for new token, if you get one you could use. For my part I think I wouldn't spend any Hero-Points for token I couldn't use. And if you get more new token, you need more places on your roster, so that you need to spend more Hero-Points.

    I spent more than 220,00 Euro, mostly for Hero-Points, 'cause I don't use Hack-Tools or Cheats. I think, if I enjoy a Game and I have fun with it, I could spent money for it.

    Cheats and Hack-Tools are for loosers!

    I would rather they just improve the probabilities of getting 3* and 4* covers.
    I don't think they'll let you choose your character though because then no one would spend HP to upgrade any given cover directly.